Interior of the living room with stairs to the second floor

Interior of the living room with stairs

The staircase is a rather unusual element of the living room. In typical (especially - panel) houses, there are almost no two-storey apartments, so the staircase in a residential building is most often found in cottages. This element should fit well into the overall interior of the housing, while retaining its functionality. It can be in the living room, if this room is large enough. Otherwise, it is better to install this design in a spacious hall. The stairs should be comfortable and durable. Exceptions are cases where on the second floor above the living room and hallway is a pantry, which is very rare. Then the ladder can only play a decorative role. However, if the family has small children, it is still necessary to take care of the strength of the steps and the safety of the handrail. The room with a staircase looks stylish and spectacular, so it should not be hidden.

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The staircase is an original addition to the decoration of the living room. This design can effectively emphasize the design ideas. A wide classical staircase makes the living room more status, and an interesting design of metal steps, as it were flying through the air, once again emphasizes the futuristic and avant-garde style of the interior. To give the interior an individuality, experts advise you to play with lighting. For example, set the backlight of a certain color for each stage. The presence in the living room of the staircase widens the possibilities of decorating the room. The staircase visually increases the area of ​​the room and connects the first floor with the second one. This design allows you to harmoniously fit into the interior of the dimensional objects: they can simply be installed under it without loss of functionality.

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The presence of stairs in the living room has its drawbacks. First, this room will actually become a gateway. In it you can not retire or sit quietly with friends. If only one staircase leads to the second floor, and it will be in the living room, it will not be possible to go down unnoticed. For example, if one of the family members does not want to contact the guests. Secondly, because of this design, the noise insulation of the room is significantly reduced. In the living room, all the sounds from the second floor will be heard. Thirdly, the living room is the hallmark of the house, so traditionally it is decorated more beautifully and richer than other rooms. The staircase in the living room should match the rest of the interior, and therefore it will have to be made of expensive materials. If it is located in the corridor, then on registration it is possible to save.

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Technical requirements

To the stairs, installed in the living room, present certain technical requirements.

Technical requirements к лестнице в гостиной

When installing these structures should be guided by the norms of SNiPov and GOST requirements. The staircase should be comfortable and safe. According to GOST, its angle of inclination should be in the range from 26 to 45 degrees, and for screw structures the maximum value of the angle of inclination is 35 degrees. GOST defines the size of the steps. The steps must be the same size. Their width depends on personal preferences, but it is not recommended to make steps already 60 cm. For rotary marches this value should be about 70-80 cm, and for ordinary ones - a meter, but in conditions of two-level apartments or small private houses, a compact ladder can have a width of the march 80 cm. In one march there must be at least 3 and not more than 16 steps, ending with platforms. The design of the handrail is designed in advance. The rails and vertical racks are manufactured taking into account the design load with a small margin.

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Ways of location

The staircase in the living room can be located in any part of the room, but it is better when choosing a location to take into account individual preferences, the chosen style of the interior, the layout and the area of ​​the room. To reduce the perception of the living room as a passage room, the staircase is mounted right at the door. If you need to zonate the room, you can install it in the center of the room. A staircase without rails or with minimal fences should be placed near the wall and away from the fireplace equipment (if available) to reduce the risk of injury. Staircase construction should not "eat up" a useful area or cover important elements (for example, a conventional fireplace or electric fireplace). It should be located in such a way that enough space is left above the head of the ascending person (about 2 m). If possible, this design should be installed near the window to ensure comfortable natural lighting.

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Arrangement of space under the stairs

Before arranging the space under the stairs, you need to make sure that important communications do not run there. If they are present, they must be carefully closed and sealed with soundproofing material (for example, plasterboard). Under the stairs you can equip a full storage room, a corner of home appliances (to put a washing and dishwasher), a wardrobe, a place for storing food, a small wine cellar, an additional bathroom or an office. There are many options for creating this space. We need to focus on the needs of family members and the overall style of the living room. In the niche under the steps it is possible to equip an extra bed for guests with a pull-out bed or to install a compact kitchen set without a gas stove if the living room is combined with the kitchen.

Arrangement of space under the stairs в гостиной

How to choose

A staircase can be an accent of the room, but it must match the general style of the room. Therefore, you need to determine in advance the type of interior design of the living room. It is necessary to try to connect the rooms on the first and second floors in style with the help of staircase design. For the living room, a small, compact staircase that takes up little space in the room is suitable. Cumbersome structures will only interfere. The selected material depends on the design of the room. Staircase designs in the classical style are usually made of wood or metal. Stairs made in the Renaissance style are usually made of environmentally friendly natural materials. Rural motifs in the interior assume the installation of a ladder entirely of wood. For a hi-tech style, a ladder design made of metal is suitable.

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By fastenings and constructions

There are many types of stair constructions and types of fastenings for them. Standard staircase consists of fences, steps, central supports, fixtures and other elements. Fences provide security, but they may be absent from the design solution. Such structures look impressive, but are not suitable for homes with young children or pensioners. Often the stairs have a platform. They need to be put, if the family has older people, it's just convenient. Typically, the type of staircase and fixtures is determined by the area of ​​the room, the height of the ceilings, the general style of the room and the materials from which the steps will be made. Bearing structural elements should be as strong as possible and meet all the requirements of GOST and SNIP. Stairs should be strong and functional, but only then - beautiful and stylish.

