The main slogan in 2018 will be "Only the right things." We will have to get rid of all the details of the interior, which do not carry any functional load. In the coming year, fashion will come in style, bordering on minimalism. In this case, preference will be given exclusively to natural materials. A complete rejection of synthetics, "artificiality" will become the main concept of a fashionable interior.
Another novelty of the season will be an unusual color called "honeysuckle". It is it painted the same name berries: it is on the verge of the classic blue and its darker options. Magnificently and richly looks furniture with a velvet upholstery of a color of a honeysuckle. Thanks to the texture of the fabric, blue turns deep and "soft", you want to plunge into it and touch it with your hands.
Two more color trends, which never left the pedestal: Marsala and mustard. A stylish kitchen, the walls of which are decorated in mustard tones with notes of bright splashes, will stimulate the appetite and lure your home with its setting for long evening tea parties. Bathroom in bright colors of marsala with the addition of neutral tones will be an original design decision. Gold and shades of bright yellow also return to fashion on the wave of popularizing the philosophy of a positive attitude to life.
In 2018, the emphasis should be on luxury, and luxury does not allow imitation or fakes. Accordingly, you should choose only expensive and high-quality materials: natural wood, metal, marble, granite, agate, leather, linen, cotton, silk for finishing. Fashion fabrics will return to fashion, which at one time gave way to universal and more convenient "washable" items.
The modern trend dictates the basic law: simplicity of forms should be compensated by luxury of furnish. If, when choosing accessories in a furniture store, you have to give battle to pretentiousness and go aside to modern minimalism, then in the choice of materials you can come off "to the fullest." Although here, too, you can not lose your head: the measure should be in everything. Even the most expensive materials in excess will create the effect of "posturing", will crush your luxury and persistent sense of caricature "museum" of the house.
Furniture отражает в себе приверженность к простой геометрии: только четкие линии. Диваны и кровати выбираются классических форм без использования излишнего креатива. Если помещение с такой мебелью будет выглядеть слишком «угловатым», его разбавляют круглым журнальным столиком из стекла с хромированной отделкой или аккуратными стульями с плавной линией спинки.
For the design of living spaces, of course, small deviations from the canons are permissible to give them additional comfort. The sofa is complemented by a large number of colorful, monochrome pillows, and family photos are hung on the walls in metal frames. In large studios, you can "play" with space, zoning it with racks or monophonic, strict screens. In country cottages it is generally recommended to redevelop and replace the traditional windows, to the French floor. You can hang them with the finest curtains, which will not prevent you from admiring nature neither day nor night.
Read also: 3D interior design - we design ourselvesLuminous devices in large quantities will also be relevant. For small one-bedroom apartments in Khrushchev it is more a necessity than a trend of fashion. The main thing is that in the room I would like to "breathe in full breast," therefore the space needs to be maximally expanded. For these purposes, an abundance of glass and metal surfaces that will reflect light in themselves is ideal. Effectively look mirrors, glazed racks, collages on the walls or a glossy stretch ceiling.
Interior styles
Let's highlight three most popular styles, each of which corresponds to the fashionable canons of the coming year:
- HiTek refers to relatively young styles and developed in parallel with the surge of technological revolution. Hi-tech "loves" the abundance of metal, glass and plastic. One of the important nuances in the new year will be the rejection of the plastic "classics" of the direction in favor of the other two materials. Hi-tech does not tolerate brightness and lustiness. It is simple in detail and gives preference to modern household appliances, and not to dear heart trinkets.
- Minimalism is a style that was born in Japan and came to us only at the end of the last century. Now we are witnessing its revival. His credo is only functionality. Nothing superfluous, which could distract from philosophical reflection and spiritual pacification. Preference should be given to pastel tones. A game is possible on the contrast of black and white, the famous yin and yang, which can not exist without each other.
- Scandinavian style fully reflects the Nordic character. For the decoration of the room only cold shades of gray, white, and blue are used. All that brings thoughts about the harsh winter and tempered nature. You can allow small "liberties" in the form of animal skins on the floor, wooden panels or abstract collages on the walls. They emphasize the "natural savagery" of the atmosphere. The fireplace will become a living, burning heart in the midst of the reigning winter in your home. This style is ideal for decorating bachelor apartments for single men. Through it you can express the severity of character and the uncompromising nature of the master.
Acceptable and the introduction of "Russian color": raw boards or even whole pieces of wood can be used competently in the design of the room or bedroom. Such design elements are easy to make by oneself: the unprocessed wood is simply sanded for safety reasons. It is made with neat bookshelves, chairs, wide "legs-hemp" for coffee tables, partitions and false panels for zoning space or concealing repair flaws. Similar elements of the design emphasize the proximity to nature and the eccentricity of the owners of the apartment or loft.
Interior of apartment
The idea of fashionable interior design can be borrowed from articles in specialized publications. In extreme cases, the registration of the apartment is entrusted to professionals. However, the self-developed project "warms" the soul much more than someone else's prepared plan. The apartment must be kept in the same style. Only small deviations from it or the use of "adjacent" directions are permissible. Not bad combine:
- Minimalism and high-tech.
- Fusion and Scandinavian style.
- Futurism and avant-garde.
- Mild constructivism and American style.
- Industrial style and laconicism.
There are a lot of options, you just need to choose one or two similar in spirit directions and adhere to their general rules. In 2018, everything that is dedicated to laconicism and simplicity will be fashionable. The situation is tired of pretentiousness and ostentation of luxury, just as tired of its inhabitants. Residential premises must be freed from the accumulation of images, colors and details, because all this is enough in the environment. At home, a person should rest, and the interior of the house must be available for rest.
