Kitchen - one of the most important premises of an apartment, a country house. Here they prepare and eat food, rest with a cup of tea and work for a laptop, sometimes even receive guests. One of the most popular styles today is minimalism. This style is suitable both for decorating a cramped kitchen in the "Khrushchev", and for modern spacious kitchen facilities in new buildings.
- the minimum quantity of furniture is only the most necessary;
- decor, textiles are also extremely small;
- all items in the kitchen are as functional as possible;
- use no more than three colors - usually neutral, but bright accents are allowed;
- kitchen appliances, exclusively built-in;
- abundance of artificial, natural light;
- the simplest finish of all surfaces.
If possible, the symmetry of furniture arrangement should be observed, the rule of the middle, when significant objects are placed in the center of the wall.
For an exact match with the style, the room should look uninhabited, have virtually no signs of daily human activity.
Color Features
Colors are mostly neutral, occasionally supplemented by bright contrasts. Apply a maximum of two or three colors, and on the main, which most often is white, account for about 60% of the entire design space, up to 30% occupied by the second color, another 10% - small contrasts. The smaller the kitchen, the more light is chosen for the finish.
The most common color combinations are:
- snow-white with black;
- corn yellow with gray;
- alabaster with brick red;
- light green with a pale gray;
- creamy with purple-black;
- blue jeans with pale almond;
- beige with graphite;
- red-scarlet with green-blue;
- smoky white with olive brown.
Utensils, organizers for storage, table textiles are chosen by suitable stylistics.
Materials, methods of decoration
Finishing is chosen the most simple, to combine practically all materials:
- tree;
- a rock;
- glass;
- plastic;
- paint;
- wallpaper;
- metal;
- linoleum;
- cork cover;
- ceramic tiles.
The quality of decoration here is above all. It is not recommended to use many different materials at the same time - three to four maximum is enough.
Walls оформляются преимущественно в холодных или нейтральных тонах. Для небольших помещений, с окнами, выходящими на север, допускаются теплые светлые колеры. Применяется краска, пластиковые или МДФ панели, однотонная настенная плитка, обои в обеденной, рабочей зоне. Декора на стенах используют самое минимальное количество – часы, пара картин-абстракций, фото в рамках. Допустимо использование фотообоев на одной из стен, но только в качестве единственного яркого контраста во всем помещении. Двери делаются из дерева, МДФ, подходящими под цвет пола, плинтусов, контрастные или сливающиеся со стенами. Их фактура выбирается максимально простой, большое количество вставок, филенок здесь неуместно.
A clear geometric pattern on the wallpaper is sometimes appropriate, but not more than two-color - black on white, gray on beige, brown on silver, yellow on pale blue
For a floor in a private house, apply a stone, a floor tile of a large size, granite, in a city apartment - a parquet board, a laminate, linoleum. Sometimes arrange liquid floors. All coatings are preferred light colors - greenish-gray, pale-graphite, smoky-beige, woody shades. You can make the floor and other colors, but combined with other elements of the interior - table tops, kitchen apron. Carpets are rarely used exclusively monophonic.
See also: Kitchen design with balcony - 25 ideas
Floor делается хотя бы на два-три тона темнее стен – так создается «устойчивый» интерьер, опора для мебели и ног.
Ceiling выполняется исключительно в белом цвете или его оттенках – бежевом, сливочном, жемчужном, кремовом, льняном. Он может быть глянцевым либо матовым. Использование текстильных потолков, фотопечати, любых видов росписи, лепнины не допускается. В редких случаях применяются зеркала, светлые потолочные плиты исключительно гладкие. Чаще всего потолок просто красят или делают натяжным. Можно выполнить многоуровневый потолок с оригинальной подсветкой, но когда площадь кухни всего пять-семь квадратных метров он создает давящее впечатление.
Design, organization of lighting
Lighting is the most diverse, but it takes a lot - the lighter, the better. Light is needed natural, street and artificial, produced by lamps. To make it freely penetrate through the window, the latter form a Roman or roll curtains, the finest transparent curtains, hang light or contrast blinds. Artificial lighting is done with the help of:
- spotlights;
- chandelier above the dining room, working area;
- hidden backlight headset;
- tire lamps;
- LED-lighting the ceiling.
