Kitchens from solid wood on 60 photos: varieties and rules

Kitchens from solid wood are furniture that will never go out of fashion. For centuries, kitchen sets from wood were in great demand due to many of their positive qualities. First of all, the kitchen is made from solid wood, creates a certain atmosphere of home comfort and comfort, and at the same time, looks quite luxurious, being the pride of its owners. The value of the sets from this natural material also consists of such indicators as environmental friendliness and uniqueness of the texture. A natural tree can not have a negative effect on the health of the human body, it does not cause allergies and other ailments. Kitchens from solid wood have their own unique pattern and exquisite appearance, which in many ways also depends on the type of wood the headset.

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Kitchens from solid wood: raw materials for manufacturing

When manufacturing such types of furniture as kitchens from solid wood, solid wood species - oak, beech, ash, cherry and others are used. Considering each species separately, we can distinguish their main positive features:

  • Oak is the most "noble" variant of furniture, which is especially appreciated for durability, strength, resistance to moisture and temperatures, and also has a peculiar texture. Kitchens from this tree look pretty elegant and rich.
  • Beech - the material most often used in the manufacture of kitchens. It has no less strength than the oak, but at the request of the customer, can be tinted in any color.
  • Ash - as eternal as the oak tree. Its distinctive feature is a rich palette of shades - it can be both light pink and dark brown.
  • Cherry (cherry) - is especially appreciated for its luxurious, reddish tint, although it is inferior in strength to the breeds described above. It also has a peculiar texture, which is a rarity.

Lower performance features have kitchens made of wood, the manufacture of which uses the use of softer species of trees. These include alder, pine, birch. Such furniture is weakly resistant to mechanical damage and has a shorter service life. The surface does not have a pronounced relief - it is almost smooth. But there are also advantages. The main, uniting furniture from soft woods is its cheapness, which gives an opportunity for its acquisition to people of different financial status.

Speaking about the individual advantages of this or that material, one can note such a positive quality of pine as the ability to release into the environment substances killing bacteria and stimulating the immune system. But the kitchen from an array of wood such as birch, in a state perfectly combined with built-in appliances.

Another, quite common version of the kitchen from wood, is a set where MDF, plywood or laminated chipboard stands as the basis of the frame, and only facades are made from natural wood. This, the so-called "economy-option", the main advantage of which is cheapness.

Kitchens made of wood: types of coatings

As for the coverings of the kitchen from solid wood, there are two main options:

  • Transparent coating. The name implies that in this case, after processing, the wood pattern and texture will be preserved. The surface is initially tinted with stain, and then a protective layer of varnish, water repellent wax or oil is applied. The varnish can be matte or glossy. It serves as a good protection against the absorption of contaminants and moisture. When applying wax or oil, the surface of the kitchen from the tree gets a nice nice appearance, but it is much inferior to the varnish for absorbency of moisture and odors.
  • Opaque coating. In this case, the natural color of the tree is not visible, but to some extent the relief of the wood itself can be preserved. Opaque coating implies the use of colored enamel. This makes it possible to significantly diversify the palette of the shades of the kitchen from natural wood, which is very important when observing a certain style. An example can be the design in the country style, where the best way to look kitchens from a tree of blue or green shades.

kitchen from solid oak woodkitchen from solid wood beechcherry woodkitchen from solid ash woodkitchen from solid wood alder

Kitchens made of natural wood: precautions and proper care

Before making your choice in favor of a natural wood kitchen, which certainly has many positive characteristics, you should also familiarize yourself with some of the "dark" aspects of such an acquisition. It should be noted that the tree - quite "capricious" material. Due to its susceptibility to the sun's rays, in time you can face the fact that the facades will fade. In case of temperature changes, they may dry up or become covered with cracks.

In order to avoid the negative consequences of misuse, it is necessary to comply with certain rules for care. First of all, for a kitchen from a solid wood, a constant humidity of 60% is necessary. Especially it concerns the period of the onset of cold weather and the beginning of the heating season. This is easily achieved by using an air humidifier.

