Childhood. What associations causes this word? The smell of freshly cut grass and juicy apples, the aroma of fresh milk, games with friends, the affectionate hands of my grandmother, the summer holidays in the village. In the age of technical progress and rapid pace of life, the desire to be closer to nature is acutely felt.
In the 70s of the last century in the US in Texas was recognized as an independent design direction. The life and work of local planters was in contact with nature. Gardens and vegetable gardens around the territory of the cowboy ranch had a national flavor. To decorate the kitchen, rooms or homestead in the American rustic style professionals began about 40 years ago. In landscape design, it is considered the most free. Distributed throughout the world, lost the Texan flavor.
Features of rustic style
The village is a lake, forest, the smell of hay, a flowering meadow, a plowed field. These natural components and become its basis. The main trend is the preservation of the natural features of the territory, the creation of unity with nature. The simpler, the better.
Distinctive features:
- unshaved grass on natural lawns;
- a variety of pots and fences (no identical);
- There are no clear distinctions: beds with vegetables grow near flower beds;
- Wicker fences, wooden decking, swings, wells;
- paraphernalia and old things that got from relatives: watering cans, buckets, wheels from the cart;
- hand-made products;
- pond of natural style;
- organically in such a territory will look gazebo of a log house, a bridge through an artificial pond;
- paths from spits of trees, sandstone, woody bark.
Despite such an arrangement, everything looks picturesque: a front garden with daisies, cornflowers and fruit trees with hives. Chaotically planted plants perfectly fit into the countryside. The objects around look like works of nature: a bench of driftwood or a cut log, a fence, a gate, gleaming with a hedge.
Site planning
The territory should be divided into functional and aesthetic zones, making up a corresponding project. Such work can be done independently or ask the designer for help. It is accepted to divide the site into 5 zones:
- garden;
- decorative garden;
- front of house;
- economic zone;
- rest zone.
Area of the site | Elements | Location |
front | Flower beds. A paved driveway and a wide main avenue. | Entrance area in front of the house |
Garden Garden | Fencing: a wooden fence or a hedge. Beds with vegetables and herbs. | Behind the house |
Economic | "Village" accessories: statuettes made of wood, clay, decorative carts, hand-made crafts | In the backyard |
Rest zone | An arch with twisted plants, a gazebo, pots and flower pots with flowers, an artificial pond. | In the backyard |
Zones are separated from each other by a hedge, arches with hops or twisted wild grapes. In accordance with the design direction of the lawn, as well as hedges are not cut. Garden and garden, the obligatory elements, perform a decorative function. Create them simply: vegetable beds decorate with flowers. It can be marigolds, zinnias. Long bloom will please the owners.
In the design of the garden is better to follow a few simple rules:
- minimalism and diversity;
- the presence of small neat beds with vegetables;
- the will of fantasy: over each garden, hang up nameplates with the name of crops, divide the beds with fences from the vines on which clay jugs are hanging, put the scarecrow from the straw.
Now it is fashionable to use "vegetable gardens-beds". They can grow both flowers and vegetable crops. Beets, dill, carrots, different kinds of lettuce, cucumbers and pumpkins will look beautiful on them. Dilute such a flower bed can be daylilies. By the way, their buds and flowers are also used for cooking. This mixboarder will fit organically into the overall concept.
To create a country garden there are 3 principles:
- Romantic. It gives an abundance of flowers;
- Slight negligence. Do not use plastic figurines and synthetic materials. The paths must not be level;
- Decor. Each country has introduced its national zest in the concept. Decorative wheels and fences came from America, mills from Holland, a cart from Russia.
Ornamental plants in a rural garden
The main goal of a country garden is to create an impression of wildlife. Therefore, only natural materials are used. Around are planted motley unpretentious flowers: mallow, chrysanthemum, dicenters, irises, daylilies, dahlias, violets, carnations. Focus on bright plants with round forms of inflorescence. For example, a decorative bow looks good with a geranium, a cuff. For a hedge, climb roses, clematis, honeysuckle.
Flower pattern on the adjacent flower-bed should not be repeated. The "set" of planted plants must be unique. The main thing - everything should look not too well-groomed.
Ferns and hosts withstand penumbra. Flowers are planted chaotically. Here there is a place for sunflowers, ornamental grasses, hops. Of shrubs, it is better to plant guelder-rose, jasmine, dog rose, lilac, hydrangea, aronia. Barberry, raspberries, currants, gooseberries, blackberries not only do not violate the concept, but will delight sweet aroma.
Select plants and trees so that they bloom at different times. Riot of colors will please the eye all year round.
