A capacious wardrobe is suitable for storing any things: bed linen, books, ornaments. Practical products are used to equip houses with different areas and layouts. It is allowed to use models for placing kitchen utensils. They are equipped with different shelves, drawers, hangers and other offices. At the same time, original products are produced in different styles. Can be supplemented by a volumetric decor, patterns. Models can be bought from finished products or ordered from furniture companies. There are models of cabinets that can be rearranged. But there are also structures that are collected in niches. In the presence of minimal skills in working with MDF, chipboard can also be manufactured by own forces. It is only necessary to draw up drawings correctly and correctly select the content.

Kinds of sliding-door wardrobes
Choose the appropriate design of the new cabinet, you need, focusing on its place of installation in the apartment. Distinguish the body models, which can be, at any time rearranged to a new location. Also there are built-in models. A stand-alone cabinet can be equipped with doors or be open. In this case, access to the offices will be easy and simple. Case models are quickly disassembled and transported. When moving, the owners will be able to pick up the purchased product with them. But the built-in models are unlikely to be suitable for later use in new housing.
Cabinet cases are selected according to the area of the dwelling (the more sq. M, the larger the model can be). In this case, products by design are divided into the following types:
- Straight.
It is a model of a rectangular shape.
- L-shaped.
The angular model consists of three parts: two rectangular (located on the sides) and one triangular (located in the center).
- Triangular.
Such products differ from the L-shaped flat front panel. Used for installation in corners.
- Trapezoidal.
It differs from a rectangular model in different sizes of side walls. That is, the depth of the inner space on the left and on the right is different. They are a profitable solution for saving space near doorways, windows.
- Radius.
Have arched or concave, rounded facades.
Привлекательность сборных изделий заключается в оригинальности и повышенной функциональности. Они позволяют корректно провести зонирование помещения. По площади бывают большими как мини-гардеробные. К обязательным элементам таких конструкций относятся верх и низ, передняя панель. А вот боковые и задние стенки в них зачастую отсутствуют. Также важными элементами конструкции являются перегородки. За счет них можно удобно провести установку любого наполнения. Крепятся разделители к нижней части (или полу), стене и верху шкафа. Built-in модели подходят для монтажа в помещениях с нестандартной планировкой. Этим они выгодно отличаются от корпусных видов.
Accessories and fittings
The correct functioning of the mechanisms of the cabinet affects the conditions of its use. Therefore, for practical equipment of products, such accessories are usually used:
- Stoppers.
They are used for three-door and large structures. Exclude the free sliding of the doors along the profile.
- Doctors.
Used for smooth and accurate closing of the leaflets. Mounted at the top of the door structure.
- Guides.
They are the movement mechanism for boxes. They are a pair of slats with rollers.
The accessories considered provide the convenience of using the cabinet. The door closer and the stoppers are often mounted independently by the owner. But the guides are installed by the manufacturer before the direct sale of the product.
Materials used for frameworks
The quality of the materials used for the assembly is reflected in the service life, the ease of operation of the models. Each buyer should familiarize himself with the characteristics of the raw materials from which the models are made. It can be natural wood or derived wood boards. The materials differ in structure, density and reliability. An important criterion in the selection is the price difference of raw materials. The natural tree is expensive, but it also serves many times longer. Wood does not require special care. Derivative materials are available, decorated with "wood" films. A dense coating protects the material from negative effects and gives it an attractive appearance. Such models look stylish and fit well into any design of premises.
Применение Chipboard для шкафов позволяет получить дешевые, прочные модели. Они будут устойчивы к воздействию грибка, появлению плесени. Материал выделяется малым весом, поэтому изделия легко транспортируются и перемещаются в пределах помещения. Простота сборки позволяет покупателям самостоятельно соединять части изделия. На фоне этих плюсов возникает и серьезный минус — наличие токсичных примесей. Изготовление Chipboard предполагает добавление к стружке ненатуральных клеевых составов. Они выделяют вредные для людей пары. Поэтому плюсы покупки недорогих шкафов из Chipboard весьма сомнительны. Изделия из Chipboard больше подходят для установки в нежилых помещениях.
