Design of the ceiling in the kitchen +50 photo examples

Design of the ceiling in the kitchen

At first glance, it may seem that the ceiling plays a secondary role in the design of the room. It is not installed furniture, it does not go, and the eyes up guests and household raise not so often. In fact, the ceiling is a kind of "gray cardinal" of the interior. A small room he can do more, empty and large - three-dimensional and cozy, and a low one - higher.

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Materials and methods of decoration

Finishing works are carried out using the following materials:

  • Putty;
  • Primer;
  • Lime or chalk;
  • Water-based paint;
  • Different types of wallpapers;
  • Plasterboard;
  • Plastic;
  • Wood;
  • Vinyl tension cloth;
  • Suspended metal structures with attached ceiling tiles.

Decoration of the kitchen ceiling with lamps

Ideas for decoration are drawn from fashion magazines or own fantasies, borders, which, as is known, do not recognize. But there are several "vectors" on which you can embody your design ideas:

  • Colour;
  • Shine;
  • Texture;
  • Relief;
  • Combinations of materials;
  • Drawings, painting, ornament.

Let's talk about each of the options in more detail.

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The obsolete way of finishing the ceiling, the "classic of the genre", which is usually considered an economical way. For a quality whitewash you need to scrape the kitchen ceiling thoroughly from the old layer. If there was lime or chalk from below, it is simply washed off with stains of fat and impurities. The area of ​​work is conventionally divided into squares, each of which is carefully moistened with water using a brush. The algorithm is simple:

  • Damp the first square;
  • Scrape off the old layer with a spatula;
  • Wet the second square;
  • Wipe first with a damp sponge.

Whitewashed ceiling in the kitchen

These actions need to be repeated from square to square. Only in this way can you save time and do everything quickly enough. Then the joints of the ceiling slabs are glued with a sickle, roughnesses and roughness of the surface shpatlyuyut. When the putty will dry, if necessary, rub it with sandpaper to level the surface, and cover it with a primer. After the primer is completely dry, you can start whitewashing. There are only two materials to choose from:

  • Lime;
  • A piece of chalk.

To work, you only need a container and a roller or brush. The floor is covered with newspapers.

Conditional division by squares is necessary. If the ceiling is soaked thoroughly, then until you reach the end, the very first centimeters will dry up.

Interior in a classic style


The second simple, but old way is painting the ceiling with water-based paint. It is based on water, pigments and polymers. After application to the surface, water evaporates in a day, and polymers form a dense "crust", which lasts for a long time and is resistant to ultraviolet, water and temperature changes. The market of paints offers a wide range of "water emulsion" with additives:

  • Silicone;
  • Acrylic;
  • Latex;
  • Silicate;
  • Polyvinyl acetate.
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Painted ceiling in the kitchen

Acrylic, silicone and latex are not afraid of water. They are washed and used in rooms with high humidity. Silicone fits well on untreated surfaces, and polyvinyl acetate is considered cheap and is only used in dry rooms. For the kitchen, the first three options are suitable. Although in extreme situations, the surface can and do not cook, such paints will fall even on it, it is better to remove the old layer, zashpatlevat irregularities and primed. For work you will need:

  • Putty knife;
  • Large, small brush;
  • Roller;
  • Bath for cleaning brushes;
  • A bath with a ribbed surface for the roller;
  • Gloves.

To paint at least once, but tried everything. The difficulty of working with the ceiling is the impossibility of long "bullying" the head and raising one's hands. Every half an hour, take a break.

Lilac walls in the interior


With wallpaper, everything is simple: they are glued in the same way as on walls, but with small nuances. There are no restrictions on the material. You can purchase any of the popular:

  • Non-woven;
  • Liquid;
  • Wall-papers;
  • Vinyl.

A set of wallpaper requires a quality adhesive. If on the walls the material is kept somewhat easier, then on the ceiling their own weight will be constantly pulled down. The quality of the glue and the properly prepared surface depends on how long they last, and how well they will grasp in the first hours.

