Today, almost every second city resident is the owner of a suburban land plot. A modular holiday home on its own land will give the opportunity to devote more time on the ground. But man does not live by work alone. You can relax at a dacha with your family, without going back to a city apartment every day, if you have a summer residence.
An excellent way for those who can not invest heavily in the construction of capital housing in the suburban area are modern designs - modular homes.

Modular house for a summer residence - a choice number one among modern summer residents.

The cottage is paved with siding on stilts. The decoration of the beige façade looks attractive in the overall composition of the courtyard.
In this article, read:
- 1 Advantages of modular structures
- 2 Other types of modular structures for cottages
- 3 Modular house for the day. Video
- 4 Modular summer cottages and design of cottage areas. A photo
Advantages of modular structures
In America and Europe have long been building small standard cottages and houses for individual projects from ready-made modules. For example, many sleeping areas of Los Angeles consist entirely of such modular cottages. These houses have many advantages over the capital buildings.
Houses for dachas, built from ready-made modules, can have a different area - from very small houses of less than 50 square meters to quite decent buildings in two floors and over 100 square meters.
- Fast construction. Such houses are made on the basis of a metal frame to which the modules made in the factory shops are attached. Build modular buildings from scratch to the possibility of living in the house is carried out for 2-3 weeks.
- There is always an opportunity to choose designs that will suit a particular buyer of a modular structure. You can even personally take part in the design of the project, so that the premises in the residential building were placed as the future owner of the house wishes. This is possible due to the fact that the modules are compatible with each other horizontally and vertically in the specified sizes. You can always add rooms - a sauna, an additional bedroom, a workshop, a pantry.
The house is small in size suitable for a country holiday. A properly organized site, complete with a modular structure, is an excellent option for suburban real estate.
A stylish house for the design of the country plot was made of wood. The main feature of the building are panoramic windows.
- This variant of the residential structure will cost much less than houses made of brick or any modern building blocks. After all, these structures are erected in most cases without a serious powerful foundation. A frequent option is a light columnar foundation. There are also constructions, the assembly of which is carried out without a capital base at all.
- Modular houses have an attractive appearance.
The basis for the creation of such structures were home-cabins, used for living or recreation of builders at the construction site at any time of the year.
To create maximum comfort for living in such houses, they have built in connections for water supply and sewerage, a system of steam and waterproofing, thermal insulation (usually a 20-cm layer of basalt cotton wool) has been designed.
Outside the houses for the country house are finished with siding or block house.

A small house for a summer cottage on the shore of an artificial reservoir. An unusual solution in the style of high-tech.

The finished house is a universal solution for planning the suburban area.
They are equipped with energy-saving PVC windows. The roof is provided with a drainage system and a drainage system. All this makes the houses comfortable inside and pretty outside.
If desired, the house can be installed electrical heating, any kitchen and bathroom equipment. This will make it possible to use a holiday home for living not only in the warm season. There you can spend New Year's and Christmas holidays or live with your children during the winter holidays.

The modular house has excellent external data. It is also functional and practical, in no way inferior to traditional summer cottages.

The cottage is suitable for rest from exhausting garden work. Functional and economical solution, if it is a question of planning a small summer residence.
Other types of modular structures for cottages
To organize a beautiful summer residence, flower beds and flower gardens are sure to break it. Today, the so-called modular flower garden is increasingly used, it is easy to take care of, and the plants can be changed at least every year. It is not necessary to acquire a design for it in the sales network. Modular bed is easy to make by hand.
What is a modular flower garden? This is a land space that is divided into separate sections of different shapes. Between them make paths, sprinkled with pebbles, stone crumbs, chips or other material. Modular flower garden can be raised above the level of the main site. Limit the raised module with a concrete, stone or wooden fence.

Modular flower beds are suitable for creating landscape compositions in any styles.

The flower garden in the form of a radiant sun looks harmoniously on the playground.
Modular flower garden is especially advantageous to arrange on a small summer residence. In the modules often arrange rosaries, grow collection plants. They are easier to care for, because they do not overgrow the weeds so much.
Modules also make for the creation of small gardens or nurseries for medicinal plants.
A successful solution for a small summer residence are the modules for vertical landscaping. They allow a small area to accommodate a large number of plants, saving the land for other purposes (organization of a playground, pond, lawn).
With the help of hydroponic blocks, you can create a vertical garden, a garden and a flower garden. One and a half square meters in such blocks easily accommodate up to 20 plants.
Purchasing hydroponic blocks, the buyer receives instructions for their installation and planting. The advantage of vertical landings is not only in saving space. They can be used both in the country and in the apartment, creating a favorable climate in a residential building.

In the courtyard of the cottage there is a recreation area. An interesting element of the landscape composition is the flower garden.

Luxurious, properly designed modular flower garden.