Elements декора
The village garden is the realm of accessories. Here, cupids, gnomes and decorative fountains are not needed. For decoration, agricultural tools and accessories are suitable. With American decor, the main thing is not to overdo it. Otherwise, everything will look like an unreal, overloaded detail. At the entrance to the house put a bright bench. Around the cobbled terrace plant a girlish virgin. From the deck, make a decorative well. You can drop flowers on the cart. If the old stepladder is attached to a tree and put curling plants along it, it will also become an element of decor.
As elements of registration use old barrels, buckets, galvanized watering cans. Furniture is made by hand or ordered from folk artists. You can also use natural elements: stumps like chairs, a tree trunk like a bench, a table from a board. On the roof of the house build an old car wheel, this will attract storks. Also used rocking chairs, broken cast iron, overgrown with herbs, old shoes, instead of flower pots.
Elements стиля
The village yard is the face of the owner. Decorate it can be hanging flowerpots with flowers, products made of clay and straw, rocker, low fences. In a small area of the yard, benches are placed in different places: in the middle of a flower bed, near a vegetable garden, at the entrance. The house should not stand out from the overall composition of the style. No siding or glass facade. They are perfectly combined with country houses with a log house, huts-mud huts. You can also build a stone or a brick. On the windows and veranda are installed wicker baskets with flowers.
The design of the gazebo should be as simple as possible. Thread during construction is not used. Latticed parapets are planted by vegetating plants. Shops in the arbor are arranged chaotically. Also, the structure may have forged fragments or elements of the vine.
Cover the arbor is better than oil, not varnish. So it will look more natural.
Fences and wickets
As an external fencing will serve as a wattle fence, a simple fence of boards, walls of old bricks. For the inner - flowering bushes and vines, vines, birch trunks, wooden slats. Their height is not more than one meter. On the fence hang out clay pots. If the fence is built of metal, then on the inside it is planted with a hedge. Planting a small rose, sweet peas, glory, kampsis, nasturtium, you can divide the recreation area from vegetable beds.
Green fences not only zoniruyut land, but also hide from extraneous economic buildings: cellar, summer kitchen, barn and even a garage. For the beds, the fence is made of logs dug in the ground, or a fence. The wooden wicket is decorated with metal plates or make the top edge carved. It all depends on the type of fence. It is important to preserve the shade of antiquity, primitiveness.
Read also: Decorative fence by own hands +50 photo
Tracks делают из природных материалов – дерева, песка, гранитного отсева, гравия. Они никогда не бывают ровные, мощение – неаккуратное. Смотря на них, должно казаться, будто им около 100 лет. Если положить плитку, то она должны быть со сколами, через которые проросли одуванчики. Вдоль дорожек — живой бордюр из микса ярких цветов. Также на них можно расположить деревянные ведра или лейки для воды с проросшей травой или многолетниками. Для детей игра на таких дорожках будет настоящим путешествием в сказку.
Пространство между фрагментами тропок засаживаются газонной травкой. Его еще называют «мавританский газон». Для кантри-сада органичный вариант – дорожки с деревянным настилом. front дорожка – широкая и прямая. По обе ее стороны «под шнурок» высажены фруктовые деревья. Во время цветения дорожка стает более парадная. Часто дизайнеры чередуют обычную вишню с войлочной, а черешню с терном.
If there is a lot of free land on the territory of a country house, you can design a pond. As an economical option - the creation of a basin from an old trough.
Types of water bodies:
- Fountain. Simple and powerful at the same time. You can do it yourself. For example, put a wooden trough under a hillock, overlay stones of different sizes, and withdraw the water pipe.
- Pond. For such a garden is the most suitable option. You can arrange a waterproof pond - a pit. If there are no means, then it is enough to bury a wooden barrel or an old bath in the district territory. Plant with reeds, lotuses and nymphees. Coastal territory to make herbs - sedge, fescue, miscanthus. Such a pond will look spectacular.
Do not get carried away using stones. They should look natural in the environment. If the pond is wide, then you can lower the rafters or floating flower beds. Also for decoration, a bridge from logs, thick branches or birch sushnya is suitable.
Country is suitable for decorating space, both manors, and a couple hundred southeastern land. Because of its simplicity, it is often used for decorating cottage sites around the world. This landscape solution is an excellent option for creative people. Each country has its own national characteristics: clear and strict lines from the British, French lightness and oblivion from the colors of lavender, overgrown in Provence style, German pragmatism.
Design of a country house or villa does not require special financial investments. This is due to the fact that the elements of decor and furniture are made by themselves. A creative approach allows you to make your own home and homestead territory just as the owner sees it. Do not be afraid to experiment. Combine the cultivated and wild flora. Knowing the sense of proportion in decoration, the rural landscape will be filled with charm.