Шкафы из MDF стали лидером по продажам. В отличие от Chipboard материал не содержит опасных примесей. Склеивание опилок осуществляется во время прессования за счет выделения натурального клеевого вещества. Материал обладает повышенной прочностью, легко декорируется. Используется для изготовления любых по формам и размерам деталей. Шкафы из MDF смотрятся стильно, современно. Стоимость моделей доступна и по карману каждому покупателю. Благодаря разным способам отделки готовые изделия могут иметь любую стилистику оформления. Обладает MDF хорошей влагостойкостью, поэтому применяется для сборки и комнатных, и кухонных шкафчиков.
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Natural wood
The cabinet with walls and a facade from a natural tree will serve many years. Wood creates a special atmosphere in the room: a strong smell of wood, the forest will be preserved for a long time. The material has high strength, wear resistance. With constant exposure to UV rays, it does not burn out and does not deform due to periodic fall of steam or moisture. Depending on the wood used to make the cabinet, the shade of the product changes. The figure itself on the elements is preserved and vividly visible regardless of the type of processing done (stain, lacquer). The minuses of the material include high cost, high weight.
Mechanisms for hanging sliding doors
Suspended systems for sliding doors are made of steel or aluminum. They are selected according to the materials of the valves. For glass elements, due to their large weight, steel fittings or aluminum with increased strength are used. For standard cabinets, aluminum mechanisms are used. Suspension of the system to the top of the product creates a minimal load on the bottom of the structure, simplifies the movement of the leaflets. Steel and aluminum profiles are painted in any colors with special compositions. They increase the protection of metal, give it an attractive appearance.
Filling the sliding door wardrobe
Correct filling is an important requirement for convenient use of cabinets. Therefore, when studying ready-made models, you need to consider what things and objects will be stored inside. This will help to divide the space between parts into practical parts, determine their size. Also, a variety of types of offices will help to competently store personal belongings and accessories. Filling is selected according to the size of the compartments in which it will be installed. In this case, customers are offered both painted elements and chrome fittings. To give preference to better more expensive and high-quality accessories. They will be able to serve owners for a long time. When filling is used, allowable loads for each type must be taken into account. In the event of improper use of the products, the risk of damage to fastenings and partitions increases.
For the living room
Usually in the living room are stored things that are rarely used by the owners. For example, bed linen, towels, off-season stuff. Therefore, it is better for the audience to select small items with many shelves. Also, the pantograph will not be superfluous either. It is a U-shaped structure of pipes. On it, the owners can hang things for special occasions: dresses, costumes. Pantograph can be automatic, mechanical. The first type is expensive, but very convenient to operate. The second attracts by accessibility. True, its operation should be as accurate as possible. Otherwise, the pantograph mountings will be damaged. Such an element can not be overloaded: the load limitations must be taken into account exactly.
When arranging the bedroom, in contrast to the guest room, you need to take care of choosing the closet suitable for the owners. Useful for the hosts will be such a filling:
- Baskets, hanging meshes.
For compact storage of linen, socks, shawls and other personal items.
- Microlift.
Easily replaces bulky pantograph and is suitable for hanging shirts, dresses, blouses.
- The pants.
Help to carefully store classic trousers, breeches, jeans.
- Special hangers for ties and belts.
They are a set of thin rods located one under the other. Attached to the side wall, do not take up much space.
- Drawers.
Suitable for compact placement of jewelry. Also suitable for storing clothes or hosiery, hosiery, scarves.
The installation of a storage cabinet in the corridor or hallway is carried out to save space. Suitable for one-room Khrushchev and other housing with a small area. Filling products should be selected to accommodate jackets, shoes, hats. Therefore, as the filling is used shelves, drawers, stands for shoes. For hats and hats, one large shelf, located at the top, will fit. For jackets, coats, fur coats, it is better to choose a model with a capacious pantograph. But for neck scarves and scarves can be installed a special hanger with hooks. Also, it is useful for hanging bags. Do not be superfluous and a couple of shelves for small things: keys, combs.
