Designing a private house with your own hands: designing a

Who among us did not dream of implementing his own design decisions in the dwelling, thus expressing his individual style and preferences? Want to design a private house with your own hands, but to make it look like a professional designer? In this article, you will learn how to make the interior of a private home fabulous and functional, without resorting to the order of expensive services.

Our next tips, supplemented by inspiring photos and projects of private homes, will help you to make your dream come true. But first, let's gather the necessary tools.

Tools for the design of a private house with their own hands:

  1. Paper for the sketch. It can be both a blank sheet of A3 format and a tracing paper with millimetric divisions, if you want to not just estimate the placement of objects, but also calculate all the parameters to trifles.
  2. Board for drawing. It is convenient in that it has a stand and fixed rulers.
  3. A set of transparent rulers and triangles.
  4. A simple pencil and an eraser.

For those who confidently use a computer, there is also a wide selection of software and online applications for interior design: FloorPlan, Apartama, Sweet Home etc. Right now you can try the English-language online application Homestyler, which does not require money or registration to create a detailed house plan.

For inspiration for the exterior design of private homes, read:

Modern design of a private house: photos of the best houses 2015 3D projects of private houses

How to design a private house with your own hands

If you are not going to create a house from scratch, but want to simply update the design of rooms, you can safely skip this section and proceed to the next:

Decoration and decoration of rooms.

In general, the design of a private house with its own hands consists of several stages:

  1. Briefing - a list of your basic requirements for the future design of the dwelling, from which all further work will be based. You do not need to write a lot, just list the number of rooms, as well as wishes for their style and color design. Do not forget to specify the stairs, corridors and other areas that take up space, but in fact can not be considered rooms.
  2. Drawing up a specification for rooms, which will include the wishes for the arrangement of each room in the house. For example, the hall should be free to accommodate 5 people. At the same time, there will be a banquet, a table and a built-in wardrobe with compartments for bags and shoes. The room should be open, with access to the living room, without windows. Since we are talking about the design of the hallway, it is important to note that this room should be given more attention than it is usually done. The reason is simple and lies in the fact that this room as a visiting card of the whole house - meets and escorts the hosts and guests, asking for a further mood and, it is necessary to make every effort to make it good.

Design of the hallway of a private house with your own hands

3. Outline of the layout of rooms. After creating the specification, you can already calculate the approximate dimensions of the premises - their length and width. Based on their data, draw a design of a private house with your own hands - a scheme for placing rooms in the house relative to each other. For greater confidence in numbers, use a tape measure to measure the size of spaces and objects in an existing house. Also write down that about 10% of the area of ​​the house will go to the so-called "circulation zones" that is, Transitions between rooms and other spaces that are difficult to take into account immediately.

Step-by-step plan for the design of a private house with their own hands

4. Definition of relations of different spaces with each other. Create a simple drawing that will consist of separate circles or rectangles (rooms) connected to each other by various dashed, solid and wavy lines. For example, the living room should be directly connected to the dining room (dotted line), as well as to the bathroom and main bedroom through the doors (solid lines) etc. Also schematically you can designate where the windows and doors will be located, which rooms need to be insulated etc.

The item is optional, but it can help you deal with the confusion in your head and fill in the gaps that you made by creating a sketch of the house. As a result you will be able to create your own private house design yourself, drawing a similar drawing yourself:

Design a small private house with your own hands

5. Drawing up a site plan. This plan should display such elements as:

  • The location and diameter of all trees that are above 3 m;
  • Presence of rock formations (mark the location, observing the scale);
  • Places of passage of pipelines and other communications: sewage, electricity, gas etc.

In addition, you will need:

  • Measure different surface levels (a specialist is needed here);
  • Mark the boundaries of the plot and the location of neighbors' houses;
  • Familiarize yourself with and take into account all local requirements for construction. For example, in different regions there may be special restrictions on the height, weight of buildings etc.

Also at this stage it will be useful to talk with neighbors about the sun, wind and temperature at different times of the year, which can affect the microclimate in the home.

This point is the most difficult in the design of a private house with their own hands, so for its implementation it is better to turn to the help of professionals - surveyors and surveyors.

  1. Analysis of the site and the creation of a site plan with the house. The new site plan should reflect all the useful information obtained during the passage of stage 5. Here you can already estimate the location of your house on the site itself, which may require changes in its form, the layout of rooms, as well as the placement of windows and doors.

Design of a small private house and plot with your own hands The project of the site and a private house on itDrawing the design of a private house with your own handsDesigning a plot for a private house with your own hands

7. Designing a private house with your own hands. This stage is creative and combines all the requirements for home. All collected information should now appear in the form of clear 3D schemes or drawings by hand. How do you imagine your house?

Drawing the design of a private house with your own hands on paper 3D project of a private house with a detailed design of rooms Modern design of a private house with their own hands

8. Creating drawings of the house. We create the final drawings of rooms in accordance with the scale. Usually in this case the scale is 1: 100 (1 cm = 1 m) - large enough to draw details, and small enough to fit on A3.

Drawing a project of a private house with your own hands 160 sq. M.Photo projects of private houses - two-storey house Design of a private house with your own hands - 2 floorsWhat does a private house design project look like? Planning rooms in a private house with their own handsFree private house projects photo Design of a two-storey private house with drawings of rooms The plan of a two-story private house with a garage

The above 8 steps for the design of a private house with their own hands generalize the whole complex design process, which students are trained by architects for years. Surely, the instruction seemed incomplete to you, but do not despair - it just needs practice. At least we hope that you have gained enough knowledge about the process of building a private home in order to communicate confidently with professional architects and designers, speeding up the process of creating a new home.

But with the next stage of creating a private house with their own hands, anyone can cope on their own. Find out the secrets of the stylish decoration and decoration of the rooms here.