Also, you need to grease the facades of the kitchen with water-repellent wax or oil from time to time and rub the scratches. When buying a kitchen, the facades of which are made of natural wood, it is worth paying attention to their decorative elements. It is necessary to take into account the nuance that complex and deep patterns are quite problematic in cleaning.

Kitchens made of wood can be treated only with detergents that do not contain alcohol, and, after wet cleaning, it is necessary to wipe dry.

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Read also: Choose doors for the kitchen: 22 photos of stylish solutions

Corner kitchens from wood - photos and recommendations on design

Corner kitchen sets allow maximum use of kitchen space, first of all, by using corner pedestals. Such kitchens are suitable for premises of both large and small dimensions. If the area of ​​the kitchen is rather compressed, a corner kitchen of wood with a bar counter with rotating elements will be a good option here. The stand, in turn, can serve as a splitter for the zones, as well as a dining table. It is recommended that you choose the light colors of the furniture, as they will visually expand the space, and add shelves will help open shelves. In spacious rooms can be used any of the design solutions. Corner kitchens in wood are divided into several types, namely:

  • L-shaped, when the furniture is located along two walls;
  • U-shaped (or U-shaped), where furniture is placed along three walls. This option should be considered for owners of medium and large kitchens;
  • "Island" form, where the working area is in the center. This layout is more suitable for kitchens with a large area, because between the parallel sides should be a space of several meters.

In the corner kitchen, the main task is the correct filling of the corner space. To do this, you can use a corner sink, a cooker with a hood, or place a coffee maker, a steamer or a fruit bowl on the corner.

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Design of modern kitchen from a tree: varieties of styles, photo

When choosing a kitchen set, it is very important to define the style first. Let's take a look at several styles of kitchen from natural wood:

Kitchens from a natural tree in classical style

The most common is the classic. Kitchens made of wood in this style, as a rule, have smooth, rounded facades with contoured drawings on them. The fronts, at the same time, may contain curly details, cornices, pilasters. The main colors of the classic style - white, beige and brown, as well as their shades (chocolate, cognac, nut and others). In some cases, shades of blue and green may be present.

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Kitchens from solid wood in country style

Такой стиль, как кантри, может быть различных вариаций: русский, французский, английский, американский и др. Для итальянского и американского кантри характерна мебель из темного дерева, а французский и английский предпочитают мебель светлых тонов, которая, кстати, прекрасно подойдет для небольших помещений, так делает их визуально просторней. Kitchens from solid wood in country style снабжены рамочными фасадами (зачастую они могут быть дополнены витражными стеклами или решетками). Поскольку кантри — это, так называемый, «сельский стиль», здесь будут уместны шкафчики с открытыми полками, шкаф-витрина, оформленный под старину, в котором можно расположить чайный сервиз, деревянная или сделанная из искусственного камня столешница.

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Kitchens from solid wood in the style of "high tech"

Одним из современных направлений оформления является «хай тек». Kitchens from solid wood in the style of "high tech" имеют очень лаконичный дизайн, в котором присутствуют прямые либо обтекаемые линии. В таких гарнитурах, как правило, сплошные фасады и отсутствует декор. Особенностью кухни из дерева в «высокотехнологическом» стиле есть ее фурнитура. Здесь имеют место петли с доводчиками на дверцах для плавного и бесшумного закрытия дверец, встроенные нажимные механизмы для открытия шкафчиков и ящиков, петли, которые в состоянии поднимать и опускать дверцы и прочие механизмы. Для стиля хай тек характерны холодные цвета: белый, черный, серебристый, бежевый, коричневый.

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Kitchens made from solid wood are a great success for connoisseurs of eco-style, the main principle of which is the presence of only natural materials. Furniture in this style should be laconic, no frills. The main decoration of the kitchen from wood in the eco-style is its natural color and texture.

furniture for kitchen from solid woodfurniture for kitchen from solid wood

The options for decorating the kitchen from wood are presented in the photo. And it is worth noting that, despite the chosen style, the interior with the use of wooden furniture will always look noble and convincing.

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