Many parents choose the same wardrobes for children as they do for themselves. But this approach is not true. For a child it is worth buying a small model with a lot of shelves, microlift. At the same time on the lower shelves it is better to arrange the clothes that the baby can put on himself. Thus, the child learns how to dress faster, maintain order in the nursery. On the upper shelves, parents can arrange bed linens. This will help to "release" the sofa, in which kits are usually folded. There it will be possible to shift old toys or other items that the child does not need yet. These include non-seasonal things, old books, bedding (pillows, bedspreads).
For home and office rooms, cabinets should be chosen with numerous shelves of closed or open type. Models with drawers, shelves are best. There are products with a large open shelf in the central part. A TV can be installed on it. Cabinets with an open central part and a drawer shelf will serve as an excellent workplace. They will allow you to accurately store documents, books, personal belongings. Book models for offices have a strict and restrained execution. Home cabinets for books and magazines are executed in exquisite design. They are characterized by glossy facades in dark tones from laakbel. Harmoniously look and wooden models.
Usually in the kitchen there are small lockers. But to replace the usual headset will help choose a model with sliding doors. For the kitchen will fit models with glass doors. They are easily cleaned from both fat and dust. And there will be no problems with maintaining cleanliness. Inside, you can arrange multiple shelves. They are suitable for storing spices, preserving, containers with cereals. You can also place drawers in the locker. They will help compactly store kitchen utensils, which are rarely used: cornices, corks, sealing lids and a sealing key. Above, you can select several shelves to store the services.
Important! Heavy utensils (pots, frying pans, cauldrons) should be placed below on the strongest shelves.
Finishing of facades
To ensure that after the installation of the new closet the interior has not deteriorated, special care must be taken to finish the model. In addition, the ease of maintenance of the selected product depends on the selected front panel materials. Some surfaces require special cleaning conditions or frequent cleaning. And some are fragile at all, so they are not suitable for installation in every part of the house. Do not make a mistake with the choice and find the model that will certainly be stylish and practical, will help ideas for the arrangement of houses. These recommendations will help make a simple and correct choice. They will point to the most practical and durable materials.
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Mirror inserts on the doors allow you to visually increase the space of the room. A high mirror will help lift the ceiling. But the mirror surface of the facade with 2-3 leaves will provide a significant expansion of space. Such a surface requires special care, since dust will settle on it. And even a slight touch of the hand will lead to the appearance of dirt and prints. Care of such facades is simple. They are cleaned with a household cleaner for washing glasses. Mirror inserts are suitable for all models. But they are highly not recommended for use as a complement to cabinets for children. And for adolescents, they can not be better: they will help children to evaluate the stylistics and originality of the applied outfits.
Natural materials (bamboo, rattan, leather)
Decorative elements of rattan and bamboo give the facade an extraordinary look. They allow to emphasize the uniqueness of the design of individual parts of the model. Also, the popular natural inserts are leather. It can have both different shades and different texture. Leather linens on the facade look good in any performance. True, they need special care and cleaning. They are only wiped with a slightly damp sponge. Inaccurate cleaning will result in unattractive scratches. Therefore, rubbing the surface with abrasive compounds is prohibited. Otherwise, you will not be able to keep a dense and beautiful skin. Do not fit such insets for kitchen cabinets: due to the constant effects of steam and moisture, the material will begin to deform.
Lacomate and lacquer
Lakobel - glass, coated on one side with colored paint. Lakomat - frosted glass with different shades. Unusual materials are widely used for decoration of facades. Usually have the form of rectangles and are located on the surface of the facade above each other. Sometimes they are combined in staggered order. Original looks from triangles of paintball look original. Lakomat pretty well hides the things stored inside the cabinet. Emphasizes the restraint of the design of the model. Glass inserts have increased strength and are completely safe. They can additionally be covered with a protective film. Care for the lacquer and paintball is carried out by analogy with ordinary glass. To maintain the purity and attractiveness of facades from these materials is not difficult.
