A handbook of amazing ideas for small houses that fully

Book cover от Джанет Ли

Book cover

Even the tiniest apartment is worthy of being well-groomed and beautiful. Let's see how the design of small interiors can charm anyone, regardless of age, gender and occupation.

To squeeze ornaments into small houses, so that space does not look cluttered, is quite difficult. But everything becomes possible, if there is a desire and skill. And if your style is not minimalistic? How to choose a decor, so that there is no feeling of depression from its abundance? Just follow us, we will share with you some bright, beautiful and creative ideas.

The owners of the apartment faced the same situation. The concept of "minimalism" does not exist in their vocabulary, and it does not matter whether it relates to furniture, the color scheme of the room or to patterns on favorite things.

After several years of living in a tiny square, Janet Lee can confidently give advice and voice the thoughts that come to her mind to readers of her own blog. Her ideas she shares in a book that was published not so long ago. What prompted the woman to write it?

For the past ten years, Janet lived in a small apartment and decorated it according to her taste, as she saw fit. But after she managed to sell the apartment in just one day, choosing one of the best shopping offers, she realized that her style is worthwhile and very popular with people.

Its apartment consisted of a living room, the walls of which were painted in green, a chocolate striped bathroom, and large panoramic windows from floor to ceiling. Her blog on the World Wide Web about living in a tiny square was born as the premises were arranged.

An industrial C-clamp is the fastest way to upgrade a simple wall shelf in a closet that stores coats and handbags. Choosing their color is a pleasure. You can also refresh the shade with a special spray paint.

For those who rent accommodation, this method will be an ideal solution, as when using it there is no need to drill walls, punch additional holes or use glue.

"Where are you looking for new ideas?" Asked Janet.

"The streets of New York give inspiration at almost every step. I often stroll through the streets and go to the shops. The equipment of shopping areas gives more food for imagination than the next standard purchase for a house. I always think about how you can turn an ordinary hook or nail into a stylish decor for a house with your own hands. "

Original clothes hanger

Clothescheers for the whole world

In small spaces, as a rule, there is no separate place to eat food by domestic animals. The most suitable way is to highlight a small area with a bright spot. Color, in addition, decorate the room.

Bright spot on the wall

"Scooter eats here"

What size was your smallest apartment and what is the size of the room in which you live, now? Janet replies as follows:

"The smallest apartment had about 46 m2. For convenience and functionality, it was divided into zones. I can not live in a room in which only white walls with one photograph on them. I need color, brightness, beauty, lots of accessories and things. Now I live in an apartment with an area of ​​67 m2, where I can party with certain comfort. "

Try to make the original curtains on the windows using a large patterned sheet with the effect of the blinds. To do this, hang it on a metal bar, vertically pull the iron strap, disguise it with a colored ribbon, sew and open the canvas to different levels.

Beautiful curtains on the windows

Spectacular Curtains

Another good tip. Do it yourself with a wine cabinet. To do this, take a couple of modern white shelves, unfold them at an angle and connect them together, thus creating a quaint zigzag. As a result, get a very original place for storing bottles of wine, thereby freeing up space in cabinets and shelving in the kitchen.

Original Wine Bottle Rack

How it looks. Shelves for alcohol

Never think about living in a tiny room. Tense fantasy, come up with a lot of decorative details, play with lighting, color, pattern and furniture - your guests will run their eyes from the surrounding beauty. They do not even have a thought that you live not in luxury apartments, but in a very modest dwelling.

Instead of buying cheap and uninteresting cushions in online stores, try to make them yourself from beautiful textiles.

You can make a complete set for a bedroom or living room, but you can have a pair of unrelated, but combined in style soft things. You will see how they are able to cheer up on a cloudy day! Special costs and masterpiece skills to use a sewing machine for these purposes will not be required.

Print with birds on pillows

Decorative pillows

To make stripes that ideally look on the walls, we give the following advice:

  1. A lighter color paint should act as a base coat. Allow it to dry, and then use a paint tape to mark the strip of a darker shade.
  2. Along the seams of the tape make another layer of base paint. This will fill in the blanks and the darker layer will not "bleed".
  3. Wait until this layer completely dries, and then paint the strips. Before removing the tape, make sure that the painted layer is well dried.
How to draw a strip

Secrets of successful bands

No matter how perfect your apartment seems, there are always things in it that you want to hide away from prying eyes. Instead of stealing the views of guests from an unattractive refrigerator or sink, think of a clever way to disguise things.

In this apartment the refrigerator is in the lobby. The collection of cute magnets and graphic curtains quickly turned it into a pleasant addition to the décor of the home.

Effective curtain near the refrigerator

Hide unsightliness