Compositions of artificial flowers interiors were adorned from ancient times. Traditionally, they were made of textiles, paper, clay, ceramics. Time passed, and materials and techniques of manufacturing changed. If earlier, the creation of each bunch of flowers was spent a lot of time, since they did it manually, now you can go to the store and buy a ready-made stamping, which visually will not differ from the original. To determine the "artificiality" of such a flower can only be felt. There was a revolution in materials. Instead of heavy ceramics or clay, hardening after firing, modern lightweight plastic and polymer compounds began to be used. Artificial bouquets for the interior are used both as a festive decor, and as a decoration, enlivening the everyday situation. In the article we will talk about what kinds of flowers are used in the design and how to make some of them with our own hands.
To summarize, we can summarize that an artificial ornament is ideal for busy people who have no time to spend time planting and caring for living plants. However, fake compositions have their drawbacks:
- if they are made of cloth, then in time it will burn out and become dusty; the second problem can easily be solved by washing, and in the first case the bouquet will have to be thrown away;
- the artificial composition is static - it does not change, you can not admire the flowering period or see new shoots;
- no pleasant smell imitation does not exude, respectively, and for the smelling of comfort in an unreal hyacinth or hydrangea is not found. Although recently, designers are trying to solve this problem. They imitate essential oils and other flavors. Such fashionable variants are full of catalogs of expensive artificial compositions;
- store goods from low-quality plastics will eventually become brittle and brittle;
- for most of the unreal bouquets will have to separately add sources of decorative lighting.
By the way, the allergy to pollen can be replaced by a similar reaction to dust, so the advantage will easily turn into a drawback if the decor is not monitored.
Indoor plants do not always "take root", some of them have such a "capricious" character that growing on the windowsill yields with great difficulty. A bouquet consisting of certain artificial flowers will allow you to get the desired interior decoration, which can not decorate your house in a living way for one reason or another.
Varieties of floral arrangements
For compositions of artificial flowers, there is no single classification. Depending on the shape of the bouquet, they can be grouped into the following categories:
- Biedermeier - compositions of the correct form, in which the flowers are laid in rows in concentric circles. The style of decoration appeared in Germany. As an additional decor, ears of rye and wheat, gypsophila, fern are used. Begin to compose a bouquet from the top, which is gradually surrounded by rows of buds;
- Topiary - bouquets of ideally round shape on special long trunks-legs. Often decorated with bows, satin ribbons, beads, beads;
- panel - is a three-dimensional picture in the frame, like a bas-relief, but made in a special technique - assemblage. Compositional elements are made of cloth scraps, silk ribbons or shibori;
- liana - artificial flowers are placed on long branches imitating wicker plants;
- winter garden - the most overall composition, which is assembled from various components: flowers in pots, vases, pots, baskets;
- an artificial rock garden, it is made in a technique similar to sogetsu - another subspecies of ikebana, but using stones and other "lifeless" elements.
Depending on the packaging in which the artificial compositions are placed, they can be:
- in pots - a classic option, which uses the usual containers for living plants;
- in pots - a special knitted or plastic cover is put on the pot, which is suspended from the ceiling behind the eyelet;
- in glass vases - in the original versions instead of water the container is filled with smooth stones or glass balls of different shades;
- ornaments in bowls or flat vases, their composition in many respects resembles one of the daughter techniques of ikebana-moribane;
- in wicker baskets - a nice and cozy addition in the interior;
- miniature bouquets in bottles or glasses, the option is suitable for festive decoration of the table.
Artificial bouquets can be placed in boxes, drawers, jars. This decor is ideal for interiors designed in the style of Provence.
Another alternative to real plants will be dried flowers or specially dried stems with petals. Of these, bunches are made or decorated with decorative artificial compositions along with other natural components: branches, cones, roots.
