Flowers from time immemorial were considered the best decoration of a man's dwelling, his clothes. Flowers were made from a wide variety of materials - stone, wood, metal, plastic, fabric, wax, threads. Multicolored or white flowers from decorative paper can easily be made by hand. There are a lot of ways of making, as well as different types of paper.
In Russia, the fashion for making began to gain popularity in the late nineteenth century. They were made of leather, wax, textiles, paper. This fine art was taught in women's and art schools. The unique flower of the author's work was quite expensive. In the twentieth century, artificial flowers were only sold in several places on the territory of the Soviet Union, and only party workers were available at a price.
Now one of the most popular hobby and ways of earning, is the production of paper flowers, floral compositions, as well as the decoration of their premises. And that's why:
- live flowers quickly fade and lose the external appeal, and the paper well look much longer;
- there are many manufacturing techniques that make this occupation very interesting, diverse;
- The financial costs associated with this hobby are small, since the materials are cheap, and the tools are available in every home;
- This is a great way of self-expression for children, adults.
Ideas for home decor, festive decoration
A variety of methods, models, types of paper allows you to perform products of varying degrees of complexity - some of them are able to even a child, others are only experienced masters. Large, small flowers can quickly, beautifully arrange an apartment, a country house, a banquet hall, an office space.
See also: Ways of creating and decorating boxes for storage
What exactly decorate:
- arches, screens;
- the whole wall;
- an altar for marriage registration;
- banquet tables;
- curtains, curtains;
- podiums, stages;
- photo zones, banners;
- wedding presidium;
- room completely.
What kind of paper to use
For the production of flowers the most diverse paper is used:
- corrugated;
- крафтовая;
- newspaper;
- sheet music;
- color;
- watercolor.
Often used pages of old books, colorful magazines, coffee filters, paper napkins, paper for quilling. Sometimes different types of fabrics are used.
From the book pages
From book, sheet music sheets it is easy to make a whole bouquet of beautiful roses. For work you will need:
- several pages of books;
- paper tape;
- PVA glue;
- wire.
From the paper, oval petals of various sizes are cut out, which are then twisted in a certain way and fastened to the tip of the wire, previously wrapped in paper tape. To make the roses come out more interesting, the booklets artificially grow old, having drunk tea, coffee.
Around the same way, daisies are made. On the wide paper strip, incisions of sufficient length are made to obtain petals. The strip is curled into a roll, the petals are bent to the sides and the whole construction is fastened to the wire. In the middle, a yellow button or a paper circle is glued. A bouquet of three to five or more flowers is put in a vase.
Of kraft paper
For work you will need figured scissors, with which a strip is cut, at least three centimeters wide. On both sides of the strip, transverse incisions are made approximately to the middle, every three to four centimeters. The upper corners of the cuts are wound diagonally on the awl, the lower ones are glued in the form of a bowl. Then the strip curls into the tube, the petals bend. The resulting flower can be sprinkled with lacquer with sparkles from the can, paint the tips of the petals manually.
If several patterned flowers of various sizes are cut out of the craft paper and cut in the middle by glue or stapler, and paste a circle of cardboard, bead in the middle, then you can get a plausible bouquet of carnations, daffodils, asters.
Corrugated paper
For the production of flowers is the best material - bright, delicate, textured. To make them you need:
- corrugation - red, yellow, blue, pink - for buds. Green corrugation - for leaves, stems;
- wire, floristic sleeve for stems;
- scissors, sharp knife;
- cardboard;
- PVA glue;
- line, thread.
At first, cardboard patterns of petals are made and are printed on paper. For one flower it will take five to six small petals, as many medium, large. They are cut out in compliance with the texture of the corrugation. After the bud center is assembled from five to eight twisted, glued together petals, which should be slightly bent. The design is put on the wire, tied with a thread for strength, then the rest of the petals are pasted. A floristic sleeve is put on the wire-stalk, which is decorated with green corrugation, a crepe cloth, from which the leaves are made.
Master-classes on the production of flowers
Flower decor for the interior of different rooms is realistic or fantastic. Numerous multicolored buds are made by volume or flat. Most often, roses, lilies, carnations, daisies, asters, peonies are made. Less often - dandelions, bells, orchids, callas, snowdrops.
For the manufacture of lilies you will need a simple or corrugated paper of several colors, acrylic paints, scissors, glue, wire, semolina. Cut six-seven pointed petals, one side of which gently straightened, twisted outward. At the base a thin brush is drawn dark specks. The stalk is pasted with green paper, a pestle is formed on its end, the stamens, the tops of which are dipped in the glue, then - into semolina, are stained. The construction is assembled, the leaves are glued to the stalk, which also slightly twist.
Roses делаются из гофрированной, журнальной, цветной либо белой бумаги. Каждый лепесток вырезается по отдельности либо из цельной фигурной полосы. Конструкция скручивается, все детали аккуратно расправляются. Под низ изделия клеятся наружные остроконечные зеленые лепестки, бутон надевается на стебель.
Peonies, chrysanthemums
Peonies are made quite large. To get a believable pinkish color, use food coloring. Cut out petals of various sizes in the form of rounded rectangles, ovals, narrowed at one end. Corrugation is slightly stretched, rastrepyvayut, giving petals realism. Bud is twisted from 20-26 petals.
To make aster, chrysanthemum, cornflower, one or several colored strips are taken, on which the denticles of the desired shape are cut. The core is curled from the narrowest band, the rest is attached around.
Read also: How to decorate a vase with your own hands - decor ideas
Flower garlands
Wall, ceiling garlands of small voluminous flowers decorate the festive interior. Flower buds without stems are made by any of the above-described methods, after which they are threaded onto a string, a line. Garland should be combined in color, style with the rest of the decorations of the room.
Exclusive wedding bouquet
Flowers of the desired kind are drawn on paper by hand or printed color blanks from the Internet, and then cut. Each bud is attached to floristic wire. The necessary number of flowers is collected in a bouquet, their stems are twisted together with floral tape, the tips are cut. The resulting handle is wrapped in a silk, satin ribbon of suitable color. You can tie a magnificent bow.
Quilling, origami for cards
Flowers in the quilling technique are made from narrow paper strips wound on the spoke. Of strips of width not less than five millimeters, and a length of ten centimeters, rolls are curled, which are slightly flattened until a pointed oval is pointed from both ends. The details are stacked in a circle on the plane, glued together in a circle. The middle becomes fimbriated - strips two to three centimeters wide make transverse incisions, the paper curls into a roll, straightens, fastens to the middle of the flower.
To produce a simple voluminous postcard from colored paper, six or seven squares with a side of about ten centimeters are cut out. Each folded diagonally three times, draw a diamond-shaped petal, cut out, unfold. It turns out eight-petalled flower. After drawing the hatching along the edge, closer to the middle, on six of the eight petals. In each flower, one open petal is cut out, glued in the form of a cup. Then all the flowers are collected in a single design, glued to the back of each other, a postcard.
Paper decoration will remain popular for a long time due to the relative ease of manufacturing, cheapness, availability of materials. All the variety of shapes, sizes, colors of colors, with a certain skill, is easily recreated with your own hands at home. On the Internet, as well as on pages of glossy magazines, there is a large number of detailed master classes of varying degrees of complexity and in all kinds of performance techniques.