Bed linen made of satin - gentle and practical on 50 photos

Bed linen from satin is the best compromise of the ratio of democratic prices and good quality. Satin is considered to be an intermediate link between expensive silk and cheaper cotton cloth. Thanks to the twisted cotton thread of double weaving, satin fabric for bed linens acquires a gloss and a rather high density. The back of the product is slightly rough, this allows the laundry not to slip off the bed during sleep. More about this material and its properties you can learn in our article below.

Bed linen made of satin: which satin is better for bed linen?

From the variety of satin depends not only the appearance of the laundry, but of course its cost.

Plain and stuffed satin

Inexpensive varieties of fabric, whose density is 85-130 and 85-170 yarns. Often such materials are used for sewing inexpensive bed linen from satin.


The most popular variant from among inexpensive fabrics. It features a large content of artificial materials, which came to replace cotton.

Strip and satin jacquard

The density of these tissues ranges from 170 to 220 filaments.

Both materials do not have the wrong side: the pattern that was applied in the production process will be embossed on one side and convex on the other, both sides look equally attractive, and you can choose the front one at your discretion.

Bed linen made of satin of these two kinds has a major difference in the figure. Stripes are characterized by strips on the fabric, and for jacquards various ornaments.

Mako satin

The most dense satin of all kinds. In the production of this material only high-quality cotton is used, which makes it the most expensive among other varieties of satin.

Printed satin

Fabric satin for bed linen, which is painted during the manufacturing process, is an interesting solution for your bedroom. Thanks to the coloring, the buyer is presented with very beautiful fabric options. Also, there is a "3D satin", in which, due to the use of special technologies, the picture on the fabric looks bulky and "alive". Especially beautiful prints with the image of the nature look.

We have acquainted you with the most popular variants of bed linen from satin, and you already determine which satin is better for bed linen. It all depends on your desires and possibilities. Below we suggest to familiarize yourself with the photo-variants from Dekorin.

bed linen from satin, photo 1bed linen from satin, photo 2bed linen made of satin, photo 3bed linen made of satin, photo 4bed linen made of satin, photo 5bed linen made of satin, photo 6bed linen made of satin, photo 7bed linen made of satin, photo 8bed linen made of satin, photo 9bed linen from satin, photo 10bed linen from satin, photo 11bed linen from satin, photo 12bed linen from satin, photo 13bed linen from satin, photo 14bed linen from satin, photo 15bed linen from satin, photo 16bed linen from satin, photo 17bed linen from satin, photo 18bed linen from satin, photo 19bed linen from satin, photo 20bed linen from satin, photo 21bed linen from satin, photo 21bed linen from satin, photo 23bed linen from satin, photo 24bed linen from satin, photo 25bed linen from satin, photo 26

Read also: Original bedding photo with 56 interesting ideas

How to identify real and quality fabric satin for bed linen

An inexperienced person finds it difficult to determine the quality of the material, let alone the real one. Here are three main theses, which should be based on the selection of tissue:

  • The fabric should not be visible when stretched. Satin is a dense material, regardless of its appearance, when stretching, the color and transparency should not change.
  • A sharp smell from the product does not bode well, which means that when painting the material, poor-quality dyes were used, which is typical for cheap fabrics.
  • If you take a ready-made set of bed linen from satin, carefully read the label. In the column "composition" there should be nothing but "100% cotton", and the density is not less than 100 threads.

fabric for bedding, photo 27fabric for bed linen, photo 28fabric for bedding, photo 29fabric for bedding, photo 30fabric for bedding, photo 31fabric for bedding, photo 32fabric for bedding, photo 33fabric for bedding, photo 34fabric for bedding, photo 35fabric for bedding, photo 36fabric for bedding, photo 37fabric for bedding, photo 38fabric for bedding, photo 39

Bed linen: satin, poplin or coarse calyx, which is better? Compare and choose

What bedding is better - calico or satin, or maybe poplin? We took to compare these three materials, because now they are the most popular and popular types of fabric for making linen. We bring to your attention a number of positive and negative aspects of each of the materials that will help you choose a quality fabric for making bed linen.



  • Hygroscopicity. This fabric easily absorbs and removes moisture.
  • Ease. Matter is thin and light.
  • Thermal conductivity. Matter keeps body temperature, you will always be pleased to return to bed sent by satin linens
  • Wear resistance. Bed linen from satin is designed for 200-250 washings, only after that it will lose its gloss
  • Matter does not crumple. This matter only forms light folds.


  • Treatment. The edges of such a fabric crumble strongly, they can be processed.
  • Excessive smoothness. High smoothness of this material, can irritate during sleep, it is most convenient to sleep on bed linen from satin in cotton pajamas.



  • Low crease. Bed linen from poplin should be gently shaken before drying, after which there will be no need for additional ironing
  • Softness. The material is pleasant and soft, in comparison with the breasts.
  • Breathability. The fabric is good for air and keeps heat.
  • Appearance. Due to the peculiarities of the structure of the fabric, the linen from poplin has smoothness and refinement.


  • Shrinkage. The fabric is more delicate than coarse calico and has a lower density than satin. If the care is wrong, the fabric may be susceptible to shrinkage.
  • Wear resistance. On wear resistance, these canvases are similar, but despite this poplin is the least resistant to wear.



  • Practicality. The fabric withstands a large number of washings, with proper care for a long time does not lose color and does not deform.
  • Heat. Dense fabric is able to absorb and retain heat well.
  • Ценовая политика. without относится к тканям из доступной ценовой категории.

The main disadvantages of coarse calico are its textile characteristics:

  • Simplicity of color scales
  • Harshness and rigidity of products

Obviously, any fabric has its pluses and minuses, when choosing a material. Lean on the factors that will affect your comfort. We hope that our article will help you in choosing and creating your ideal bedding set.

bed linen calico, photo 40bed linen from coarse calico, photo 41bed linen from poplin, photo 42bed linen, photo 43bed linen from poplin, photo 44bed linen calico, photo 45bed linen from poplin, photo 46Jacquard bed linen, photo 47bed linen from jacquard cloth, photo 48bed linen jacquard cloth, photo 49bed linen jacquard cloth, photo 50