The staircase by the window in the living room


A straight ladder is considered the easiest to manufacture, and therefore it is designed in private houses. It fits well in any interior. One-mesh, indirect staircase structures with flush stairs on one or both sides are installed when it is not possible to put an ordinary straight ladder, so you need to slightly change its direction. This is typical for small living rooms. A direct staircase with a platform or a structure with staggered steps and a platform is installed in houses with high ceilings. A direct two-march or three-march staircase that has parallel marches and a platform (or two) between them, is also installed in houses with high ceilings for the rational use of the area of ​​the room. The L-shaped structure is always mounted against the wall for a significant space saving.

Living room with spiral staircase

Screw, arc-shaped, spiral and other staircases with staggered steps are installed for rational ergonomics and for giving the room an individuality.

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There are several basic types of stair fasteners. Kosoura is a method of fastening. With it in the beams, cutouts are made in the form of a comb under the tread and the riser. They can be seen from the side of the end of the step, if it is not closed with panels. A bowstring is a method of fastening, in which grooves for the steps on the inside are made in the supporting beams. In this case, the end of the steps is deafly closed. Bolts are special fastenings of frameless staircases. In fact, the bolts are large metal bolts in the wall on which the steps are held. Bolts look unreliable, but they are able to withstand a weight of 1.5 tons! In spiral staircases, strong supports are used as a support, made of thick-walled metal pipes of diameters from 5 cm. They are mounted strictly vertically without any inclinations.

Fastening stairs in the living room


В авангардистские стили прекрасно вписываются конструкции из стекла, а для хай-тека будут идеальны металлические лестницы. Constructions из металла очень прочны, надежны и относительно недороги. Дерево можно использовать практически в любом дизайнерском проекте. Оно облагораживает любое помещение, придавая ему ощущение уюта. Сегодня лестницы из массива дуба, бука, ясеня или лиственницы очень популярны среди владельцев частных домов. Бетонные лестницы не менее популярны за счет своих противопожарных качеств и способности выдерживать большие нагрузки. Но они подходят только для домов с крепкими стенами (не из дерева!), т.к. бетон много весит. Часто эти лестницы облицовывают керамической плиткой. Лестничные конструкции из камня имеют солидный внешний вид. Лестницы из натурального камня смотрятся роскошно, но дорого стоят, а конструкции из искусственного камня могут постепенно выцветать под воздействием солнечных лучей. Все указанные выше материалы можно успешно комбинировать между собой.

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Wooden staircase in the living room

Types of stairs

The choice of a variety of staircases is determined by the general style of the hall and individual preferences of homeowners. All the staircases can be divided into direct march, curved, screw and designs on the bolts. A straight march staircase is a simple customary design with steps, rails and interstorey platforms. Curved ladders may have one or more turning radii. Screw constructions are a twisted spiral of steps, handrails and metal fasteners - racks. If you install a spiral staircase, then you need to install a straight march, as well. Spiral structures are not suitable for carrying heavy objects (for example, furniture). The logs on the bolts are modern constructions, in which steps and railings are fastened directly to the wall with the help of metal bolts.

Direct staircase in the living room

Design and design styles

Для каждого дизайна существует свой способ оформления лестничных конструкций. Египетский стиль предполагает наличие оригинального эффектного орнамента, греческий впечатляет стильной вязью перил, а романский поражает основательностью. Лестницы в римском и классическом стилях лаконичны, а в готическом представляют собой необычное сочетание ярких красок и мрачности. Индийские лестницы разноцветны, а японские (как и лестницы в стиле минимализм) – просты и функциональны. Constructions в стилях ренессанс, барокко, рококо, арт-деко или ампир сложны и по-королевски роскошны.

Living room in classic style with stairs

The stairs in the Art Nouveau style are characterized by a woven technique and thoroughness. Country pleases with simplicity and comfort. Provence assumes light shades and floral motifs. Stair constructions in the style of constructivism are distinguished by simple geometry and the presence of a turning platform. The hi-tech is characterized by manufacturability of all elements. And the stairs in the style of kitsch contain unsuitable details and materials.

Divan in the windows


Все лестничные светильники должны быть максимально безопасными в эксплуатации. Lighting может быть потолочным, настенным, локальным и декоративным. При потолочном освещении над лестницей вешают люстры с подвесами или без них. Этот способ идеален для классических интерьеров. Также лестницы можно осветить с помощью настенных бра. Это наиболее простой способ освещения. Для локального освещения характерна подсветка отдельных лестничных участков (например, маршей или площадки). Для этих целей можно взять галогеновые или диодные светильники, интегрированные в систему «Умный дом». То есть они загораются, когда человек находится на ступеньке. Декоративное освещение нужно для придания определенной атмосферы дому. Оно является дополнением к основному освещению и обычно включается во время каких-либо торжеств.

Stairway with illumination in the living room


Living room with a staircase should be decorated stylishly and beautifully. Do not ignore the general rules for constructing a design project. It is reasonable to combine colors and materials. Staircase design should not stand out from the general style. It can be emphasized, but within the framework of an already existing design. It is necessary to carefully plan the location of the stairs in the house, tk. in the future it will be difficult to rearrange it. As for the material of the ladder design, its choice depends on the financial possibilities of the homeowner and the style of the interior of the room. Some materials may simply not fit into an already agreed design project. If the living room will have a non-main staircase to the second floor, you can experiment with its design, for example, make a screw or frameless.