A cottage is not just a country house or a dacha, but a sign of high status of owners who can afford such a scope. The design of the interior and exterior of such a luxurious home should correspond to its high level. It differs significantly from the design of the interior decoration of the apartment and the external decoration of the dacha, not only by the scale of the work, but also by the financial costs. Budgetary decoration and furnishings will negate the luxury effect of elite country cottages. As a rule, there are no deviations from the chosen style in the design. The interior is designed strictly according to canons and rules, so that guests in no way doubt the capabilities of the owners or have a good aesthetic taste. The design of the cottage can be entrusted to professionals. This step will save the time of the hosts, but it will strike at the wallet. Owners can take the design for themselves and embody fantasies and ideas themselves. As a result, they will try on the role of venerable designers and perhaps in the future will not be limited to their own home, as the creative process has the ability to tighten, like a whirlpool. Stylistic decisions of the mass, but one direction (fashion) in our time is preferable to others. Let us consider in more detail some of them.
Modern style
The design of the cottage in the modern style is permeated with laconism, which in turn gives rise to a multifaceted beauty. The needs of the man of our era are very different from the needs of our ancestors. Even in the very concept of "beautiful" a completely different meaning is invested. On the one hand, the building should be as innovative as possible, that is, it is equipped with the latest technology. However, this does not exclude the presence of traditional elements in landscape design (gardens, pavilions, decorative reservoirs). For the modern style is characterized by a smooth flow of the interior into the exterior. The effect is achieved through the use of panoramic windows in the floor, which reveal the veil of secrets of interior decoration. "Transparency" allows not only to demonstrate the interior features, but also allows more light and air into the rooms. For large private houses, the problem does not seem relevant, but modern man literally reaches out to boundless spaces, trying to erase any boundaries. The facade of the house is finished with a lining, plastered or faced with decorative brick, stone. Such an ornament, paired with wide windows and a neat courtyard, looks quite different than in classical styles. The boundary between the walls and the foundation is also partially erased. In colors they try to resort to neutral, natural tones: gray, white, brown, black. Also for the modern style is characterized by the use of straight lines, sharp angles and geometric shapes (mostly rectangles and squares) in the exterior. The illusion of a modular facade is created, as if assembled from different elements.
Стиль модерн не признает строгих ограничений. Он базируется на простоте и функциональности. Для декорирования фасадов используют мозаику, ковку, роспись и особые виды штукатурки. Стены выполняют из кирпича, дерева, камня или бетона. Ограничения на материалы стиль тоже не устанавливает. Modern считается образчиком свободного направления, которое приемлет любые дизайнерские решения в относительно гибких рамках. Для него характерны «законченные» композиции, стремление к завершению прослеживается во всем: в формах, расцветках и особых декоративных элементах. Правило симметрии позволяет поставить зеркальную точку в оформлении. Плавные линии в модерне используются как в интерьере, так и в экстерьере. При этом стилю вовсе не чужда роскошь, которая проявляется в материалах и благородной лепнине или статуях в полный рост, поддерживающих свод крыльца.
Главная идея стиля— стремление к восхищению и удивлению. В экстерьере часто создается иллюзия искривления пространства. При строительстве прибегают к приему раскреповки, когда какая-то часть стены вместе со всеми элементами выходит на передний план или же наоборот, задвигается назад. Прежде, чем проектировать дом, необходимо включить в план обилие элементов, которые любит барокко: балконы, балюстрады, эркеры и башни. Стиль изначально использовался для создания монументальных сооружений: соборов и дворцов. Поэтому и коттедж должен выглядеть как миниатюрный домик для отдыха венценосной особы и ее свиты. Baroque на декоративных элементах не экономит, что частенько вызывало нападки со стороны критиков и обвинения в безвкусице. Не бойтесь использовать обилие украшений. Только имейте в виду, что они должны подчиняться общей стилистической концепции.
