Repair a small bathroom - 35 photos of a good interior

Previously, the repair of a small bathroom was limited to replacing obsolete or broken sanitary equipment with a new one and changing the finishing materials. Nowadays, when people try to make their home not only comfortable and functional, but also especially beautiful, using various stylistic directions for this, the repair turns into a rather painstaking process. In old buildings there were small bathrooms, besides very often separated into a bathroom and a toilet. In order to correctly organize the repair of a small bathroom and toilet, you need to learn some tricks used by designers in order to achieve the greatest comfort and comfort. Today Dekorin will share with you some of them.

repair of a small bathroom, photo 1design of a small bath repair, photo 2

Repair of a small bathroom and toilet: where to start

The first thing to stop when you start repairing a bathroom is planning. Drawing up the project is the main stage that determines all further work that will require the repair of a small bathroom. It is important to determine the amount that you are willing to spend on repairs. There are quite a few items of expenses. In addition to purchasing materials and sanitary ware, you need to take into account the work of qualified professionals who will carry out all repair work. Even if you decide to do everything yourself, some help may still be required. By the way, to demolish a partition or to create a niche under the built-in plumbing in a bearing wall, the permission of the relevant authorities will be required.

The project should reflect the renovation of a small bathroom and toilet from "A" to "I". In the project it is important to take into account the location of items of sanitary ware and furniture, laying additional communications, niches and ledges in the walls, finishes, placement of mirrors and lamps. In all, accurate measurements and calculations are necessary, since the front is the purchase of all the necessary items of interior and materials.

ideas of repairing a small bathroom, photo 3repair in a small bathroom photo, photo 4

When choosing the options for finishing surfaces, you need to take into account the microclimate of the room - high humidity, temperature changes and evaporation. The most common application of ceramic tiles, porcelain tiles and plastic panels, although in some cases, the design of the repair of a small bath can provide for the painting of walls or another option. With a color solution for the design of the bathroom, it is also necessary to decide in advance. Which are better to use colors and shades, we will consider in the article further on the example of individual premises.

Repair a small bathroom, combined with a toilet: photos of successful design solutions

Many apartments of the old type, for example, Khrushchev have a combined bathroom, and this gives a great advantage in the organization of space to the maximum functionality and aesthetics. If it is separate, this problem can be eliminated by dismantling the wall-partition. The combination of the bathroom will expand the area and will enable to repair a small bathroom, combined with a toilet (photos show similar options) in the most successful way.

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In addition to dismantling the wall, it is also necessary to get rid of all the previous finishing, after which the necessary communications and electrical wiring are laid, as well as work on the surface of the floor, ceiling and walls.

Repair of a combined small bathroom, first of all, involves its equipment in such a way as to make the space as spacious and functional as possible. The effect of a spacious room can be obtained by using light colors of the walls and ceiling. The ceiling part is made out by suspended ceilings having a mirror surface or a suspended structure made of plasterboard, which can be made bunk, equipped with spotlights. Sex, in general, involves the presence of tiles. Floor tiles should have the maximum strength characteristics, it is better that it had a rough surface for greater safety in the bathroom. By color - it can be both a dark version, and light.

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Read also: The layout of the tiles in the bathroom - 30 photos of beautiful drawings

Repair of a small bath in the Khrushchevka

Repair of a small bath in the Khrushchevka, как видно на фото, лучше всего будет смотреться в светлых тонах стен. Зрительному расширению пространства комнаты также способствуют зеркальные поверхности на стенах. Если материалом для отделки служит керамическая плитка — стоит выбрать модель средних или маленьких размеров, наличие рисунка на отделочной поверхности, в принципе, нежелательно, в крайнем случае, он должен быть тоже мелким, чтобы не «нагружать» пространство.

repair of a small bath in Khrushchev's photo, photo 16repair of a small bath in Khrushchev photo, photo 17

Repair of a small bath in the Khrushchevka предполагает наличие необходимых сантехнических конструкций. Для совмещенного санузла это может быть ванна, унитаз, душевая кабина, биде и рукомойник. В условиях малогабаритного помещения установка всего оборудования невозможна, поэтому выбираем самое необходимое. Лучшим вариантом станет душевая кабина, так как она займет намного меньше места, чем стационарная ванна. Если все-таки выбор остановился на ванне — она может быть стандартной (продольной) или же угловой, которая также оставит свободной некоторую площадь. Начав ремонт совмещенной маленькой ванной, необходимо сразу определиться с моделью унитаза (подвесная конструкция потребует установки инсталляции). Подвесная конструкция унитаза также поможет выиграть пространство.