Wallpaper на кухонном потолке

Dilute the glue in the container. If wallpaper is paper or vinyl, then it is applied to the dried primer, if used nonwoven, then on a roll. When working with a ceiling, it is preferable to cover both surfaces with a safety net. You will gradually unwind the roll, which is easy to direct to the desired side without error and curvature. If you glue already deployed strip, then coordinate the process will be much more difficult.

Do not forget that the room after work can not be ventilated until the wallpaper dries completely, otherwise they will swell or fall off altogether.

Zerkallo over comodom


Drywall coating is convenient for ceilings that have obvious defects and irregularities, which can not be smoothed during the preparation phase. The material allows creating a two-level covering, which zonates space in the combined rooms. Popular kitchen studios are delimited into functional areas not only with furniture or lighting, but also with levels on the ceiling and floor. Drywall can withstand high humidity and temperature jumps. It provides additional sound insulation, will not crack when shrinking the house, but it is difficult to mount and understate the ceiling. Drywall is not recommended for use in rooms with low ceilings, because even playing color will not save the situation, and a feeling of "dungeon" will appear.

The ceiling of plasterboard in the kitchen


Plastic потолки считаются отличным сочетанием цены и качества. Они сравнительно недороги, их легко монтировать и мыть. Все особенности микроклимата кухни этот материал с успехом выдерживает. Если затопят соседи, то потолок просто просохнет без каких-либо видимых повреждений. Панели из пластика отличаются цветами, рисунками и текстурами. Особенно полюбились владельцам кухонь-эконом класса материалы, имитирующие рисунок камня, древесины, мрамора и металла.

Plastic ceiling in the kitchen

The only significant drawback of plastic ceilings was the reduction in the height of the room. The material "eats" up to 5 cm, which is not much less than in the situation with plasterboard. However, plastic also copes well with hiding wiring and ceiling defects.

Table with orange chairs by the window


Suspended ceilings are fully used in office buildings, although for the house you can pick up the original tile, on which there will be no "official" plaque. Suspended panels look effective and modern, so they fit into the design of the kitchen in the styles of modern, high-tech and industrial. At the heart of the design is a rather complicated system of fasteners, which are first mounted in the "rough" ceiling, join together and only then attached to decorative tiles. Naturally, such a "box" will be a gift for apartments with wiring in all directions wiring and a ceiling surface, more reminiscent of a tectonic fold than an ideally smoothed plain. Suspended ceilings can be:

  • Modular;
  • Sewing (without the use of hangers).
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Suspension потолок на кухне

Modular are also classified into:

  • Cassette;
  • Rack;
  • Latticed.

It is worth noting that the expensive suspended ceiling with a complex structure of the frame and high-quality material of plates, does not look so cheap as some think. Drywall is used mainly in economy-class versions, but finishing with this material is not limited.

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Nothing is able to replace the natural tree, which in the literal sense of the word "breathes" with natural pores. Unfortunately, wood can dry up at constant heating, and because of humidity it begins to decay. This problem is solved with the help of special solutions, which process the material before use. It permeates and lays on the wood with a thin crust that does not cover the pores, but slows down the processes of destruction. The wooden ceiling perfectly fits almost any design direction. This is the advantage of the material: it is universal, due to the variety of textures of natural patterns and variations in color.

Wooden ceiling in the kitchen

Reed ceilings are not so easy to install, as it may seem at first glance. Their design is modular and reminiscent of suspended ceilings. Reiki lay not only on the standard version, tightly applying to each other. If the task to come up with the mind and embody the original ideas, then the racket "drawing" will become a masterpiece. It's not just about the chessboard field, but also about intricate geometric patterns.

Chairs on high legs around the table

Beams and falshbalki are also popular in country, provence, rustic or ethnic styles. They decorate the ceilings not only in the kitchens of private country houses, but also in modern apartments or small Khrushchevs.

Tree in the interior

Falshalki - a creative solution for premises in which it is necessary to hide pipes, wires or technological lines.

