The more space in the kitchen, the more comfortable the hostess feels. Since she has the opportunity to place all the kitchen accessories in their places. When choosing a style, you do not have to limit yourself, since the layout of a large kitchen can be any. Designers often suggest making passageways to the living room to increase the useful area of the dwelling. Sometimes this means removing the wall, if it does not belong to the carriers. Specialists are attracted to the fact that the design of the kitchen 15 sq. M. m. Assumes the universality, variety of options. To design this space, the owner should have an idea of the main design techniques. This will allow you to competently experiment with the arrangement of the interior.
You can use any finishing materials, furniture sets, sanitary accessories. The same set does not necessarily align along the wall to feel comfortable. The design trends are such that the kitchen island or the bar is now in fashion. Variants with G- and U-shaped designs are gradually disappearing into the past.
At the design stage, it is necessary to provide all the details in advance. Only a competent approach to the arrangement of the kitchen can guarantee an excellent result. And from the successful implementation of ideas will directly depend on the atmosphere of the room. For this, pencil sketches, 3d modeling and other architectural methods are used. Usually, like professionals do their own thing, but owners can independently master the necessary computer programs.
Despite the fact that the appeal to specialists involves additional costs, their assistance in the design of the interior can be invaluable. Also it will allow themselves to double-check.
Highlights of Design
Before you begin the interior decoration of the room, you need to think about the ergonomics of the workspace. The landlady should have freedom of movement and understanding the logic of placing all kitchen utensils. Thus, the main point of decorating the interior is the right choice of a furniture set. He should not only approach the style, but also guarantee the movement without too much effort. To optimize all processes, it is important to provide a competent layout of equipment and boxes.
Read also: 30 examples of kitchen-living room for 20 square meters. meters away
This will allow:
- Save time;
- Keep forces on cooking;
- Make all movements verified sharp;
- Provide logistics replenishment of stocks in boxes.
Based on an understanding of how a furniture room should look, the owners can plan design moments. Then we list their main types.
Finishing work
There is a wide field for creativity. Any texture of the facing material is allowed. Since not everyone knows how to make high-quality finishing work, it is recommended to entrust them to professionals. Sometimes it even allows you to save. It is important to select a company with good reviews.
Since the room environment is quite aggressive, the ceiling surface must be resistant to temperature changes and neutral to moisture. It is desirable that the ceiling material is easily washable. It is allowed to use a tensioning web, which is characterized by good performance. It is easy to take care of. Matte surface does not fade. Additionally, it is possible to use suspended structures made of gypsum board, wooden beams. It is important to observe moderation and remember the need for local lighting.

Since the area allows you to vary with the finish, the material should be selected based on the style of the room. Light colors will help to expand the space even more, and dark colors will allow it to narrow. The temperature of the shades depends on the side of the light on which the room is located. If there is enough sunlight from the window, you can use refreshing colors.
If the interior of the kitchen is characterized by a lack of light, then it can be compensated for by warm shades. Experts recommend to use practical materials for facing the room. It can be washable tiles or wallpaper. Far from the stove, you can decorate the walls with wooden panels or decorative paintings.
Serious requirements are also imposed on the floor, as it will be regularly subjected to mechanical stress. It must be durable and easy to clean. The possible options include ceramic granite and laminate of the 33rd class. More budgetary types of coverage will serve much less. If you plan to design a kitchen-living room, then you can use several types of flooring. It can be ceramic tiles within the working area and laminate near the dining table.
Furniture and accessories
When the owners decide to create a stylish and original kitchen, the best option is to make furniture to order. This allows you to choose the ideal texture for the design of the kitchen. Stylistics can be any. Fans of the classics can stay on wooden facades or columns in the interior.
Read also: Kitchen design 9 sq. M - 70 photos of ideas and examples of interior
A connoisseurs of ascetic styles will like a furniture set with built-in appliances. The latter allows you to save a useful space, without cluttering it with unnecessary decor items. The popularity of such styles as provence or country is due to the use of natural wood materials and the creation of a cozy home atmosphere.