Stained Glass
The most interesting variant of registration is a stained-glass window. It can be executed as real drawings or represent non-standard backgrounds, abstractions. Special images of high quality are being imaged. That is why their violation during the cleaning or use of products is excluded. Colorful drawings can be made in any style. Quite often they represent whole panoramas, playing around with some classical pictures. They can also depict funny animals, stylized characters, people, cars. Very interesting is this option in a certain color version: when using only 2-3 colors. Bright images with numerous transitions of colors look more modern and stylish. Original models can be installed in any premises of the house.
Photo printing
A cupboard with cool photo printing is an excellent option for arranging a house. Beautiful pictures will transform the product and emphasize the stylistics of its design. Optimum coverage can be considered for models chosen for the child. After all, on the facade, thus, can be depicted his favorite characters from cartoons, different animals. The popular direction in choosing this design was the image of cities, landscapes. An unusual variant of drawings for cabinets are considered and retro pictures with images of people, world sights, cars. And you can apply a family photo of the owners to the facade. This option will help create a stylish and funny model.
Sandblasting pattern
It is a practical and inexpensive option. Attracts the opportunity to choose the original models with a mirror, which are decorated with patterns or pictures. Simplicity of care for sandblasting images allows you to install products anywhere. To remove dust and dirt, housewives can use a simple glass cleaner. Sandblasting images can have clear outlines or have the appearance of blurred pictures. The most popular in this design are models with leafy and floral patterns, images of plants and trees. Often buyers choose models with drawings in the form of abstractions, ornaments. When manufacturing custom cabinets, they can be painted with various pictures: silhouettes of animals, people, types of cities, landscapes.
Combined facades
Attract a combination of different types of materials, which will emphasize the exclusivity of the product. Often, mirrors and a lacomat are used as combined inserts. No less attractive is the combination of skin with a mirror. When combining materials, compatibility with respect to quality or pattern features is not taken into account. But with accurate operation, there will be no problems with their appearance. Placement of inserts from different types of materials is often carried out by strips (horizontal or vertical). The most unusual are the models with inserts placed in checkerboard pattern. The color scheme of the combined inserts can be varied. Popular and classic combinations (black with brown, black and red), and bright tandems (yellow with brown, orange and red).
What style to choose?
The design style should be selected according to the interior of the room, in which the cabinet will be installed. The design features will be affected by the color of the main material and decor. Quickly choose the right model to help familiarize yourself with popular options. Their description will allow to evaluate the possibility of installing a particular model in rooms with different finishes. In this case, you need to try to choose a product whose tone will differ from the tone of the floor covering. This applies to carpets, carpet, and linoleum or wooden floors. The identity of the color of the floor and cabinet will result in a visual reduction of space, even in a large room. The model will look like an extension of the floor covering. Therefore, both its style and the chosen decor will be "lost". Avoid this will help choose a model for several tones lighter or darker than the color of the floor.
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The classical variant of registration of models gives the chance to restrained and elegantly to equip any premise. This direction is characterized by light colors (cream, coffee). Desirable for models is the presence of sophisticated decor. For example, facades can be decorated with multi-tiered relief plates made of wood. Permissible for this style and mirror inserts, "deaf" facades. Often, models are made with the stylization of the outer doors (if there are more than 2 of them) under the columns. Many of them are supplemented with ornate patterns of golden or silver color. It is possible to have side shelves for small items or a pair of "open" compartments. The main advantage of this performance has become universality. The "classic" cabinet can be used to complement the rooms, which do not have a specific style of design.
Light and gentle Provence is great for decorating the whole house. But the furniture purchased for it must have the appropriate qualities. Choose a wardrobe for this direction is better in light colors. Small plant and flower patterns, strips or cells are allowed. But the shades of the drawings should be pastel. The original model will look like this, installed near the wallpaper with views of fields, open green terraces. In this case, the presence of non-standard fittings or doors for Provence is not typical. Therefore, preference is given to simplified models. It is desirable that they were made of natural wood. Approximation of design to folk or complete absence of a binding to concrete stylistics is supposed.