Read also: Kitchen design at the cottage: ideas and advice
Although the style lives and lives even in our time, most designers have abandoned it, as from an impractical direction. If you decorate the exterior of the house according to the principles of the Baroque, your possessions will be a bright spot in the cottage community and attract a lot of curious views.
The exterior of the cottage in the country style is similar to the design of houses in the American outback. The direction comes from the village, so it is characterized by the use of wood, unprocessed logs and forging. On the domestic style of the Russian countryside village is not like at all. It uses more noble, neat lines, and the whole composition breathes with light elegance or an attempt to reach it. Do not recommend the use in decoration or decoration elements with a hint of technical progress.
Стиль шале появился на альпийских склонах. По сути он является деревенским направлением. Коттеджи в стиле шале строятся из бруса. Также для них характерно использование панорамных окон. В Альпах таким образом гостям открывают вид на живописные окружающие красоты. В коттедже обязательно предусматривают наличие широкого крыльца и открытой лоджии или балкона на втором этаже. Декорируют площадки все тем же брусом или тонкими деревянными дощечками. Органично выглядят сочетания древесины с натуральным камнем. Последним могут быть украшены колонны или фасад. Отдельное внимание уделяют освещению. Chalet любит обилие искусственного света, в этом стиль схож с лофтом, поэтому на улице одним фонарем ограничиться не получится.
American style
The American style does not use unconfirmed design solutions. This direction has become famous for its reliability and practicality. The roofs of cottages do not obey the laws of symmetry. At construction use practical and inexpensive materials. Such an economical option is suitable for the diligent people who can afford more, but do not want to boast. In American cottages there is necessarily a glazed terrace and two entrance doors. The first leads to the front yard (the house area between the gate and the structure), and the second - to the beautiful rear platform, which is designed to receive guests and prepare a barbecue. Also in the American cottage there are pastel colors and panoramic windows. In general, the situation is unpretentious, but stylish.
English style
Exterior of the house in the English style is distinguished by austerity and a small amount of decor. At the same time the style is divided into several branches, which were relevant in different epochs. The modern English direction is characterized by the presence of brick walls. If the cottage is already built, and the material was used by another, then the house is "polished" from the outside with decorative finishes. As the main decoration are heavy oak doors, carved by hand carving. Even at the stage of drawing development add bay windows and windows with semicircular arches. They will best display the British flavor. For the classic English style, which was popular in the Victorian era, it is typical to use "relief", complex facades: they seem to consist of many elements that come forward. The decor is dominated by the traditional carving for those times. The walls are plastered outside. If you dig a little deeper in the era of the Tudor dynasty, then on the facades of these houses there were wooden beams (overlapping). The structures had sharp gable roofs and were decorated with masonry. The option is ideal for decorating a cottage with elements of "rural" style. To be inspired, to find the source of ideas, look through photos of typical English mansions.
High tech
When building houses in high-tech style, use concrete and brick. Metal, plastic and glass are in the lead in decorative finishing. Cottages in accordance with the canons of the most technological style, as a rule, are large, because the direction tends to internal space. The roofs near the houses are flat, and the windows are panoramic. In rare cases, the whole facade can be completely glazed. The option is expensive, but it looks very impressive. Recently, there has been a tendency to unite hi-tech with eco-style. Therefore, the use of wood is acceptable. The decor is dominated by metal structures, beams, staples of complex geometric shapes. Similar elements are relevant in futurism. Choose a decor by the principle: "the more original the item, the more spectacular the exterior will look."
It is better to forget about the dacha farming in this territory, since high-tech does not accept similar remnants of the past. It is permissible to install a modern greenhouse with automatic irrigation and lamps replacing the sun.
Interior of the cottage inside
The interior of the cottage plays the same important role as the exterior. If the latter meets guests and catches the views of casual passers-by, the interior is considered more intimate. It is not shown to everyone, therefore, from strict canons of style it is possible to depart slightly in favor of home comfort and calm situation. To make and furnish the house with your hands is a multi-stage and difficult work. Before you start planning, searching for interior solutions and buying furniture, you need to make a plan or design project. Develop it on the basis of a certain style, which is chosen ahead of time. Among the most popular options are:
- Loft. Industrial style, which is characterized by large spaces, brick accent walls, communications exposed and abundance of artificial light.