Accessories are chosen according to the specific style. Either this is an elegant product from noble materials (for example, valuable tree species), or simple-hearted of high-quality textiles. For decoration, clay pots, ceramic vases, various paintings on the walls are also used. It is important to observe the measure.
Layout options
When the area allows you to clear up, you can use a useful quadrature at your discretion. Let's consider some popular variants of planning of a standard form.
Linear layout with kitchen cupboard
This option is used only as a last resort, when you can not do otherwise. For the linear configuration of the furniture set makes the mistress make tiring jogs every day.
However, you can use a dining table with rounded corners to reduce the number of movements. Its use as a working element makes it possible to create a characteristic triangle. And if the refrigerator is next to each other, then all the minuses of the linear planning are leveled by themselves.
Corner layout for the passage room
Became already a classic, L-shaped layout is a worthy candidate for application in specified conditions. The interior of the kitchen-living room at 15 meters allows you to competently separate the working area from the dining room. Priority in this case will be in the latter, which contributes to the feeling of relaxation.
Specialists recommend buying two medium refrigerators at once, so that several people could cook at the same time. It is also possible to divide the finished products with raw. And to zonate space, you can use a decorative carpet for the dining area.
U-shaped layout
Various versions of the popular country-style layout are easy to imagine in a large, spacious rectangular kitchen. The only wish for its arrangement will be the absence of hanging lockers. This will somewhat free the useful quadrature from bulky furniture. For the same purpose, it is advisable to make the doors open in the direction of another room or to provide for the installation of a sliding structure.
Совсем без дверей обходиться не стоит, поскольку распространение запахов может раздражать владельцев. Сэкономить пространство позволяет вмонтированная техника, складная конструкция обеденного стола и небольшие габариты столешницы. Walls же рекомендуется оснастить практичными полками для хранения посуды или других кухонных аксессуаров. Поскольку кантри ассоциируется у многих с деревом, можно предусмотреть над обеденным столом красивое панно из древесной стружки.
Read also: Kitchen design 16 sq m + 60 photo examples of interior
Parallel Layout
It is used for an extended type of room. At the same time, proportions of the golden section are observed, when two-thirds of the space is given to one of the zones. On the territory of the working space it makes sense to place a dishwasher and a stove, and in the dining area - a microwave and a refrigerator.
Such a two-row arrangement often does without doors, and therefore requires a powerful air-vent system. The dome-type hood should prevent the spread of pungent odors. The demarcation of zones occurs by the aforementioned method of acquiring two types of flooring.
Floorуостров с эркером
The compactness of this variant favorably distinguishes it from the same "island". Closed to one side of the wall, the peninsula is used for operational preparation of products. In addition, it is equipped with a mini-fridge and a small locker for storing useful utensils. This option is strongly encouraged, when the owners decide on the style of the studio apartment. The window of the window is an original lighting of the room, and the decoration of the facades in the tone of the overall cladding allows you to visually expand the cluttered space.
A practical table can also be used as a universal bar counter, for which it is additionally equipped with a wine cabinet. At this table it is convenient to have a snack with a glass of wine while the main dishes are prepared. The rest of the headset can be made high to hide a large hood. Or you can buy a special model with carbon filters. It is characterized by its modest size with the same functionality.
Island - bar counter
The demand for this type of kitchen headset is amazing. But not all restaurants can afford it. 15 sq. M. m. Do not allow to place a full island in the middle.
You will have to choose between a mobile option or a refusal from a dining table. This is the price of the original island in the territory of modern cuisine. However, its practicality tempts too many. It performs the functions of the working area, while the bar counter - the recreation area.
Attention! It is important to leave the passages between the island and the walls at least 1 m from each side. Otherwise, the headset will look too cumbersome.
It is also recommended to hide all communications in one place to save space.
The design of the large kitchen provides the owners with the opportunity to correctly dispose of the space provided. They can choose absolutely any style for the interior decor, as there are no restrictions for finishing materials. The latter can have a variety of texture with the only condition that their surface should be easy to clean.