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Stretch потолки элегантно и роскошно смотрятся. У них отсутствуют швы, а прочность вызывает удивление: при «потопе» сверху каждый квадратный метр способен выдержать нагрузку до 100 л воды. Он опасно «нависнет» над помещением, но сдержит жидкость и защитит остальную обстановку. Когда воду уберут, потолок вернется в исходное положение. Винил, из которого выполняют полотно, относится к материалам средней степени горючести, поэтому считается пожаробезопасным. Натяжной потолок может быть:

  • Matt;
  • Glossy with a mirror shine;
  • With original design in the form of drawings and ornaments.

Stretch ceiling in the kitchen

A significant disadvantage is an unpleasant smell, which will briefly settle in the kitchen after installation. Over time, the ambret will fade, but in the first time will have to endure.

The stretch ceiling is whimsical in the care. It is easy to wash, but mechanical damage can become fatal for this material, so it should be handled carefully and carefully. On large areas (more than 50-60 sq. M), visual detection of seams between canvases is possible.

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It is used not only to mask unevennesses or ugly, but important details, but also to delimit space. Usually the "steps" on the ceiling resonate with similar "scaffolding" on the floor. It is relevant for studios and large apartments or houses, where the dimensions of the rooms allow you to place the kitchen together with the dining room or living room. Any of the above-mentioned ceiling coatings is suitable for creating several "steps". With modular work is more convenient: the design allows you to think through all the nuances while designing the frame.

Two-level потолок на кухне

To emphasize the relief of the ceiling, many designers resort to a simple but effective solution. They place rows of light bulbs along contrasting zones. The harness is hidden behind the false panels. The light accent attracts attention and corrects the ceiling plane.

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When decorating the ceiling of the kitchen-living room or dining room, the boundaries of functional areas are emphasized not only by colors and light, but also by materials with different textures. Gypsum cardboard, plastic, wood and vinyl tension can be combined with each other. Any of these materials are combined, if the choice of texture and color to come up wisely. "Duet" with a light hand will be the highlight of the room, from which the guests will not take their eyes off. Do not overdo and involve in the experiment more than two types of completely different materials. Rough contrasts often spoil the design.

Combined ceiling in the interior of the kitchen

Tips for choosing colors

When choosing a color, you should first of all look at the dimensions of the room. White and light shades will visually increase it, and the ceiling will appear higher. Additional lengthening is carried out by "striped" wallpaper or decorative columns, striving to the sky. Dark colors bring the perspective closer. They are used only in large combined rooms. It is worth noting that with the dark you need to be more careful in the kitchen-dining room. Scientists have long proven the effect of environmental colors on a person's appetite. It will be increased only by warm, "soft" hues, and from dark, but cold (blue, gray) will have to be abandoned. Pay attention to the abundance of natural light. Cold shades are used in the kitchen, which is bathed in the sun's rays. In the premises, deprived of such warm "attention", its deficit is compensated by orange, yellow and their shades.

Kitchen with bright ceiling


Luxury, heavy chandeliers, even in the classical kitchen will look too pretentious and pretentious. The choice is often stopped on compact luminaires, which can be creative-modern or imitating "old times". There must be a lot of light. Particular attention is paid to additional lighting above the working area of ​​the cook (countertop). It is highlighted with miniature bulbs or LED ribbons, as usual ceiling lighting is usually not enough. If the kitchen is large, then think over paired lights or emergency "lighting" help in the form of rows of light bulbs along the false panels, "steps" of the multi-tier ceiling, special gaps between it and the wall.

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Kitchen - a significant room in which only the hostess spends half of her free time. Her domestic chores should not flow into a heavy duty, which can be prevented by formalizing the "office" with taste. If the dimensions allow you to combine the kitchen with the living room or dining room, then the whole family is "indirectly" there. The walls are partly covered with furniture, floors are covered with rugs, and the ceiling is always open for the gaze of household members and for pollution. When developing a project for its design, build on not only the external beauty, but also on the lifespan and the ability to transfer all the tests of the kitchen climate.