Volumetric lights are not allowed here. Track structures are mounted on a special rail or a flexible busbar trunking, LED strips are illuminated by hanging cabinets, and the bottom is a headset. The table top, the dining room is lit by a lamp, the height of which is adjustable above the table.
If you highlight the suite, the perimeter of the walls, ceiling, you get a very interesting, mysterious atmosphere.
Choosing a kitchen set, furniture
The correct minimalistic furnishings are functional, comfortable. It is important to choose everything in a single stylistic design. Some acquire a whole set at once - many companies sell furniture for the kitchen with complete sets, which includes:
- headsets;
- dinner table;
- chairs;
- kitchen sofa;
- Appliances.
In close kitchens, the table is replaced with a bar counter, the cabinet - on the kitchen niches. Almost all the dishes, kitchen utensils hidden behind the facades of the headset or in the drawers of the corner sofa. Furnishing is selected by strict geometric shapes, with the most simple finish. Lockers are closed only by "deaf" doors, glass is inadmissible.
It is desirable to arrange the kitchen set so that the distance between the cooking zone, the sink, the refrigerator is no more than one or one and a half meters.
Set - table top, facades
The headset is chosen monophonic, without extra decor, volume accessories, milling cutters, with the simplest texture. The facades are glossy or matte, contrasting with respect to the apron, walls or merging with them in a monochrome interior, the hood carefully complements the structure. Combinations of materials for manufacturing are used the most diverse:
- Natural wood for facades and natural stone, as a material of countertop;
- facades of MDF and steel for countertops;
- Frame facades, covered with PVC film and laminate on the table top.
The layout of the kitchen, that is, the layout options for the headset, exist as follows:
- U-shaped - the furniture is located along three walls, as an additional working plane is often used a window sill. There are a lot of places for storage, corner lockers are equipped with special pull-out devices, allowing to use the internal space to the maximum. In a large room, the dining area is located in the middle or near a free wall, in a small suite is equipped with a folding bar counter.
- L-shaped - the set is placed along two walls, the working zone is made island, in the center of the room, the dining room - in any free place. This is the most common layout, as it leaves a lot of free space for moving. This headset is suitable for both square and rectangular kitchens. If the room is through, it will also be convenient.
- Linear or galley - the headset is placed along one wall, a dining area, places for rest - along the opposite. Long walls usually act, less often short ones, but then this layout substantially adjusts the shape of the room.
- Island - distributed less than others, because it is suitable for a kitchen area of at least 18-20 square meters. For smaller rooms, a compact mini-kitchen is purchased, in which everything is built in. In form, the island is square, rectangular, semicircular, U-shaped, asymmetric. Sometimes on one side of a large island headset is mounted a bar counter or a sofa is attached. If the headset is illuminated from below with an LED ribbon, it will appear to float in the air.
In a minimalist kitchen, large sinks are required - they are made one or two. The refrigerator is better placed near the door, but away from the stove, preferably built-in. It is important to observe the rule of the working triangle - a sink-plate-refrigerator. Most often the kitchen is full of hanging drawers, cabinets to the ceiling - this arrangement gives a lot of places for convenient storage. The lower and upper cabinets are sometimes executed in different colors, but the bottom necessarily becomes darker. If there are windows on one or two walls, this option does not work - the lower tier is preferred, in which a compact or horizontal refrigerator is built.
When the kitchen is very tight, a set or one of its sides is purchased a little bit already standard, and lockers for storage are made up to the ceiling.
Apron сочетается с цветом стенок или делается единственным контрастным акцентом. Оформление чаще всего отличается от остального окружения – он выполняется из цветного стекла, плитки, камня, пластика. Иногда совпадает по цвету со стенами, столешницей, но контрастирует с гарнитуром. При использовании в качестве акцента, на нем выкладывается мозаика из стекла, камня, мелкой разноцветной керамической плитки.
