Everyone desires to create a cozy home. Is it possible to not resort to the help of designers, relying only on their own tastes, preferences and fantasy revelry? Of course you can. After all, you will fantasize for yourself, and, therefore, the imagined look of the dwelling will be cozy for you. But some rules and nuances are better to know. And we will tell you about them.
Color scales, shapes, interior items - focus on everything unusual, because the goal is to create a unique cozy apartment. Experiments with color scale, too, do not be afraid - let the living room be green, and the corridor - pink. The main thing is that you are comfortable, the rest is fuss. Hang two different lamps at the mirror, and remove the bedside tables near the bed - this is the last century.
Mirrors let it be many, pictures - even more. And do not need to chase after the reproductions of Da Vinci, Vrubel or Dali. Place any compositions you like on the walls - from the forest glade to the space landscapes or photos from the album of the family. Even the inept drawing of your daughter of 3 years will look good.
You do not need to embody the Japanese or Indian style in your apartment. Remember where you live! Let the interior does not hint at its origin. Do not turn an apartment into a medieval castle or an African hut, it's ridiculous.
But fresh flowers are a wonderful element of the interior. True, if you do not have allergies to them. It is not necessary to put expensive roses from a flower shop - rip off a bouquet of camomiles in the country, bring, and let a piece of nature illuminate your home.
To retire with a book or just to reflect on something you need at least to whom. Let the corner under this case be in the bedroom, and a huge bed is not particularly useful, especially if you live alone.
Window. We are accustomed to new technologies and double-glazed windows - a frequent phenomenon in the villages, not to mention the cities. Yes, they save from the noise. However, it is not necessary to put these high-tech solutions while living in a residential area. Leave the old windows if your silence is broken only by a janitor working in the morning. Well, or put the wood again.
You can add to the interior of some things "antique" or, conversely, some ultramodern things. But do not overdo it, otherwise the apartment will look like a museum.
So, to equip the comfort in the house, you need a fantasy, and you can not do without imagination. Be creative, and your apartment will become the most comfortable on the whole planet. If you are not confident in your abilities or do not have the time and the desire to understand all the subtleties, you can turn to competent specialists.
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