Ceilings from gypsum cardboard - 50 photos of beautiful

The decoration of the beautiful ceiling is the final chord in the interior design. Ceilings from gypsum cardboard make it possible to implement any individual project, especially since such design is possible for any stylistic orientation of the interior. With the help of various designs it is possible to create real masterpieces and make the ceiling surface the most extraordinary. In this article, we tried to present the most beautiful ceilings from plasterboard with a photo and a description of possible options. Study our options from the collection and, perhaps, some of them will inspire you.

Plasterboard ceilings: features and benefits of design

The design of ceilings from gypsum cardboard has become widespread, first of all, because of the convenience of working with this material, which allows you to create quite easily interesting designs.

Consider the main advantages of gypsum board ceilings:

  • the ceiling from gypsum cardboard allows to receive ideally equal surface, hiding thus all roughnesses;
  • the ceiling surface can be decorated with modern spotlights, while hiding the electrical wiring;
  • the properties of drywall allow it to be easily bent and cut, creating figured designs;
  • if height allows, this kind of construction can be equipped with insulation (for private houses) and soundproofing (for multi-apartment buildings);
  • the ceilings from gypsum cardboard that can be observed in the photo are very convenient from the point of view of design: they can be painted, decorated with a stretcher and LED illumination;
  • the design of multi-level structures will provide a visual increase in space.

Among other things, it is worth noting that the suspended ceilings of plasterboard are non-toxic, they can not cause allergic reactions. They are fireproof and waterproof constructions, which makes it possible to decorate any room, including the kitchen and bathroom.

One-level suspended ceilings made of plasterboard

If the room is low, it is worth to choose one-level construction. As shown in the photo, plasterboard ceilings are often decorated with a stretch glossy film, which will create a mirror effect and can visually increase the space. Beautiful design is possible with the use of spotlights.

При монтаже стоит учесть один нюанс: промежуток от «родного» потолка до поверхности из гипсокартона должен быть таковым, чтобы светильник свободно вмещался. One-level suspended ceilings made of plasterboard можно покрасить: если комната не обладает большими размерами, оптимальным решением станет белый цвет или другие светлые оттенки (голубой, бежевый и пр.).

ceilings from gypsum board, photo 1ceilings from gypsum board photo, photo 2beautiful ceilings from gypsum cardboard, photo 3

Two-level ceilings from plasterboard

Более сложные двухуровневые конструкции являются наиболее приоритетными. Они не занимают много места, как многоуровневые потолки из гипсокартона, и могут смотреться очень эффектно. Уровни можно окрасить в различные тона, оформить натяжными матовыми или глянцевыми полотнами, 3д обоями и организовать красивое освещение с использованием разнообразных светильников. Two-level ceilings from plasterboard с различными рельефами прекрасно украсят просторные гостиные, детские комнаты, спальни и другие помещения. С их помощью можно удачно осуществить зонирование пространства.

two-level ceilings from gypsum board, photo 4two-level ceilings from gypsum cardboard with backlight photo, photo 5two-level ceilings from gypsum cardboard for a drawing room photo, photo 6two-level ceilings from gypsum board, photo 7two-level ceilings from gypsum cardboard with backlight photo, photo 8two-level ceilings from gypsum cardboard for a drawing room photo, photo 9

Two-level ceilings from plasterboard с подсветкой: фото красивых примеров

Оформление двухуровневой конструкции с подсветкой делает интерьер помещения комфортным, уютным и элегантным. Светодиодная подсветка придает помещению необычный внешний вид, а белый ее цвет благотворно влияет на зрение человека, не вызывая усталость. Two-level ceilings from plasterboard с подсветкой, фото которых мы видим, могут быть представлены классическими белыми поверхностями со встроенными светильниками, которые являются наиболее популярными.

On sale there is a wide variety of lighting devices designed for drywall: rotary, overhead, recessed, which themselves can be an ornament of the interior. LED strips with a different color spectrum will make two-level ceilings from plasterboard the most unusual and at the same time help to visually distinguish the stages of structures.

two-level ceilings from gypsum board with backlight photo, photo 10two-level ceilings from gypsum board with backlight photo, photo 11

Multi-level ceilings from plasterboard

Это наиболее сложные конструкции, которые применяют, в большинстве случаев в высоких помещениях. Multi-level ceilings from plasterboard смотрятся изумительно роскошно. Дополненные фигурными ансамблями, цветными лентами светодиодов, небольшими зеркальными поверхностями, они могут гармонично оформить интерьер гостиной, зала или спальни.

Такие потолки из гипсокартона, как показано на фото, могут быть оснащены открытым и скрытым освещением, причем, оформленным под любым углом (точечные светильники, галогенные лампы и пр.). Таким оформлением можно осуществить зонирование пространства либо просто его декорировать. Multi-level ceilings from plasterboard имеют, как правило, три уровня, реже — четыре.

многоуровневые ceilings from gypsum board, photo 12многоуровневые ceilings from gypsum board, photo 13multi-level ceilings from gypsum board photo, photo 14

Suspended ceilings from plasterboard in various design

Decoration of suspended structures occurs in different ways. They can display the lines existing in the interior, repeat the floor contours of the division into zones, carry decor elements, etc. Depending on this, the design of plasterboard ceilings can be varied.

Ceilings from plasterboard in the form of a frame

This design implies the location of multi-level structures along the perimeter of the room. In this case, most often, the niche frame is equipped with LED strips, and the surface - with spotlights.