Flower Styles
For compositions of artificial flowers, the same classification is used as for live cut plants. In the floristics there are several stylistic directions:
- vegetative. Bouquet most accurately simulates the present location of each component, as in a live composition. In this case, the ideal proportions will have to be forgotten. Not bad this decoration will look in the interiors, decorated in the styles of Provence, eco, rustic, modern;
- massive. The composition has a volume and a lush, regular shape. Bouquets are suitable for classical interiors, modern, colonial style;
- linear. All the components of floral architectonics line up. Additional adornments use the minimum amount. Suitable option for high-tech, avant-garde, constructivism and futurism;
- parallel. The composition is made according to a simple scheme: at the base lie two lines, a pair of conditional centers, the intervals between which are filled with secondary "characters". The variant is universal and suitable for both classical and modern styles in the design of interiors;
- decorative. This trend in floristry was created to decorate houses. Compositions, as a rule, are collected from different plants, without having a specific "center", that is, all its participants are equivalent. In this case, it is important to maintain a balance of color, shape and size between the components. Knowledge of styles will come in handy if the design bouquet is assembled by hand.
Varieties of materials and care
The most practical are plastic flowers. They are light and inexpensive. Unfortunately, the low price is "compensated" by a short period of use. The pigment on the surface of the material will sooner or later fade and the decoration will have to be changed. Bouquets made of polymer clay are heavier, but more durable. Such jewelry can not be dropped, since the material can easily be broken. Paper compositions (in Kansas technique) look spectacular, but do not last long. Flowers from the fabric in detail imitate the original, but collect dust. Additional elements are made of beads, beads, satin and silk ribbons, glass beads, pebbles, buttons, chains, pearl threads, burlap, rope, twine. Care of such a decoration is only in the timely removal of dust from the surface. To extend the life of the decoration, it is not recommended to place it on a window sill or other place, generously caressed by the sun's rays.
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Compositions and bouquets in different interiors of rooms
Flowers are a universal decoration that is suitable for every room. In addition to matching stylistics, the composition should emphasize the mood of the room, its atmosphere. This nuance is expressed in the color decision, form, size, "nature" of the components. In the latter case, pay attention to the flower symbolism, that is, each bud has a certain value, and the bouquet can "tell" the whole story of sadness, love, happiness.
Entrance hall
Entrance hall, лишенная естественного света, считается оптимальным местом для размещения искусственных цветов. Во-первых, натуральным в темном помещении придется туго. Во-вторых, в свете лампочек имитация не будет выглядеть слишком карикатурно-искусственно. Как правило, прихожую украшают объемной лианой, которая оплетает угол шкафа, вешалку или часть стены. Неплохо здесь будет смотреться и строгая композиция из тюльпанов, гербер, астр или лилий в высокой вазе.
For the decoration of the kitchen, simple compositions from wildflowers with light, rustic motifs are suitable. The baskets with strawberries, blueberries, sea buckthorn berries and cornflowers, forget-me-nots, pansies will look great. Also suitable are miniature bushes of lilac, hydrangea, petunia, spiraea, barberry, wisteria. The floral style can be vegetative or decorative. The ideality of the topiary or the solemnity of the Biedermeier in this room may seem out of place. Kitchen set or cornice above the window is decorated with long branches of creeper, artificial grapes, clematis, bindweed.
Living room
For the living room, compositions in the style of Biedermeier, topiary, flowers in pots, in tall vases or assembled in a wreath-crown on the door or accent wall are suitable. The main thing is that the bouquet should be in harmony with the style of the interior. In modern living rooms it is recommended to use buds of blue, purple or white shades. For ethnic or classical halls, flowers with red, yellow, pink and orange petals will do.
For a bedroom pick up gentle bouquets of flowers of calm colors. Lily, azaleas, gladiolus, orchids, roses, agapanthus, amaryllis, sunflowers, lisianthus, dahlias, ammi, lilies of the valley, and peonies are used as constituents of the composition. The best option will be a bouquet of the same type of plants, decorated with a branch of artificial fern or "chill." Flowers put in high vases, which are filled with sand, river pebbles or details of transparent plastic, glass. Place the decor on the bedside tables, shelves, on the boudoir table near the mirror.
