How to choose a reasonably kitchen set for a small kitchen?
Layout - for a compact kitchen the ideal option - corner kitchen or straight.
- L-shaped corner kitchen. This form has its spread in the kitchens of the square form.
- The kitchen is straight. Along one wall is the placement of furniture. This option takes up little space.
Table of contents of the article:
- Wall cabinets
- Floor Standing Cabinets
- Facades
- Coating
- Aluminum profile and glass
- Blinds for furniture
- Photo set for a small kitchen
Wall cabinets
It is necessary to order not standard in size hanging cabinets, but a little higher. Ideally - a set for a small kitchen with cabinets directly under the ceiling, about 95 cm high. A distinctive feature of these cabinets is their spaciousness and also the fact that dust and settling grease will not accumulate on top of them.
It is necessary to give preference to the elevating facades. Doors for plowing require a lot of space in the kitchen. When ordering a headset, choose facades equipped with a lifting gear.
Inside cabinets shelves can be any maximum comfortable height, so that you can fill the space tightly.
A narrow pencil box will become an excellent niche filling, which remains the case when designing a headset. The design with several shelves is attached to the facade.
It is generally believed that cabinets with open shelves look much easier. But this option has drawbacks ... The first thing is that the contents of the kitchen shelves will always be in front of you, and this is not always beautiful, moreover, it looks cluttered. Second - such shelves collect fat and dust, and therefore cleaning will need to start more often.
If you value your time, it is better to order a closed corner set for a small kitchen.
Floor Standing Cabinets
On a small kitchen, boxes with doors are extremely uncomfortable. It is better to order modules with capacious boxes that extend.
Organizers. This is important and valuable for a small kitchen.
Increase the useful volume of the boxes. The standard height of the sidewall of the box is 15 cm, and therefore, as if not completely used by the box. Expanders are used to increase the volume, which will be used with advantage.
Narrow closets are indispensable in the kitchen, so that everything you need is always at hand. For narrow niches, this option is ideal.
A huge space is often empty under the sink, despite the fact that it is possible to equip a place for storing chemistry.
On several photo headsets for a small kitchen you can see that the surface is laconic.
There is no place in this kitchen for curved radius facades of sinuous shape. The exception is corner kitchen, when the inner corner is rounded.
It is best to choose a kitchen set with MDF facades, varnished. Shine will give and facades with plastic, but care for them is dreary.
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If you are not used to spending a lot of time squandering and cleaning up the shine of surfaces, then remember when choosing that imperceptible water droplets and traces of hands on glossy white facades.
MDF / chipboard with a film. This type of suite is short-lived, but for a small kitchen this option is acceptable. If you like the matte facade, that is, matte decors.
Aluminum profile and glass
A very common option - the facades of glass, edged with aluminum frame.
Glass doors should not be chosen, because all the contents of the boxes will be visible.
Choosing a set, choose frosted glass, the kitchen will be more airy and light.
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Facades могут быть с обработкой пескоструем.
Blinds for furniture
If the suite is small, made as modern as possible, then an excellent alternative to the doors for plowing - the shutters.
In a compact kitchen, laconical furniture is best: staples made of steel or railing handles. The most successful use of two types of accessories - railing on the lower drawers and knobs on the top.
Photo set for a small kitchen
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