How to grow gerbera flowers (57 photos)

Gerbera flowers are one of the most popular species of cut cultures. Today, the market presents more than 100 varieties of this perennial plant, differing not only in shapes, but also in the coloring of flowers. Homeland gerbera are Asia and Africa, where it grows successfully in wildlife, in culture, it is usually used only one species - the Gerbera of Jameson. This is the most famous gerbera garden, planting which is possible both in the open ground and as a container culture.

Gerbera Gemson

Gerbera Gemson.

In this article, read:

  • 1 How to grow a gerbera
  • 2 Transplantation and reproduction of gerbera
  • 3 Pests and diseases of gerbera
  • 4 Gerbera home care and watering. Video
  • 5 Gerbera in the garden and at home. A photo

How to grow a gerbera

The popularity of the plant is due to a good cut resistance, in which the flowers can stand in water for more than 2 weeks. In addition, the variety of varieties is of interest. Today, plants with simple, semi-double and double flower-like chamomile are known. Depending on the variety, their color may be yellow, white, red, orange, pink, cream, etc.

When growing in the garden plants are unpretentious, rapid growth and abundant flowering. But since the gerbera is a heat-loving culture, it is difficult to grow it in the northern regions. The flower loves a soft and warm winter, followed by a hot summer. In areas with a temperate climate it is recommended to plant the gerbera as an annual plant. It is possible to prolong her life, with the onset of colds transplanted into a large pot. In this case, the plant should be stored in a well-ventilated room at a temperature of no more than 7-8 ° C. If the flower successfully hibernates, in spring, with the onset of stable heat, it is returned to the garden.

Miniature Sunflowers

The advantage of miniature sunflowers - gerberas, bright colors and a rich palette of flowers - from white to orange.

Bright Gerberas

Due to its unpretentiousness and the ability to retain its shape and color for a long time in cut form, the gerbera occupies the fourth place after sales of roses, carnations and tulips.

The rate of growth and development of plants directly depend on the conditions created for him in the garden. Gerberas are light-loving enough, but they tend to avoid sunlight. Therefore, it is better to plant them on slightly shaded areas with weakly acidic, well drained soil. Optimum for plant growth a condition is considered direct illumination by the sun no more than 4-5 hours per day. This allows the culture to form a flower that matches the variety and appearance and avoid drying out. When properly illuminated, the stems do not stretch or deform.

Plants do not like waterlogging, but they do not tolerate drying too much. To water a gerbera it is necessary enough often, moderately, trying not to get on radical leaves rosettes. If the gerbera is grown as a container plant, the irrigation can be carried out in a pallet or along the edge of the container. During the formation of buds and flowering, watering should be slightly more abundant than at rest.

Gerbera sunflower.

Queen of smiles - gerbera sunflower.

Gerberas in the garden

In the garden area, bright gerbera flowers with a straight and durable stem look good in the center of the flower bed.

Гербера Garvinea

Garden gerbera Garvinea.

Transplantation and reproduction of gerbera

If the plant in the winter season will be in the room, then in autumn it is carefully excavated, trying not to damage the roots, and transplanted into a container with a diameter of more than 20 cm. Before replanting, the pot is filled with soil, consisting of 2 parts of deciduous land, 2 parts of peat and 1 part of sand. The bottom of the container is covered with drainage material.

The main rule of transplantation is that the root neck of the gerbera should be above the soil level. Otherwise, decay will develop and the plant will die.

As required by the gerbera, care for her should include regular top dressing. The rest period of the plant ends in February. At this time, you can make the first fertilizing using mineral fertilizers. Organic should be excluded, since manure, mullein, humus may cause decay of the root neck.

As the luminous day is extended, fertilization is performed no more often than 1 time in 2 weeks. After transplanting the flower into the open ground, it is possible to carry out root or foliar top dressing immediately or postpone it for 1.5-2 months, until the root system is restored. In the growth phase and the formation of buds the flower very much needs nitrogen, after the beginning of flowering - in the potassium. Fertilizers need to be selected to suit the needs of the plant.

Often, before planting a plant in the ground, the bush is divided. Gerbera garden, planted in the open ground in early-mid-May, can multiply in 2 ways: by seed and division. To subdivide, shrubs are selected from 2 to 4 years old. Using this method, you can get about 5-7 bushes from each plant. It is required to watch, that each of them had 2-3 young leaves.

When propagating by seeds, the material is disposed of depending on weather conditions from the end of January to the middle of March into an easy drained soil. Depth - no more than 2-3 mm. Containers contain more than 18 ° C. How to care for seeds? While the seedlings have not germinated, they do not require any care.

After 10-14 days from the soil appear sprouts. After the formation of 4-5 leaves, seedlings must be transplanted one by one into pots with a diameter of at least 8 cm. The first flowering of gerberas grown from seed material is possible only after 10 months. It should be remembered that young plants often do not carry varietal characters.

Domestic gerberas

Adorable and sweet home gerbera with double, gently creamy inflorescences can be grown on the windowsills in the flower pots.

Gerbera Viola

The mesmerizing moon color of gerbera is Viola.

Bright red gerbera flowers

Bright red gerbera flowers are beautiful in themselves and successfully used by florists to create beautiful bouquets.

Pests and diseases of gerbera

Gerbera garden, planting and care of which are simple, but require attention, refers to those cultures that are extremely susceptible to various garden pests and diseases. For example, landing in unprepared soil can cause the development of rot of the root neck or root system of the plant, which will inevitably lead to its death.

Decay of the root cervix is ​​the most common disease of the flower of this species. As a rule, the cause is fungi contained in untreated soil or dirty, stagnant water. To avoid the occurrence of disease, it is necessary to care for the gerbera correctly: plant only in well-drained soil and strictly observe the irrigation regime. As a rule, watering is performed when the earthen coma dries out completely.

Excessive moisture can cause another fungal disease - gray rot. How to care for a plant to prevent disease? A significant reduction in the risk of rot will help the use of special drugs. It is necessary to remember that the full spraying of the plant is undesirable: getting on the flowers, the solution will cause the appearance of ugly spots.

Despite the fact that gerbera is a very thermophilic crop, summer heat can cause development on powdery mildew leaves. If you notice the process in time and start treatment, you can quickly get rid of the problem with drugs with sulfur or special fungicides.

Periodically it is required to process gerbera from sucking pests - aphids, thrips, spider mites, which actively multiply on the plant. Signs of attack by insects can be yellowed or faded leaves. How to care for a sick plant? To prolong his life, it is necessary to treat the foliage with insecticides.

A careful attitude to the gerbera and quality care will help to prolong the period of its flowering and get a greater number of peduncles.

Gerber home care and watering. Video

Gerbera in the garden and the house. A photo