For the bathroom will suit "river" and coastal flowers: lotuses, watch, water lilies, mertensia, a water-glass, buttercup, calla. They are decorated with sedge, reeds, ayr, reed, mannik and strelo-lyst. The compositions are placed in glass bowls or vases on the floor, on the shelf under the mirror and on the side of the bath. Do not recommend for such a wet room to choose buds from the fabric, as the material will quickly become unusable. The best option is ceramics or plastic.
Master class for making compositions of polymer clay
To create flowers from polymer clay will require:
- stationery knife;
- clay of two colors for a bud and a green shade for a stalk;
- beads for the decoration of the flower core;
- wire for the frame;
- toothpick;
- latex gloves;
- board for work.
Consider the production of flowers using the example of bud of callas. Polymer clay of two shades is needed to create a "marble" texture with characteristic divorces. Before work put on gloves that the material did not stick to hands and did not spoil them. From two bars of clay, pluck a piece of the same size. On the board they are rolled into "sausages". Then one of the "strips" is wrapped around the other with a spiral. Now clay rolled into a ball. It is cut in half and gets two pieces, from which you will get a pair of buds. Then each hemisphere is rolled into a round shaped pancake. One tip of it is slightly stretched and lengthened like a leaf. Further it is twisted into a bud, similar to a water funnel. To make the calla look more natural, the wide part of the flower is also slightly extended and lengthened. A hole is made in the core of the bud with a toothpick. It is inserted into the stem from the wire, which is wrapped around the top with a thin layer of polymer clay or crepe paper. If the material dries quickly and it becomes difficult to work with it, add a normal baby cream. When the clay clings to the hands and the board, it is sprinkled with talc. To create complex flower buds use stacks, texture patterns and stamps.
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Elements of self-hardening clay are brittle and fragile. They need to be treated very carefully, since any mechanical damage will entail a complete destruction of the decoration.
Flowers from famiraman own hands
Foamiran is sometimes also called "plastic suede". It is a sheet of foamed rubber of different shades, which, in tactile contact, resemble the most delicate silk. To create a lily from foamiran you will need:
- cardboard sheet;
- Foamiran white and green colors;
- wire for the stem;
- felt pen brown;
- glue;
- scissors;
- decorative stamens or beads not wire, which will replace them;
- iron.
First, two patterns for leaves and petals are cut from the cardboard. Ready-made stamps can be purchased in the store for needlework. Then, the template is applied to the foiramane sheet and the desired number of details of the flower is cut out. On each petal on both sides of the felt-tip draw a dark core with characteristic veins. You can also use a pink or purple hue. Then lightly heat the iron and apply a petal to it. It will become softer and supple, so the surface is neatly applied to the textural pattern with a toothpick. The edges are also applied to the iron so that they become wavy. The same operation is carried out with the leaves. To the wire, wrapped in green paper, which plays the role of a stem, stamen the stamens. Then three lobes are fixed around them. It is better to use a thermal gun. When the glue grasps, three more petals are attached to the bud just below the first, observing the chess order. Finish work by gluing leaflets.
To create a poppy flower of their foyamiran, in addition to the main material of red and green flowers, glue and wire for the stem, you will need black threads and a large bead. The principle of making petals is the same as that of a lily, only without streaks and toning gradation. The bead, pre-fastened to the stem, is wrapped in a circle of fomiran green. To keep the material, it is threaded three times. They form "bands" that intersect at the center, resulting in six beams of "snowflakes". To understand the technology, you need to look at the core of this poppy. Then from the threads make "pompons", which also fasten on the stalk around the bead. Now the poppy flower will have a fluffy middle. Finish work by gluing the petals in several rows, so that the bud turns out to be naturally lush.
Creating artificial flowers can become a full-fledged hobby. There is a mass for every type of material. Having reached a high level of skill in this business, you can not only decorate your own housing, but also give fashionable handmade gifts to your loved ones. If painstaking work is not suitable for someone, then try to buy a set of different artificial flowers and become a compiler of bouquets, applying the rules of floristry or ikebana.