Read also: Old boards in interior design
Living room
The walls of the living room are decorated in one color, with additional finishing from the inserts "under the metal" or a combination of two polar colors. In this case, one bright, and the second neutral, which will prevail. One wall can be safely "given" under the bookshelves and a large TV. Closer to the center is the main recreation area: low glass table in wooden or metal frames and a wide sofa with upholstery without drawings. The floor can be covered with a short soft carpet imitating animal hide or a small hard rug with a bright geometric pattern.
The outboard chair perfectly complements the situation and will add another "detached" recreation area for those who want to fight back from the company. Other walls are decorated with collages with photos or paintings in the framework of strict geometric shapes. You can use a cold light. Curtains must match the color of the walls. Drawings on the fabric are unacceptable. It is desirable to use natural weightless materials for tulle and heavy fabrics for the curtains themselves. Special attention is paid to the lamps. Lighting is made "stepped" on different levels.
You can experiment with a bedroom. Although the use of dark colors, especially black, in the design of this room is considered undesirable, when properly designed, it will not put pressure on the eyes and give the room a special touch of luxury. Black should not be much, it should be used in mirror surfaces. For these purposes, one of the walls is decorated with glossy tiles. To avoid the feeling of excessive severity, on the same wall you can place a TV and functional shelves. In combination with black, it is necessary to add whiteness to the ceiling, which houses a false panel with a bright highlight. As the third color, yellow, turquoise, deep burgundy or marsala is suitable.
The floor is best left without carpets and other additional coatings. Light wood will be quite enough as the final touch of a minimalistic environment. A good option would be a "hinged" bed or a bed with skilfully hidden legs. Such furniture perfectly reflects the depth of the high-tech style.
Забудьте об отрытых полках и милых кухонных безделицах, которые обычно оставляют на виду для придания колорита французского прованса. Все шкафчики и полочки должны быть оснащены стеклянными или затемненными дверцами. Нелишней будет барная стойка с зеркальными поверхностями и пара высоких стульев. В качестве одного из вариантов можно рассмотреть не классический стол, за которым собирается вся семья, а панель для приема пищи вдоль всей стены. К ней приставляются стулья. Отдаленно такой дизайнерский ход напоминает оформление кафе и бистро. Kitchen используется исключительно для приема пищи, семейные разговоры будут перенесены в предназначенное для этого помещение: в гостиную.
To revive the atmosphere, you need to add greens. It's not about pots with geraniums, but about a hanging shelf made of wood, in which pots with fresh herbs will be placed. The solution is simple and functional: the shelves are located directly above the cooking area.
When decorating the kitchen, do not be afraid of bright colors: you can safely take as a basis a rich blue, bright red, lime or sunny orange. However, if cold colors are used, they must be diluted. Otherwise, the appetite in the kitchen will be suppressed by color.
A young family will inevitably face a dilemma: how to design a children's room simultaneously and stylishly, and convenient for the child. Naturally, the space will have to "revive" with soft toys and collages on the walls. Storage areas will be distributed evenly throughout the room. When designing the design, the emphasis should be on the color solution: the priority white, must be diluted with bright accents, which will catch your eye at different levels of the review.
The most common desk will turn into a universal element of the interior, which, if necessary, will be transformed into a bookcase, an easel for drawing under a slope, and a bookcase for storing books and toys. To the child was not bored in his own room, choose curtains with nice drawings, and on one of the walls hang a large board for drawing.
The bathroom should be decorated in pastel colors with materials that imitate wood. All lockers for storage must be equipped with doors. The main slogan: "Nothing in sight." If the bathroom is combined with a toilet, as previously practiced in the Khrushchev, the traditional door between the rooms is recommended to be replaced by a screen or sliding doors. From a classic bath is better to give up, giving preference to a more modern shower cubicle. A good option would be to use a tile that mimics the marble or the structure of another stone.
Entrance hall and corridor
The hallway and corridor designers recommend to draw up in accordance with the canons of minimalism. The entrance door must necessarily be monophonic and stylistically correspond with the whole room. If the walls are cold steel shades, then the door is either black or gray. Discard the classic brown flowers that "callous eyes". I'll have to forget about the traditional "hallways" with a bunch of hats on the upper shelves and a pile of outer clothing on the hooks. Only the wardrobes of the compartment with mirrored doors that completely hide the "charms" of your wardrobe. A useful and beautiful addition will be a small, narrow sofa without pillows or a group of several chairs arranged at the wall. A small freedom can only become a rug with uneven edges in a large strip near the entrance or a couple of pictures on the walls.
Interior of a country house
A country house in addition to the large dimensions that make it possible to "turn around" has another important advantage: magnificent landscapes outside the windows. Therefore, when it is designed to strive for maximum "openness" to the surrounding beauties. The windows should be large so that the view is accessible, and the natural light flooded the premises. Each room can be dedicated to a particular style direction, but in such a way that the rooms complement each other, creating a whole picture. The bedroom, for example, decorated in blue or mint colors, the kitchen accentuates attention not yellow or mustard, and the living room slightly "holds" brightness and is equipped with a large real fireplace. Similarly, the design move can use the owners of two-bedroom apartments, creating in each room its unique microclimate.
By the way, the fireplace should not be decorated with classical brickwork. Use its modern "variation" with a glass door and panels for "metal". It is better to install the fireplace so that it appears as a cast part of the wall.
Modern styles play the role of direct oppositions to traditions and everything "habitual" for man. Their special energetics is formed due to forms and lines. Each detail of the design should be meaningful and symbolize a complete rejection of uselessness. The rapid pace of modern life forces a person to abandon the "husks", which takes away strength and time. When developing a design project, repeat the word spell: plane, angle, line, square, cylinder. Simple geometry should be your goal and means.