Apartments with an area of thirty three square. m are considered "medium" option, which gives owners a little more opportunities than typical odnushki in Khrushchev. They are converted into a fashion studio or vice versa, they separate a separate area for a bedroom, a kitchen. This accommodation is considered non-standard, but its features easily turn into advantages, if the design of a one-room apartment of 33 square meters. m to develop competently. Of course you need a full-fledged project that will maximize the "budget" option for elite apartments. After all, as we know, there is no limit to perfection. The interior of the apartment is 33 square meters. m should be considered with a number of immutable design rules for decorating premises with a shortage of footage. About these subtleties and we will talk below.
Do not lack such apartments and flaws:
- Absence of sound insulation. Unfortunately, any tricks will not help to completely relieve the bedroom of the kitchen noise or the echoes of the merry guests in the hall.
- Absence of "personal space". If two people live in an apartment, then it will not be possible to equip everyone with a separate area for work or rest. Unfortunately, we will have to accept this fact and abandon the desire to "relax from each other". As an option, it is possible to arrange a balcony under a separate area for a peaceful reading of books or a quiet work.
- The impossibility of creating separate rooms.
- The disadvantage of close contact of rooms with different microclimate. The kitchen will periodically harm the living room and bedroom, holding out to them the "tentacles" of the smells of culinary experiments.
Of course we will be honest, no sane person will give preference to modest in size apartment instead of spacious housing, if he has such a choice. Small studios will never be able to reach full-fledged kopeck pieces or treshkas. Their interior can be made beautiful, comfortable and cozy. But this is just a number of tricks with which the owners will improve what is available to them. And here's how to do it competently, and we'll talk further.
Layout and expansion of space
In apartments of 33 square meters there is an opportunity to arrange a separate room. Although housing is sold as standard in the form of studios, no one forbids new owners to engage in redevelopment. Of course, this process is labor-intensive. Complicating his need to visit various instances and agree on projects with architects. By the way, if you do not know all the subtleties of the procedure, it's easier to hire an experienced designer. You can erect a monumental wall that fences the sleeping area or kitchen area. However, much more often owners operate in the opposite direction, that is, space is expanded due to the demolition of the balcony partition. Pillows and protruding symmetrically to the ceiling beam can not be completely removed. They are actually balcony slabs and hold. Even a piece of the windowsill after dismantling the door and the window is not recommended to clean. It can be used as a natural zone delimiter, supplemented with a stylish counter top or a number of open shelves.
See also: Design options for a one-room apartment with a niche - the most successful design solutions
From the layout of the apartment will depend on its comfort. Before you break something and take it down, you should carefully consider the future stylistic design. Not every direction will fit into the studio, so interior design should seamlessly fit into the framework that the owners themselves will install.
When zoning an apartment you need to build on its shape. If it is square, then the studio is segmented into three or four areas. The option of dividing into two equal halves of rectangular shapes is actual. One of them is usually allocated for a sleeping area, and the other is further divided into a couple more zones: the kitchen and the living room. In rectangular rooms, the location of the functional areas will be consistent. There is no sense to share the studio along the lines, since it is problematic to select furniture for narrow zones. For this reason, the apartment is zoned across two or three squares. The bedroom is located at the farthest wall. The rest corner should be placed in the most "quiet" place (not through passage), so that the dream was as comfortable as possible. In the buffer zone have a living room, and closer to the exit - the kitchen. She will be the first to meet guests. Competent zoning allows you to create several separate areas within the same small-sized studio apartment. Perform it with the help of auxiliary techniques: light, color, texture division, delineation with the elements of furniture, decor, screens, partitions, podiums and ledges on the ceiling.
The choice of style and color solution
Within the apartments-studios, they often realize modern styles. After all, housing is in fact a progressive option, which half a century ago did not occur at all. By the way, everything began with the original idea of an American designer who created a house without internal walls. This prototype of the first studio stands as an architectural monument until now. The idea of blurring borders and expanding the spaces was so popular with designers that it gradually began to supplant the traditional layout options. Among the stylistic trends it is worth noting minimalism, high-tech, provence, loft, Scandinavian and as a classic compromise - modern. These interior solutions are organically embodied on the square meters of the studio and emphasize its merits. For the above styles is characterized by the use of light, calm colors. The basis in it is white and gray. In the Scandinavian style, cool colors are added: blue, blue, green. Hi-tech and minimalism have nothing against black in accent areas and decorative elements. Provence does not do without bright spots of lilac, pink, blue flowers. Loft applies a brown and brown-red (brick) shade in the finish. Modernism also gives preference to the coffee color scheme.
