Street art of the spanish artist spy

Unusual, talented and witty works of the Spanish street artist SpY. He started as a graffiter in the 80's. Today, it interacts with various objects of the urban environment. The art of SpY is extraordinarily talented and witty. However, many contemporaries and just passers-by interpret his work as hooliganism, because just turning the car of a stranger is not art at all. But art is not the opinion of the majority or minority, but only the expression of oneself in all sorts of manifestations of their activity, so SpY still artist.

Photogallery Total | 9 pictures Уличное творчество испанского artistа SpY Уличное творчество испанского artistа SpY Уличное творчество испанского artistа SpY Уличное творчество испанского artistа SpY Уличное творчество испанского artistа SpY Уличное творчество испанского artistа SpY Уличное творчество испанского artistа SpY Уличное творчество испанского artistа SpY Уличное творчество испанского artistа SpY