Top 10 ways to make an angle in the living room

Decorating the corner space can be quite a tricky business, which often causes difficulties even for professional designers. The problem is that the object in the corner should be correctly related to the rest of the room. While some of the rooms need a complex and original corner decor, others manage to look stunning even with the simplest, minimalist addition. In addition, there are cases when the room looks generally balanced, but its angle seems to have frozen in the standby mode!

Before, we already collected a selection of useful ideas for decorating the corner of the kitchen, and today we do the same for a room that simply has to look stylish - we present 10 great ideas that can transform an uncomfortable corner in your living room!

1. Corner modular sofa

This is probably the easiest and easiest way to occupy the corner of the living room, that's why we start with it. Particularly good corner modular sofas work in rooms where every centimeter of free space is expensive. Add to it a couple of table lamps or sconces, and you easily turn this place into the perfect corner for relaxation.

Living Room Design with Corner Sofa Corner sofa in the corner of the living room

2. Fireplace

Fireplaces bring warmth, comfort and charm to the room, which is why today there is such a big choice of them not only for private houses, but even for small apartments. A corner fireplace or simply a fireplace built into a corner will instantly become your favorite center of your home.

Fireplace-chimney in the living room with large windows Bio-fireplace in the corner of the living room Fireplace built into the corner

3. A reading corner

If you do not have a lot of space in your living room and you are looking for a practical solution for decorating a corner, then a simple reading area with an armchair and a beautiful ottoman can be your best choice!

A place to read in the corner of the living room Armchair in the corner of the living room near the window

4. Home Entertainment Center

Angular entertainment units are much less popular with traditional, but in practice they are very good at saving space.

An unusual place for a TV in the living room Corner cabinet with stand for TV

5. Partition in Asian style

Intimate Asian partition is a popular decoration of living rooms around the world. But when choosing such an original decor, it is important to take care that its style is combined with other elements of the interior and emphasizes, but does not overshadow the beauty of upholstered furniture.

Decor in Asian style for decorating the corner of the living room

6. Cozy workplace

The presence of a home office is gradually becoming mandatory in most modern homes. For those who can not take a separate room under it, the corner of the living room is the most profitable solution. A small desk, wall shelves and, of course, a comfortable work chair - this is the minimum list of things that you will need for this.

Small workstation in the living room Stylish workplace in the living room

7. Stylish floor lamp

Why not enliven the lonely corner of the living room with an exquisite lamp? A beautiful lamp is both useful, and fashionable, and easy to install solution for any room!

Floor lamp on an arch leg Floor lamp near the corner sofaTable lamp as a corner decoration of the living room

8. Corner shelves and lockers

Another useful idea for those who want to use every centimeter of free space! Vertical corner shelves or an open bookcase will give you the opportunity to beautifully demonstrate your collection of books or accessories, as well as add a touch of originality to the interior.

Corner shelving in the living room Corner cabinet in the design of the living room Stylish corner design in the living room

9. Large corner window

Not all of us are available, but if someone is lucky with a view from the window, then allow yourself to enjoy it more often! Instead of filling the corner of the living room, use large windows or glass walls to get even closer to your source of inspiration.

Transparent wall in the living room Window decoration in the corner of the living room

10. Sculptures and houseplants

Be that as it may, finishing the corner of the living room is a much simpler task than decorating the corner area in the bedroom or in the kitchen. High sculptures, fascinating art installations or even a simple houseplant in a pot can instantly transform the atmosphere in the room. There is even a popular tendency to change the corner decorations each season to give the living room a more modern appeal. How do you like this idea?

Modern sculptures in the design of the living room High indoor plants in the corner of the living room