Modern architecture: a house in berandah, chile

A small house with a beautiful view of the Pacific Ocean is located in the steep dunes of Beranda, Chile. Because of the unstable soil, the architects from the studio schmidt architects had to try. Several supporting structures were built to support the house. Visually, the architecture of the house looks like a ladder, since the house is on a slope - this was the only sensible and aesthetic solution from the planners.

Дом выполнен из камня и дерева, но замечательным остаётся тот факт, что архитекторы из schmidt architects не упустили возможность наполнить дом светом и теплом, оставив прекрасный вид на побережье, заменив при этом каменную стену на стеклянную. Дерево же наполняет дом эстетичностью, благородством, приятно гармонирую с каменными вставками белых оттенков. Стены увешаны различными картинами, создавая творческую атмосферу.

Photogallery Total | 23 pictures Modern architecture: a house in Berandah, Chile Modern architecture: a house in Berandah, Chile Modern architecture: a house in Berandah, Chile Modern architecture: a house in Berandah, Chile Modern architecture: a house in Berandah, Chile Modern architecture: a house in Berandah, Chile Modern architecture: a house in Berandah, Chile Modern architecture: a house in Berandah, Chile Modern architecture: a house in Berandah, Chile Modern architecture: a house in Berandah, Chile Modern architecture: a house in Berandah, Chile Modern architecture: a house in Berandah, Chile Modern architecture: a house in Berandah, Chile Modern architecture: a house in Berandah, Chile Modern architecture: a house in Berandah, Chile Modern architecture: a house in Berandah, Chile Modern architecture: a house in Berandah, Chile Modern architecture: a house in Berandah, Chile Modern architecture: a house in Berandah, Chile Modern architecture: a house in Berandah, Chile Modern architecture: a house in Berandah, Chile Modern architecture: a house in Berandah, Chile Modern architecture: a house in Berandah, Chile