All kitchen machines are preferred built-in, hidden behind the doors of cabinets. In the space of this room are used:
- refrigerator - horizontal, vertical, compact;
- gas, electric stove or hob, oven separately;
- The dishwasher - is built in under a sink or in other convenient place;
- microwave oven - located on a closed shelf, bracket, height not more than 100-120 cm;
- washing machine - if space is available;
- rarely used appliances such as mixers, blenders, juicers, vegetable dryers, electric meat grinders are hidden in the lower, upper cabinets.
Between the stove and other equipment, you must make a distance of forty centimeters - here they organize the working surface. The gas stove should not be placed near the window - the wind from the street is capable of blowing out the fire, it is more harmonious to place it in the middle of one of the walls, having arranged the hood, symmetrically arranged lockers on both sides. Wiring should be able to withstand the simultaneous inclusion of a large number of equipment, outlets are also done in excess, but they are located in low-noticeable places.
Furniture of the dining area - choose a table, chairs
The dining area consists of a dining table, the size of which is selected in accordance with the estimated number of dining people, the size of the room. When the room is large, he chooses a large one - quite small here looks ugly. The table is selected square, rectangular, round or oval.
Read also: Kitchen design without closets - storage ideas, interior photosChairs are also purchased a sufficient amount, a suitable height. They can have soft seats, backrests, completely merge with the surroundings, like a table. The dining area is rarely placed in the center of the room - it is not very comfortable when the room is small, the table interferes with free movement around the kitchen. The ideal option - to put it with one side to the wall opposite the headset.
Instead of chairs for dining area equipment, corner sofa, including modular sofa, is often used. It is covered with natural or artificial leather, with a single-colored furniture fabric, and in color it is combined with a set or contrasts with it. The table configuration in this case is selected for the shape of the sofa.
Decoration of furniture is chosen as simple as possible, the form is the most uncomplicated. Materials of manufacture are combined any - wood, metal, glass, fiberboard, MDF, plastic.
Textiles for windows, decor
Decor should not be much - a vase for fruit, a pair of plants in pots, one or two pictures in a simple framework or without them. Bright accents will be heating radiators, combined with the color of kitchen utensils, floor vases that duplicate the drawing of curtains. Brown, yellow, black leather inserts in the design of the sofa, the walls are acceptable in the "softened" version of minimalism. When homogeneous surfaces seem excessively boring, they are decorated with a wavy pattern. Textiles need the most simple monochrome, with plain textures. Curtains on the windows are preferably matching in color with the suite, corner sofa. Preferred light, pastel colors. The carpet detaches the dining area, it is chosen not too small, which is especially important when the room is spacious. Kitchen towels, potholders are also made suitable for the color of the walls or the headset. Colored tablecloths, cloaks on chairs, sofa cushions are inappropriate here.
Kitchen-living room design
Free layout of modern interiors is very common. The zoning of a spacious kitchen-living room, compact studio is made with artificial or natural stone, glass, bricks, cork, shiny metal. The living room is separated by partitions, screens, bar counter, one side of the U-shaped headset, local lighting. Less commonly used zoning color, different height ceilings, podiums, straight, straight columns. Having arranged a sofa or a case with a backrest to the kitchen, you get a clearly delimited space. If you plan to sleep on the couch, there is, for example, a plain plaid, a pair of inconspicuous or contrasting pillows. When the room is small, a bed-wardrobe, laid out for the night, is used, a narrow bar stand that can fold or slide out, being a continuation of the headset. A flat television screen is hung on a wall or placed on a narrow console, located in the middle of one of the walls. The illumination above the rest zone is made with adjustable brightness, one or two lamps also hang above the place of food intake. The working surface is illuminated by point LEDs or fixtures on flexible brackets. Sink, work area is sometimes located at one window, and along the other - a bar rack or sofa, this will allow you to admire the view from the window while eating, cooking, washing dishes.
All the room is made in the same style, the furniture is excessively cluttered with space, the decor is unacceptable.
The design of the kitchen in the style of minimalism is simple, convenient, accurate, practical, discreet. It is easy to recreate in a room of any size, but actual, modern, it will remain many more years. This interior most often does not require special financial costs, a long time for finishing. Designers like this style, they offer both ready-made design ideas for premises, and develop individual minimalistic projects.