Owners of studio apartments will have to accept that the dark colors for their housing are not suitable. They can play in accents and appear on the decor surfaces, but they will never act as the basis. Otherwise, you will get an uncomfortable, tight room, the walls and furnishings of which will visually put pressure on the home.
Design kitchens
The design of the kitchen is dominated by light shades. Stylishly look the facades of the headset with the effect of ombre, that is, the color gradation. For example, the bottom has a rich chocolate shade, gradually turning into coffee with milk closer to the level of the countertop. The top is made in "creamy" tones of white. The surface of the facades should be chosen glossy, with lacquered luster. Reflective elements visually increase the small space. Do not recommend to use in small kitchens hanging shelves closed type above eye level. They will "crush" with their massiveness, so it is better not to equip storage spaces with doors. Be sure to take care of lighting the work area. The apron can be decorated in a mosaic fashion from small ceramic tiles or square pieces of plastic, glass, mirrors. The dining area is located here. The table often adjoins the back of the sofa in the living room. This option does not require additional delineation of zones.
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Do not forget the rule of the working triangle. The refrigerator, stove and sink should be next to each other, and their location is as simple as possible to make cooking. For cramped kitchens suitable L-shaped layout. In this case, the hostess will not have to "toss" between the work areas. To wash the plate, it is enough to turn from the plate to the sink.
Design of living room and bedroom
As for the bedroom, it must be separated from the living area. Optimum option - installation of a through rack. To make it look airy, not squat, the shelves are "pushed" onto long vertical beams that run from the ceiling to the floor. Another option is to install a cornice with curtains on the contour of the bed. Of course, the textile partition does not save from noise, but from the views of the guests will protect completely. To save space, you can use not a full double bed, but a sofa bed. The built-in closet will complete the interior composition.
If the studio is not a married couple, but, for example, two girls, then the sleeping area will take even less space. After all, you can buy a bunk bed, each "floor" which will be a separate place for sleeping.
Hallway design
The entrance hall in the studio apartments is small, without space for scope. For this reason, it is equipped only with a hanger for outer clothing, a bench or a pair of poufs for re-training and a traditional mirror. To the furniture set you can add a narrow cabinet. If there is no wardrobe in the bedroom, then the wardrobe is placed in the hallway, leaving room for it in advance. The facades are decorated in bright colors, alternating with mirror surfaces. Separately, it is worthwhile to attend to additional dotted lighting on the ceiling along the perimeter of the zone.
Bathroom Design
In the bathrooms preference is given to compact shower cabins. They allow you to save space and free space for additional storage space for towels and household chemicals. If the budget allows, then the usual toilet bowl is discarded in favor of the hinged option. It looks stylish, unusual and gives the room "ease". For the rest of the situation to correspond, modern solutions are resorted to when choosing a shell. It is better to forget about traditional "tulips" and install a fashionable invoice "cup". From the bottom it will be supplemented by a curbstone with shelves for storage. In finishing, use a light large tile. The smaller the seams, the wider the walls will be visually. But the big prints should be discarded, since the effect from them will be reversed.
Decorating the room
From the finish of the room itself, and repairs begin. In expensive apartments only natural materials are used, and budget imitations are in fact just a little worse. Also it is necessary to take into account the stylistic decision. For example, pretentious modernism loves wood, loft does not do without brick, but hi-tech give plastic and chrome surfaces. Let's try to understand with a question, what furnish is better poured into apartment-studio.