подвесные ceilings from gypsum board, photo 15suspended ceilings from plasterboard photo, photo 16подвесные ceilings from gypsum board, photo 17

Diagonal suspended ceilings from plasterboard

Beautiful design can be achieved if the boundary of one tier will pass from corner to corner diagonally. Moreover, it can be either straight or winding, zigzag or wavy. In the photo below, see the diagonal suspended ceilings from plasterboard.

suspended ceilings from plasterboard photo, photo 18

Beautiful ceilings from plasterboard zonal

As far as is clear from the title, this design is able to emphasize individual areas of the room. For example, the ceilings of plasterboard, the photos of which are in front of us, can separate the territory of the living room from the kitchen area, allocate a working area in the children's room and so on. To arrange beautiful ceilings from plasterboard will help the use of lighting elements.

ceilings from gypsum board, photo 19ceilings from gypsum board photo, photo 20ceiling with plasterboard, illuminated, photo 21design of ceilings from gypsum board, photo 22

Figured ceilings from plasterboard

When you create a ceiling surface in this way, you can use different shapes: ovals, circles, medallions, etc. The main thing here is a sense of proportion so as not to overload the ceiling with an abundance of lines and decorative elements.

On the example of our photo-collection you can see how the curved ceilings from gypsum cardboard can successfully emphasize any style from classic to high tech. An example can be a refined modern living room in high-tech style or ceiling from plasterboard to the bedroom, which is made in the classical style. Very beautiful will look the ceiling in the children's room decorated from sheets of plasterboard in the form of the moon, stars, clouds, etc.

figured ceilings from gypsum cardboard, photo 23фигурные ceilings from gypsum board photo, photo 24figured ceilings from plasterboard, photo 25фигурные ceilings from gypsum board photo, photo 26figured ceilings from gypsum cardboard, photo 27фигурные ceilings from gypsum board photo, photo 28figured ceilings from gypsum cardboard, photo 29figured ceilings from gypsum cardboard photo, photo 30

Floating suspended ceilings from plasterboard

This is one of the newest types of decor of apartments, it is not difficult to decorate even for a beginner, but the effect of such beautiful ceilings from plasterboard is fantastic. They are made using LED strips, which are laid in the niches of plasterboard structures. To see clearly what kind of hanging suspended ceilings from gypsum cardboard have a photo of our article.

ceilings from gypsum board, photo 31ceilings from plasterboard photo, photo 32design of ceilings from plasterboard, photo 33beautiful ceilings from gypsum cardboard, photo 34gypsum plasterboard ceilings photo, photo 35beautiful ceilings from plasterboard photo, photo 36

Ceiling of plasterboard in the kitchen

It is convenient to organize lighting, hide irregularities and flaws in the surface, hide communications, and also make zoning space will help the ceiling from plasterboard to the kitchen. The design can be any, but its finish should correspond to the chosen style of the interior of the dwelling.

If the kitchen is combined with the living room, the decoration of these two zones with the help of different forms of plasterboard ceiling can successfully zonate the space, especially if you install spotlights on the borders. Ceilings of plasterboard, as shown in the photo, for the kitchen can be as single or multi-level, depending on the height of the room.

ceilings from plasterboard to the kitchen, photo 37ceilings from plasterboard to the kitchen, photo 38ceilings from plasterboard to the kitchen, photo 39ceilings from plasterboard to the kitchen, photo 40

Beautiful ceilings from plasterboard in the hallway

The hall is the first room where any guest of the apartment gets to, and in order to make the best impression of the owners, the design of it should be impeccable. The ceilings in the gypsum boardroom, the photos of which are presented in our collection, can have several levels. Often used for their decoration stretch glossy film, giving a small room depth and space. As lighting, there are spotlights, spots, LED strips and, more rarely, chandeliers.

beautiful ceilings from plasterboard, photo 41gypsum plasterboard ceilings photo, photo 42ceilings in the hallway from plasterboard photo, photo 43ceilings in the hallway from plasterboard photo, photo 44ceilings in the hallway from plasterboard photo, photo 45ceilings in the hallway from plasterboard photo, photo 46

Ceilings of plasterboard in the bedroom

In the bedroom it is not recommended to abuse bulky multi-level structures. Ceilings of plasterboard in the bedroom is better to make out more even, perhaps with sinuous lines or smooth figured elements. In the bedroom, the illumination with LED strips will look beautiful, which will create a cozy romantic atmosphere. Plasterboard ceilings for the bedroom (photos presented in the article) can be painted or decorated with a tensioning structure. In this room, which requires peace and comfort, it is better to apply matt tension coatings.

plasterboard ceilings in the bedroom, photo 47plasterboard ceilings in the bedroom, photo 48

Read also: The ceiling in the bedroom: materials and design options - 46 beautiful photos

Ceilings from plasterboard in the hall

The design of ceilings from plasterboard in the hall has many options. Here you can use designs from several levels, different LED lights, combine a multicolored design etc. If the room is quite spacious, the ceiling of the plasterboard, the photo of which we see, in the hall will help to formalize the territorial division into zones.

ceilings from gypsum board, photo 49ceilings from gypsum cardboard photo, photo 50

So, you can safely say that suspended ceilings from gypsum board are one of the best options for decorating any apartment or private house. They are also widely used in the design of restaurants, offices and other public buildings. Although they have some disadvantage in decreasing by 3 - 5 cm of the height of the room, it is so insignificant that it does not deserve special attention.