- Country. О нем уже говорилось выше. Принципы для интерьера и экстерьера едины: необработанное дерево, простые формы, легкий примитивизм с претензией на деревенскую элегантность.
- Minimalism. The guest from the East accepts only the necessary details, natural materials in the finish and almost complete lack of decor.
- Provence. The style of the French outback loves antiques, artificially aged things, pastel shades and coarse-tinted wood in the finish.
- Scandinavian style. It is characterized by the use of cold scales, wide windows, the presence of a fireplace and "natural" decor. The latter can include real branches on the walls, tracks from wood spills, animal skins on the floor.
- Eco-style. The direction promotes closeness to nature and complete abandonment of everything artificial. No plastic or imitation in decoration and decoration should not be.
- Арт деко. American style, для которого характерна простая элегантность. В интерьере используют пастельные оттенки для фона и всего одну яркую акцентную зону. Во многом направление похоже на «облегченную» версию классического стиля. Она более изящна и аккуратна, лишена нагромождения мелких деталей, но в то же время сумела сохранить налет роскоши.
Above listed only popular destinations, this list is not exhaustive.
Design project
Those owners of cottages, which are sorry for their time, can purchase or order the development of a finished project. Fans of creative tasks will give preference to independent work on the design of their home. Begin with the layout, that is, the location of the rooms. Do not chaotically divide the building into separate rooms, the purpose of which will be determined after the construction. Each room still in the drawing must have its own specific function. Let's start with the basement or basement. The difference between them is only in the presence of windows. The plinth slightly protrudes above the ground level, and the basement is completely under it. The lowest floor can be used to organize a cellar with pickles, fine wines or equip under a garage. Practice is very relevant in the west, but we have not yet taken root. As a result, the owners will not only save the area that can be used for another building, but they will also be able to enter the premises both from the street and from the house. The option usually requires two entrance doors. On the first floor, as a rule, a spacious entrance hall with a staircase, a kitchen and a hall. If the place still remains, then an additional room is equipped under the guest bedroom. On the second floor there are private apartments for family members and workrooms. The attic space can be equipped with anything: a dressing room, a cinema hall, a workshop, a games room or a playground for outdoor activities. If the room will enter the residential complex, it will have to be converted from a cold attic into a heated attic, where lighting, heating and even water are carried out. The above is just a sample layout of the main rooms.
In expensive cottages, it is usually envisaged that the bathrooms are located on all floors. If the finances permit, they can be installed in each room. Thus, the problem with the morning-evening queues will be completely solved.
Living room
Living room — условный центр любого дома и основной «транспортный» узел. Если ее обстановка дышит уютом, то в комнате будут собираться все домашние и гости. Как правило, гостиная имеет несколько эркеров, которые оборудованы удобными местами для чтения книжек или любования окружающими красотами за чашкой чая. Просторные залы допустимо оформлять в темных тонах, которые придадут помещению глубины. Эффектно смотрится кофейно-шоколадная гамма, подчеркивающая мягкими переливами тонов роскошь обстановки. Великолепным решением станет установка настоящего камина. Если в квартирах приходится довольствоваться его имитациями, то загород предоставляет хорошую возможность обустройства домашнего очага. Близость леса позволит без труда добыть дрова для растопки.
In the bedroom, embody one of the exquisite styles (classic, loft, modern). Since the room usually has large dimensions, it is conventionally divided into several functional zones:
- A place to sleep;
- Дамский будуар;
- Corner for daytime rest.
All three zones are combined into one composition, but if necessary, each can exist separately from the others. For example, a decorative partition with through niches will become a beautiful border, which will seamlessly enter the interior. The sleeping place is the main zone of the room. Recently, the elite interiors are actual hanging beds. In the furniture market, they have become a stylish novelty, which is suitable for minimalism and high-tech.