Walls штукатурят, красят, оклеивают обоями или облицовывают вагонкой, пластиковыми панелями. Акцентные зоны декорируют кирпичом или камнем. Кстати, имитация кладки имеет преимущество: от нее не тянет «холодом». Обои для стен в отдельных функциональных зонах стоит выбирать разные. Для спальни или гостиной подойдут бумажные, флизелиновые, тканевые или фольгированные виды. Также неплохо смотрятся «жидкие» обои, декорированные блестками. А вот для кухни применяют только винил. Материал выдержит перепады температур, изменения влажности и систематический контакт с бытовой химией. Хотя в некоторых случаях керамической плиткой оформляют не только фартук, но и все стены полностью. Материал все же считается самым долговечным для кухонной зоны.
Flooring придется разделить на кухонное и спально-гостиное. В первом случае используют керамическую плитку. Ведь полы на кухне придется мыть очень часто, а нежный ламинат или паркетная доска от контакта с влагой могут деформироваться или вздуться. В спальне и гостиной можно положить пробковый пол. Каждый метр этого покрытия будет невероятно приятно ощущаться босыми пятками. Пробка имеет необычную фактуру поверхности, которая обеспечивает ей дополнительную мягкость. В более прозаичных вариантах используют ламинат, паркетную доску, линолеум и устаревший ковролин. В дорогих квартирах напольное покрытие заливают. Наливная поверхность по прочности не уступает бетону.
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Ceilings from plasterboard look original. However, the design will inevitably "eat" a couple of centimeters, which is unacceptable in conditions of meter "hunger". Therefore, before you go to the construction store for stocks of gypsum boards and metal rails, estimate the height of the ceiling "before" installation and "after". Stylish and expensive look panel options, where the main material - plastic. It would seem that PVC a priori can not look expensive. In fact, plastic is sometimes difficult to distinguish from the real surface, which it imitates. If it is additionally decorated with point light sources, then the luxurious ceiling will flow even into the loft or neoclassic. In simpler versions, the top of the room is plastered or painted. Also, one should not forget about stretch ceilings, which proved their strength even when flooded by neighbors from above. Do not recommend in studios to use paintings with bright patterns. A bright, glossy reflective surface will visually lift the ceiling a couple of centimeters.
How to Furnish an Apartment with Furniture
The studio area of 33 square meters. m usually require the selection of special furniture. It should be as small as the room itself. Due to the complexity of the design project, sometimes even have to buy furniture to order. Usually, in this way, built-in elements are manufactured, which carefully use every square meter of space and occupy a minimum of space. Do not recommend buying full headset. Such furniture in the framework of the studio does not fit and will look like an inappropriate "hello" from the Soviet past. Each item is best purchased separately. Particular attention should be paid to multifunctional elements, without which there is not a single tight apartment.
Lighting, decoration, textiles
Since there are several zones in one room, one ceiling chandelier is refused in favor of a number of fixtures located above each of the sites. The kitchen of natural lighting is usually devoid, therefore it is necessary to compensate it with artificial. A stylish touch will be decorative, diffused light. Its sources are located around the perimeter of the room and in the area of accent zones. Textiles are an important part of any interior. It is used in the decoration and upholstery of furniture. The area adjoining the kitchen area with fabrics is not worth decorating, as they quickly become impregnated with unpleasant odors. Decor is selected according to style. In minimalism, a pair of vases are dispensed with. In the marine style, the thematic elements of the ship's rigging are used. HiTek, the main decoration of the premises, makes household appliances. In modernity they use statuettes, vases, caskets, the craving for which has passed to the style "inherited" from the classics. Provence does not do without colorful cushions, soft self-made rugs, plates on stands and vases with fresh flowers. Do not forget about the decor of the walls. They are decorated with panels, paintings, photographs. Alternatively, the accent zone can be pasted with photo wallpapers, the image on which will add perspective to the room. A fine decor is better not to get carried away, as it strongly clutters up space. Use every free place rationally. The main decoration of the studio should be the interior itself. Do not forget about indoor plants - green spots in the decorating composition, which will add to it "life" and juiciness of colors.
Studio apartments with a progressive novelty broke into domestic housing markets a couple of decades ago. Numerous design projects, which are full of the Internet, can become templates or sources of creative ideas for a beginner designer. There is nothing shameful about taking a ready-made interior as the basis for your own. The author's strokes will still make the decoration of the apartment exclusive, unparalleled.