Owners of apartments with balconies or loggias have a good opportunity to turn an uncomfortable room, where they go only to smoke, to their favorite vacation spot. Popular ideas for the design of the loggia on the photo can be seen on the Internet, but more interesting is the creation of your own design. According to our tips, the design of the loggia photo of 20 examples of styles for every taste, you can independently create a corner of your dreams. In this case, your balcony will be unique and not repeating other people's ideas. Making a balcony with your own hands you will enjoy the work done, as well as a comfortable place for a cozy pastime for many years. In this article, we'll look at the most popular design ideas, and our selection of photos will help you decide on the design of your own loggia.
Design of the loggia photo with step by step instructions how to create your own hands
In order to start creating a design project for a loggia, you first need to determine how it will be used. The interior of the loggia depends only on the imagination of the owners, but in any case, the repair process includes such steps:
Creating a design loggia project
The first thing to do when planning a loggia repair is to create a design project. Since we will turn the loggia into a place for rest, there should be enough free space in it. If your loggia has a modest size, then a good option would be to combine it with a living room or kitchen, thereby making a common room.
Warming of the loggia
To ensure that you can comfortably and comfortably spend time on the loggia at any time of the year, it must be insulated. Padded insulation in winter will save you from the cold, and in the summer from the heat.
For the insulation of walls, foam sheets can be used. Foaming with foam plastic will visually hide surface irregularities, as well as provide additional heat and noise insulation.
Parapet is insulated with mineral wool, which is laid in the space between the outer side of the parapet and the exterior finish. For better effect, the parapet can be insulated from the side of the loggia. To insulate the floor, first you need to mount wooden logs, between which you need to lay a heater - foam or mineral wool.
Interior decoration of the loggia
After the insulation is made, you need to do interior design. Depending on the taste preferences of the owners, as well as on their financial capabilities, materials for decorative finishing are chosen. The most popular materials for finishing are wood and plastic. To invent your own design for a loggia, the current photos of 2017 with the modern ideas shown in our article will help
Also read: Design of a balcony interesting ideas of finishing photo
Design of the loggia фото отделки in a certain style
In the style of Provence
Стиль прованс предполагает использование натуральных природных материалов — дерева и камня. Для имитации натурального камня можно использовать в дизайн отделки лоджии искусственный камень или декоративную штукатурку (См. фото «Design of the loggia фото 2 в стиле прованс»). Цветовая гамма должна состоять из светлых, но не ярких цветов. Для меблирования отлично подойдёт плетёная мебель или небольшой мягкий диван с подушками и обивкой в цветочек. В такой интерьер прекрасно впишется небольшой кованый столик и цветочные горшки с живыми цветами.
In a modern style
For registration of loggias, in a modern style, you can use the entire color palette, however the most popular colors are light brown, bright red, blue and mint. A good option is the decoration of the walls with decorative panels of wood. From furniture you can use frameless furniture or comfortable wicker chairs. The walls can be additionally decorated with modern paintings, and on the windows hang bright horizontal blinds.
In Japanese style
This style assumes the use of natural materials in the decoration of walls. Bamboo panels with hieroglyphics or lacquered furniture of dark shades will look good. To give a highlight to the interior, you can decorate the walls with Japanese fans or decorative panels.
In the Mediterranean style
To give the loggia of the notes of the Mediterranean, it is necessary to use natural materials. The walls are covered with wood, and ceramic tiles are chosen for the floor. The interior should remain airy, therefore it is not necessary to use dimensional pieces of furniture.
In the style of high-tech
Typical components of this style are:
- Minimal amount of furniture;
- Presence of glass or metal furniture;
- Application of LED lighting;
- Objects of silver or black color
Country style
Country style - this is another fashionable solution for the design of the loggia. For this style, the use of decorative stone and wood is actual. Colorful tracks are laid on the floor, and curtains "under the sacks" on the windows. From furniture items are excellent old wooden chairs, painted with white paint.
Loft style
Style loft provides for the separation of the main room into thematic zones, so it will be relevant only for owners of larger loggias. Zoning is performed using tissue screens or small partitions. Of the pieces of furniture should be only all the most necessary. The general interior of the balcony has one color scheme, aged in gray or blue tones.
Also read: Furniture and decor for the balcony 40 best ideas from pinterest