Cities - rainbows

Unusual colored houses

With the advent of summer, many cities around the world blossom. In all senses. Against the backdrop of the brightness of trees, you can often see the colorful light clothing of residents and tourists. All this riot of colors is additionally illuminated by the sun's rays. Beauty, which undoubtedly raises the mood!

Beautiful colored houses

However, there are cities that remain colorful all year round. Their managing organizations and local residents know that bright colors not only pleases the eye, but very favorably affect human health. And because the buildings are painted in all colors of the rainbow. This trick for the brain is often used in places where the average weather can be described in two words - gray and damp. But in southern cities, painting of buildings is also common. And this is a great trend. If your home city does not use it, look at the others. Perhaps one of them will inspire you to travel, to see for yourself the positive effects of juicy colors on the human body.

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