See also: Design of the house +155 photos of examples of interior design
Kitchen and dining room
The dining room is a unique area that can not exist separately from others. It necessarily plays the role of an appendix to the kitchen or living room. Try to imagine a separate dining room. Fantasy will inevitably lead you to spacious halls in chic palaces, where receptions for a hundred odd persons are arranged. Because of pompous associations, the room usually adjoins the culinary room even if it is possible to equip it separately. Cottage kitchen is not only characterized by its dimensions, but also by the abundance of natural light. In typical apartments, she has to settle for a small window, which also often goes to the balcony or loggia. Accordingly, even the sunny sides are not saved from the unpleasant situation of the semi-darkness during the day, which arose with a deficit of natural light. The dining room, as a rule, is separated from the kitchen by a conventional partition. In her role, the bar stand does not look bad. If necessary, it can serve as an additional countertop, and at regular times you can drink a cup of tea or a glass of cocktail.
Children's room
In apartments, children's corners are usually equipped according to the principle of "in crowdedness, but not in offense." In a spacious cottage, each of the children will have their own room. As a compromise option for the nursery take the attic. The room is spacious, water, electricity and heating are running without problems. If there are more than two children, then everyone can have his own small room, a personal space, which not only adults need. In the attic they build a real separate house, a small world exclusively for children. Here they will have a separate gaming room, a room for study or creative pursuits and bedrooms.
As already mentioned above, there are usually a few bathrooms in the house. Leave to the guests and households the choice: on one floor equip a compact shower room, and on the second - a spacious jacuzzi. If someone needs a quick wash after a run, then the first option is right. In cases where you want to relax and unwind from cares to light music, surrounded by candles and aromas of essential oils, use a jacuzzi. Do not recommend loading the bathroom with washing machines and household chemicals. The owners of cottages have enough room for a separate room-pantry. If the basement or the basement is not occupied in any way, then it is there that it is built.
Hall and entrance hall
Hall differs from the hallway with its dimensions. The latter is a room between the entrance door and the living rooms of the cottage. In 80% of the cases, the stairs to the second floor are located in the hallway. This option allows you not to go through a string of other rooms, so that from the entrance you can immediately go up to your room. A small area for re-training with a hanger under the outer clothing and holders for umbrellas, smoothly flows into a spacious hall. He is increasingly being given a round, streamlined shape. At an equal distance from each other, the doors to other rooms are located.
Swimming pool in the house
A swimming pool in a residential building is a clear sign of the well-being of the owners of a cottage. A similar structure on the street will also emphasize the status of the family, but significantly loses its internal need for systematic care and cleaning of fallen leaves, street garbage. In addition, containers with water in the yard will periodically be filled with rainwater, which naturally will have to be lowered. The best place under the pool, than the basement or basement, perhaps, not to find. Usually they are complemented by a sauna, and the fountains - a bath. It should be noted that this complex engineering structure will include:
- Special bowl;
- Pump equipment;
- Heating system;
- Circulating equipment.
Therefore, buying and building even the most simple pool will cost a pretty penny.
Decoration outside
Decoration of the cottage from the outside is carried out in accordance with the stylistic decision and the preferences of the owners. Decorate the house with corners, plinths, arches, porches and terraces, columns and pilasters. These elements are made of plasterboard, polymer concrete, artificial stone and brick. However, these options are more suitable for budgetary design. In expensive cottages the exterior is polished with glass, ceramics, natural stone, brickwork, metal, wood. Each material comes to a certain style. Do not forget about the lighting that emphasizes the features of the decor, put them in a favorable light and hide the shortcomings, if any.
The process of arranging the cottage can be displayed in step by step instructions:
- Design and layout:
- Building;
- Internal and external decoration;
- In the interior of the selection of furniture and decorations, and in the exterior - decoration of the facade.
By the way, the exterior of the house should harmonize not only with the interior design, but also with the landscape that surrounds it. All additional buildings are necessarily linked to the overall composition, so that the design picture of the property does not visually break into pieces.