Modern cottages and new buildings are pleased with the variety of layouts, the opportunity to please the taste of any, the most demanding person, giving him the central room of the house, which he always dreamed of. Designing the design of the living room with two windows, an interesting task is being solved: how to harmonize the space, make the interior a successful decoration, the background of the owner's life.
Meeting planning options:
- one-sided arrangement (standard layout, enfilade passage through adjacent rooms);
- window openings in opposite walls;
- a window and a glazed bay window in the living room of a country cottage;
- window openings in walls perpendicular to each other;
- window constructions forming an angle;
- glass walls of the cottage living room.
Each of these options has its own characteristics, they should be considered in more detail and find the right move, so that the living room becomes the best place for an apartment.
Identical windows in one plane
The living room, where the window openings are symmetrically located on one wall opposite the door, offers symmetry as the main idea of the design solution. Any style based on symmetrical details and designs will be appropriate here.
English Central Symmetry. The center is a partition between two light apertures framed by heavy curtains with lambrequins and pick-ups, it should become a place of attraction for the incoming view. A fireplace decorated with a shelf for collections, a large mirror in a luxurious frame, a full-length full-length portrait - the main thing is that the decoration on the central axis of symmetry really attract attention, organize the space around itself.
Modern interior dictates to occupy a partition between two window openings with a volume accent: a sculptural installation, a decorative light panel. The outboard flat luminaire from perforated metal will become an appreciable art object of high-tech style design.
Also at this place is logical placement of the TV. The newest technological panels in themselves are analogue of the "Black Square" by Malevich, bringing with his presence an abstract note in the modern interior. Framing a television device with an aluminum frame, hanging it to the ceiling - these are the actual techniques of decoration.
See also: Design and zoning of the living room-studio
When the living room is used as a resting place for the whole family, and not the reception hall for guests or musical evenings, where the distracting device is inappropriate, the presence of a television is functionally necessary. If its appearance falls out of the general concept of design, it is easy to decorate with sliding panels made according to style frames, or hide inside a shallow cabinet with swinging doors.
French trend of classics. Another European variant of the interior layout provides an enfilade arrangement of rooms. The windows are on the front side, and the doorways are very close to the adjacent walls. Thus, the whole space is left aside, is recessed, slightly hidden from the direct rays of the bright sun, which provide sufficient illumination. This layout belongs to the southern direction of European architecture, often found in Russian palace-museums, designed by invited architects, following foreign canons.
In this variant of the layout, the main action inside the living room unfolds far from the window constructions, which bear a limited lighting function and the role of a certain theatrical curtain hiding the view outside the window. The assembled French marquises, as well as restrained English analogues, are just a frame, not a center of the room composition.
Furniture design of the French version assumes the presence of groups of elegant upholstered furniture, located along the elongated wall opposite the windows. They surround small tables with carefully arranged bouquets. The limited horizontal surface is intended to put a coffee cup, put glasses, a notebook. The set parquet itself is a worthy decoration of the interior, or partially covered with a large carpet.
Short sections of the walls near the entrance doors can be used for a fireplace or a hill hiding the built-in TV. An excellent decorator's method is to decorate the above-the-door space with a mirror: lead covers, facet, rich antique frame are flawless signs of French style.
Two windows on adjoining walls
Owners of small apartments, where in the living room that requires multifunctionality, window openings are located on perpendicular different walls rather far from each other, as a design solution, you can suggest the allocation of zones at each window. These sectors, carrying a different semantic load, will make it easier to coexist people forced to stay in the same space, but to do their own thing.
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The room is divided into two unequal parts by a transverse transparent rack (without a back wall), which can be used from two sides. Most of the space is given to the traditional living room:
- a place of rest for the whole family;
- sharing movies;
- noisy and board games;
- dinners of a large company.
One of the options for placing the TV is to mount it on a rotating stand or bracket in the middle of the rack, then it will be available for viewing in both zones.
In the second, smaller part, including a window on the long side, you can arrange an office or a study area. Functional furniture - a business chair, a desk, a computer desk - all interior items will be adjusted to the working mood, and a chair-bag, thrown at the entrance, will allow you to distract yourself from business, read an interesting book.
Owners of apartments of limited sizes, an assistant, preserving the family world, will be headphones. Thus, someone who supports the favorite team and likes to turn on the TV at full volume will not interfere with anyone who wants to read the book in silence or write a task plan for tomorrow.
When decorating modest apartments for families, it is better to give preference to a calm style, modern classics, softened minimalism, eco-variant. They will exclude the appearance of too large fanciful details, with their bright decor reducing the already limited space.
Separating the living room into two different functional zones, it is necessary to withstand them in a single style solution, to apply a common color scheme. Visually, the separation can be emphasized by using lighter or saturated tones from the selected palette. A successful course will be the introduction of noticeable decorative elements in the living room, and the cabinet space should be left more restrained. Even curtains made of one material or companion fabric can be differentiated by a cut, which also emphasizes the different orientation of the parts of one room. The main thing is to use an unobtrusive design for textile windows, do not combine lush folded drapes with a variant of office blinds.
Light apertures on opposite walls
The option "light through the building" is encountered in the construction of modern country houses with elements of cubism or the location of the guest area on the second level of the mansion with a mansard-type glazing device. With this layout, the end wall opposite to the entrance forms a backdrop:
- for a movie or television set;
- collections of abstract paintings;
- version of the bar.
The middle of the room is divided into sofa groups for guests' rest and tables (magazines, dainty), and the inclinations of inclined frames serve as graphic strokes that decorate the landscape outside the window.
When you plan a living room with skylights on opposite walls and roof areas, you should calculate the height and raise the walls slightly, on which the truss system is fastened. If there is not enough distance from the floor (if the roof begins directly from it), the bypass of the room will become possible only in the center, which will complicate the placement of furniture, and the corners under the bevels will remain unoccupied.
The original design solution of the living room on the first floor is the use of French windows or sliding transparent structures (type of door-coupe). Such techniques will open the windows to the terraces surrounding the room from two sides, go out onto the steps, "let in" the garden and the sky.
A rare option is a good solution
Window and bay window: together or separately. In the projects of houses and apartments there are variants where the living room, in addition to a single light opening, is decorated with a glazed bay window outstanding for the main perimeter.
If the window opening and the bay window are on the same plane, this complicates the designer's task, especially when the dimensions of the room are small. If they cut through different wall constructions, then the zone with the window and the center should be given for the function of communication, and in the bay window to take out the dining room group. When receiving a large number of guests the table will turn into a buffet table, the rest of the space can accommodate holidaymakers. Also, the dining table in the bay window will help to expand the dimensions of the kitchen: by setting the rule "there is no dinner for the kitchen", the hostess will provide herself with greater freedom of movement during cooking.
Corner window. Modern architects often use the reception of angled glazing. This option is especially interesting when the window opening is cut to the level of the floor, and one transom of the corner window is the door that provides access to the balcony.
Similar projects assume the placement of groups of upholstered furniture with the back side to a translucent structure, a TV set and other equipment in the shady part of the room, so that voluminous objects do not obstruct the view from the window. If the corner window frame has a different take-off (one wing already), balance the opening by placing a small part of the high aquarium racks or a lit up vertical water fountain.