design of small bath repair, photo 18

Furniture for a small bathroom

Furniture for a small bathroom нужно выбирать по-минимуму: это может быть аккуратная стойка с полочками для различных принадлежностей, тумбочка под рукомойник и прочее. Часто, для хранения моющих и чистящих средств отводится место под ванной, скрытое от посторонних глаз с помощью рамы с дверцами или шторки. В небольших квартирах одной из проблем является установка стиральной машины, которая должна быть расположена в непосредственной близости к коммуникациям (кухня, коридор или санузел). Ее можно установить на сэкономленном месте, если произведен ремонт маленькой ванной с душевой кабинкой, либо же «спрятать» в тумбочку под рукомойником.

Repair in a small bathroom: a photo of interesting plans

If the family is quite large - the unification of the bathroom is not always an advantageous option, the separate location of the bathroom and toilet will be much more convenient. The ideas of repairing a small bathroom can be quite a lot, but the basic principles of its design remain the same - light decoration, multi-level lighting, the presence of mirrors and a minimum of furniture.

ideas of repairing a small bathroom, photo 19repair in a small bathroom photo, photo 20repair of a small bathroom, photo 21repair a small bathroom with your hands, photo 22repair of a small bath photo design, photo 23repair of a combined small bathroom, photo 24repair of a small bathroom, photo 25design of a small bath repair, photo 26ideas of repairing a small bathroom, photo 27

Doing repairs in a small bathroom, it is worth taking care of the availability of a good exhaust system, since the constant accumulation of steam in an enclosed space in 3 - 4 square meters. m may lead to adverse effects on the interior.

The shape of the bath will largely depend on the room itself and can be both angular and standard. You can store various cleaning and cleaning supplies in an equipped niche under the bathroom, a bedside table under the washstand will become a repository of cosmetics, towels, etc. A small suspended glass shelf above the sink is suitable for daily hygiene products.

repair in a small bathroom photo, photo 28

Nowadays it is often possible to meet the repair of a small bathroom with the installation of a shower cubicle. It is better that its doors are glass and have a sliding structure. So the bathroom room will look much more relaxed.

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Repair a small bathroom: useful tips

In the previous material, we examined the main points of the optimal organization of the bathroom within a small space. But there are many more nuances that also need to be taken into account and used for repair.

Door to the small bathroom

Install the door in a small bathroom in such a way that it opens outward or use sliding structures. In the combined bathrooms advantageous will be a doorway, located near one of the side walls, and not in the center.

Zoning a small bathroom

Repair of a small bathroom can not include architectural zoning (stairs, catwalks, partitions, etc.) due to the small area. The allocation of areas is possible with the use of different shades of a color palette with a smooth transition or light design. For shelves, you can equip the built-in niches so that you do not break up space with hanging elements that interfere with the propagation of light.

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Lighting in a small bathroom

Lighting can have two levels. The first - wall and ceiling lamps (preferably from frosted glass), which emit diffused light, which contributes to relaxation and rest. The second one is in the working area near the mirror. For illumination of niches it is possible to use a light-emitting diode tape.

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Plumbing for a small bathroom

When choosing plumbing is better to give preference to products made of porcelain - they are much better cleaned. Choosing a mixer, it is worth paying attention to the new models of thermostatic mixers - they are somewhat more expensive than classic valve, but more economical and reliable. The cost of acquiring such a model will very quickly justify itself.

List of works for the repair of a small room

Repair of a small bathroom requires the following order of work: dismantling of old equipment and finishing, installation of piping, wiring, leveling of top and side surfaces, finishing of walls and ceiling surface with installation of electric points, flooring including screed, waterproofing and decoration, installation of equipment and, in conclusion, the installation of the door.

Repair of a small bathroom is a troublesome business, but the result, in most cases, justifies the effort and time spent. It is worth noting that the repair in a small space has its positive side, which manifests itself in much lower costs for the purchase of finishing materials and the work of specialists. In addition, having chosen one of the directions for design of a bathroom in modern design, you can make it a real pride of home.