The window is an eye, looking into the outside world. This is the first thing that draws the eye of a person entering the room. Therefore, the design of the window in the hall should be attractive.
The bare window of the hall, like eyes without make-up. Even the most beautiful frames, not decorated with curtains, curtains, roller blinds, look simple and ugly. Especially in the event that the landscape behind them does not please the eye at all.
Therefore, the curtains for the window in the living room play the role of the same make-up that gives it an appeal, emphasizing the beauty of its shape or, on the contrary, hiding its shortcomings.
Design for a spacious living room with a bay window in a classic style.
Simple single-color curtains of calm light colors are ideal for a spacious complex window, divided into sections. A room in Scandinavian style for a young man whose world of music and computer.
An example of an ideal combination of translucent Roman curtains and heavy tapestry curtains under the color of the interior of the living room and furniture.
In this article, read:
- 1 Curtains - the main decoration
- 2 Selection of curtains for the hall
- 3 Design of curtains for the house. Video
- 4 Curtains: threads, blinds, plisse, Roman, French, bamboo, Japanese-. A photo
Curtains - the main decoration
The living room, or the hall, is the main room in a country house and a city apartment. It is believed that it should be the most elegant and solemn. Festions are always attached to the room correctly decorated window openings.
A rare window will look beautiful and without any curtains or curtains. Such an exception can be high arched openings with a thin binding for glasses. And it is better if it is not one window, but two or three in a single plane (the so-called Venetian, or Palladio windows). But the look after them must necessarily be beautiful. For example, it can be a green garden, blooming or snow-covered trees. It is clear that the window not taken up by curtains can be left only in a private house, which is surrounded by a garden or beautiful elements of landscape design.
Modern single-color, air curtains-pleated not overload the refined atmosphere of the living room of an old country house.
The perfect harmony of colors in the interior of the living room in eco-style. Semi-transparent curtains of pleated plumage are harmoniously integrated into the room on the attic floor of a country house.
The obvious advantage of curtains pleated: a rich color palette, light transmission - from transparent to dense, the possibility of mounting on the curtains and on each opening of a complex window, vertical adjustment from below and from above.
This is also true of panoramic, so-called French windows occupying space from floor to ceiling. In most cases, they also require the decoration of at least light curtains (tulle).
The height and width of the window plays an important role when choosing a textile design for it. Thus, it is better to decorate tall narrow windows with curtains with a lambrequin (upper horizontal frill). But the wide three-winged windows, traditional for flats of multi-storey buildings, should not be decorated in this way. They can be framed as light single-layered curtains, and double-layered curtains.
The curtains gathered in the folds always look much more impressive than the smooth ones. Today, this type of curtains, which does not require the appearance of folds, like "noodles", or threads, is used. They can be decorated with various elements: lurex, rhinestones, beads, etc. On sale there is a large selection of these muslin curtains.
Romantic and not boring - curtains of a thread with lurex, beads, rhinestones and your rich imagination.
Curtains filaments "noodles" for the kitchen - cozy and boldly, the main thing is to guess with color.
Selection of curtains for the hall
Choosing curtains or curtains for a window in the living room, you need to consider a number of points.
First of all, it is necessary to select curtains, which in color and style will be combined with the interior design of this room.
It is necessary to take into account the number, size, shape, location of windows and room illumination with open and drawn curtains.
It is necessary to take into account the possibility of creating a special, stylish interior using new trends in the art of interior design and modern materials for making curtains, curtains and curtains.
Do not try to surprise friends and acquaintances. It is better to think about making the window of the living room not just beautiful, but also functional.
Japanese curtains as well as a way of life of samurais presuppose a verified simplicity, minimalism and laconism in the interior of the living room.
Direct Japanese curtains from ceiling to floor are mixed on special guides like the door to the compartment of the car.
Today, designers often offer double-layer curtains. On the windows in the bedroom they fit perfectly well, as they create an additional atmosphere of intimacy. But they can also go for the living room, if through the window opening penetrates a lot of natural light.
When choosing curtains, it is important that the textile, in its texture, be combined with the interior of the living room and its dimensions. Heavy textiles absolutely will not match, for example, the interior in a modern minimalist or hi-tech or loft style. And for the classic design of the hall is a very suitable choice.
This year, for the design of the living room, the latest trend of fashion is the two-layered window curtains, which combine textiles with floral prints and striped inner curtains. Usually they are made of silk fabric. The color scale of these two layers can have only 1-2 common tones.
Lifting Roman curtains can be attached to the window aperture, ceiling, wall and a certain part of the window frame.
A modern version of Roman curtains in the kitchen of high-rise buildings.
A cheerful kitchen with translucent curtains with bright red flowers.
Lifting curtains made of bamboo - a non-standard version of the interior design of a modern spacious living room or office.
For several years, Roman curtains are fashionable - some combination of curtains with blinds. But they fit more for a window in the bedroom or in the kitchen.
For window openings in the living room, you can also use folding curtains. But in this case it is better to use vertical blinds in combination with curtains, collected in soft folds on the sides of the opening. Blinds are usually used in the premises facing the windows to the south or south-west.