How to choose a wallpaper for a bedroom

The holy of holies of any person - the bedroom - the most secluded and intimate place in the apartment. There you do not want to let outsiders, there is silence and peace, and the interior does not seek for fashion and new trends in design, but for comfort and coziness.

  • Wallpaper in the interior of the bedroom
  • Paper wallpapers
  • Vinyl wallpapers
  • Fabric wallpaper
  • Wallpaper of natural materials
  • Color perception of the bedroom

Bedroom interior in gray tones

Wallpaper in the interior of the bedroom

Deciding to refresh the repair a little, special attention should be paid to how to choose wallpaper for the bedroom, because they "make" the interior, create a certain mood and atmosphere.

It should be noted that when choosing wallpaper little things do not happen. It is necessary to take into account:

  • their appearance (color, pattern and texture);
  • quality and density;
  • producer (country and firm);
  • ease in working with them.

Use of yellow color in the interior of the bedroom

At the same time, the color scheme is the only item that depends entirely on the personal preferences and tastes of the owner of the room. Everything else can be consulted directly with the manufacturer (if you buy wallpaper in stock), the seller or the consulting manager on the website of the Internet store.

Now the market of finishing products is so large and varied that it is quite difficult to decide on wallpaper in the bedroom.

Before you buy a particular wallpaper, first you need to imagine how they will look in the interior of the bedroom. Can:

  • leaf through specialized design and design literature;
  • See how different types of wallpaper look on the photos on the Internet;
  • orient yourself directly on the spot, asking the seller for a detailed catalog with samples of wallpaper and their photos in the interior.

As a rule, advice on choosing wallpaper in the bedroom is that the wallpaper should be with a drawing, because it is the ornament that sets the mood for the whole room. Will it be a strict vertical stripes, intricate curls or romantic inflorescences in the style of Provence ...

Gray-blue design of the bedroom, is it dull?

Interestingly in the interior of the bedroom will look a combination of several types of wallpaper of different texture or color. This method will create the necessary volume, it is interesting to emphasize different elements of the interior. In addition, never get bored. Because if you are used to seeing a wall of a certain color from one angle, then by changing it you will see a completely different picture. In construction shops there are already ready collections of the most winning combinations, but you can also pick them up yourself.

Paper wallpapers

Paper wallpapers позволят не только создать уют в спальне, но и сэкономить семейный бюджет, поскольку являются самыми доступными из существующих.

Single-layer or double-layered, they have many colors, sometimes even relief, and are very easy to glue. However, they have their own nuances:

  • marchiness;
  • fragility;
  • odor absorption;
  • sensitivity to light (usually paper wallpaper burn out after 3-4 years).

But for creative people who constantly need new emotions, even in the bedroom, paper wallpapers are a great option.

Brightly red wallpaper in the interior of the bedroom, does not cut the eyes?

Vinyl wallpapers

Vinyl wallpapers более разнообразны в плане тиснений и рисунков, поэтому с их помощью можно создавать интересные визуальные эффекты на стенах спальни. А цвет виниловых обоев под покраску можно менять так часто, как вы пожелаете.

Vinyl wallpapers легко скроют мелкие неровности и трещины в стене, если предполагался только косметический, а не капитальный ремонт спальни, они легко моются или чистятся щеткой в случае загрязнений, но поклейка таких обоев требует определенных навыков. Потому что виниловое полотно – достаточно капризно, может растягиваться и сжиматься во время работы с ним, вследствие чего нередко образуются складки и швы на стыках.

A little boho style in the bedroom with feather wallpaper

It should also be noted that vinyl poorly passes air, and oxygen circulates poorly in the room. Because of this, it is not recommended to choose such wallpaper for a bedroom with a crib.

Fabric wallpaper

Textile wallpaper is the most comfortable and expensive look in the interior of the bedroom. Although, and their cost is above average.

Textiles on the walls create an exquisite, pleasant to the touch and appearance coating. It looks particularly good in large, spacious bedrooms. The only nuance of such wallpapers is the necessity of their frequent and regular cleaning, as they absorb the dust that it is not desirable to breathe in the bedroom.

Classic pompous design of bedroom interior with fabric wallpaper

Wallpaper of natural materials

The most preferable option for the bedroom - a wallpaper of natural origin: made of straw, bamboo, reed, jute, cotton or sisal. Such wallpaper not only harmonizes the interior, allowing you to rest as if in a living corner of nature, but will take care of your health, because they do not absorb odors, do not emit harmful substances and are an essential attribute of the now popular worldwide eco-design.

But not everyone can afford such a wallpaper, because their creation is extremely laborious, almost manual, and, therefore, the price for them is very high.

Complex texture wallpaper in the bedroom

Color perception of the bedroom

Color greatly affects our condition, mood and well-being. Since in the bedroom we, in the first place, rest, the colors of the wallpaper should be as light, calm and unobtrusive, so as not to excite our psyche.

The range of colors depends on the illumination of the bedroom. If the lighting is weak, the shades of the wallpaper should be warm, and if amplified - can be cold.

Unusual wallpaper with a pattern of butterflies and birds

The color of the wallpaper should be combined with the general situation of the apartment. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the influence of this or that color on a person:

  • green - relieves emotional tension, gives peace and tranquility;
  • yellow color cheers up;
  • pink in the bedroom - awakens the passion;
  • blue - neutralizes aggression;
  • Violet - creates an atmosphere of mystery and unpredictability;
  • White - visually expands the space and creates a sense of purity.

A bedroom is a place where we spend at least a third of our day, rest and relax, experience romantic moments with a loved one, see colorful and black and white dreams. What kind of atmosphere will reign in this room, plays an important role in the quality of our sensations. Therefore, the choice of wallpaper, as one of the components of the atmosphere, you need to come seriously.