High tech
For styling hi-tech models, use a lacquer, lakobel and mirror inserts. Often the facades in them are horizontally separated with the help of chrome moldings. Such additions look catchy and at the same time correspond to the given direction. Stylistics of hi-tech is inherent in both silvery and black hues. To separate parts of the model, turquoise, blue color is allowed. Effectively look and products with gray-black facades. The peculiarities of the models are also exact correspondence to geometric forms: the presence of shaped shelves or patterns is excluded. Therefore, when choosing models in a certain stylistic direction, it is worth considering all of its characteristics. After all, stylistics affects not only the color scale and design, but also the shape, design of products.
To small rooms are not piled up and looked modern, you need to install in them minimalistic cabinets. Models have a restrained and even strict design. They have the right geometric shapes and patterns. The colors of the facades are chosen among dark or neutral tones: gray, black, milky, beige. Usually only one color is used, rarely the product includes two colors. The emphasis is on minimalist design and simplicity of models. Facades are decorated with one, two types of materials. The facade can be solid or divided into 2-3 parts. The integrity of the design contributes to the maximum simplicity of the decor, which does not make the product the main element. It only complements the room, it is a functional and practical component.
The white cabinet is perfect for Scandinavian style. The facade can be integral or consist of separate elements, complemented by inserts. The best materials for the facades of Scandinavian models are the lacquer, lacobel, painted wood, skin of light tones. Attractive looking products with small interspersions of light brown, coffee or gray. Selecting Scandinavian models, you need to focus on simplified design. It is necessary to take into account the conformity of the selected product to the general type of room, chest or table, which will be located side by side. Another secret to choosing a successful model: the selection of products with thin black moldings in the upper and middle parts.
How to choose the right closet?
Finished products are attractive at affordable prices. Buyers do not spend much time selecting materials, decorating the facade. Not to be mistaken with the choice of model will help to accurately measure the part of the room where it is supposed to be installed. It is also necessary to study the characteristics of the model:
- size of the body, size of compartments (width and depth of boxes, shelves);
- equipment inside: types of offices, their number;
- materials of the hull, facade and decoration.
Familiarization with the parameters will help you choose a model that will be attractive and practical. Therefore in advance it is necessary to present a desirable case and to pick up products, proceeding from own preferences and wishes. If possible, it is worth looking at the finished models in the interior setting.
Case for order
Before creating an order for the manufacture of the model, it is recommended to review the finished products. They will help to determine the appropriate type of cabinet, its design. Familiarization with the types of materials used for the enclosure will help to choose a reliable and durable model. In advance, you need to order from the manufacturer a three-dimensional virtual drawing. It will allow you to visually assess the originality of the chosen option. The advantage of custom models is their uniqueness. Exclusive cabinet is better to order from a proven furniture company. Professionals will make it quickly and efficiently. And it does not matter, it will be a wooden cabinet with sliding doors or the buyers decided to equip their house with a wardrobe-bed.
How to make a cupboard with your own hands
Independently make a cabinet with different compartments real. But for this purpose only wear-resistant materials are suitable. Additional items are purchased. If desired, the cabinet can be made stand-alone or integrated into a niche. Work on manufacturing and assembly is carried out according to the following instructions:
- determination of the dimensions of the structure, facade, side parts;
- Creation of drawings;
- purchase of materials, filling elements, fasteners;
- assembly of the frame, installation of fastenings for shelves, boxes;
- installation of filling, roller system of doors;
- installation of doors, handles (if necessary).
Важно помнить! Фасад из MDF лучше оклеить пленкой с узорами, «под дерево». В противном случае внешний вид шкафа будет непривлекательным.
The manufacture of a cabinet with sliding doors seems simple. But in the process of work, it may be necessary to adjust the details. Therefore, it is required to draw accurate drawings. This will help to make the cabinet neat and smooth. For work it is recommended to buy only high-quality accessories. Savings on rollers, filling will not be justified. It will lead to an early breakdown or inconvenience of using the cabinet.