Hortensia large-leafed among all the bushes stands out for their special beauty. The plus is that the plant can be grown both at home (in a pot) and outdoors (outdoors). Of the more than 70 varieties, there will always be found one that will please the florist. The main thing is to carefully study the varieties.
It is for the very reason that large-leaved hydrangea is successfully grown in orchards, it is customary to call it hydrangea garden. The unpretentiousness of the plant is expressed in the fact that it can take root even among beginners who do not differ in their special knowledge of gardening.

The blossoming hydrangea flowers are large-leaved.

Large buds of soft pink color are favorites of this summer season.

Pale purple flowers of hydrangea are large-leafed decorating any garden.
In this article, read:
- 1 How to plant and grow hydrangea large-leaved?
- 2 What causes hydrangea?
- 3 What kind of hydrangea large-leaved to choose?
- 4 Transplant hydrangea large-leaved. Video
- 5 Hydrangea large-leaved on a garden plot
How to plant and grow hydrangea large-leaved?
Planting and care for hydrangea large-leaf are represented by several points:
- Selecting a location. The solar territory is appropriate in that situation, if a temporary penumbra is created for the plant. You can consider sites near tall trees, a fence, facades of buildings.
- The soil. Well-drained and fertile soil should be provided. The presence of lime in the soil may be fatal. The soil medium should approximate the composition by weak or medium acid. It will be good to mix in an equal proportion of sod and leaf land, as well as sand and peat.
- Watering. Hortensia loves large-flowered water, but in moderation. Arrangement of drainage before planting will help moisture stay longer in the soil. And after that, constant monitoring of soil moisture is necessary.
- Feeding. By introducing nutrients, the goals pursue different (not only to enhance bush growth). For example, the iron salts and alum introduced after 2 weeks will make it possible to color the blossom in blue and blue shades. Whereas pink coloring of flowers appears when a weakly alkaline reaction is created in the soil. A spraying every week with a solution of gibberellins will bring about the flowering of hydrangeas (so you can accelerate the appearance of flowers for 2-4 weeks). When the inflorescence reaches a diameter of 2-4 cm, the treatment is stopped.
- Pruning. Low-flowering flower growers sometimes either do not pay enough attention to periodic pruning of old shoots, or, on the contrary, are too zealous in this matter. It is important to understand that young seedlings need pruning for the development of abundantly flowering growths.
- Shrubs older than 3 years require cutting only obsolete stems to form strong and strong shoots in their place. Part of the flowering inflorescences is best left in the fall, which will provide protection in severe frosts for future floral and vegetative buds. But if in the winter a lot of snow falls, then the left inflorescences are better to be cut off, so that the branches do not break off under their weight.
- Preparation for winter. In autumn large leaf hydrangeas begin to be prepared gradually for the winter. In dry weather, plants are watered. Please note that the hydrangea garden is best to winter, if the autumn has been sufficiently moistened. Since the branches will have to be sheltered, it makes sense to spray them with a Bordeaux mixture in order to avoid their diaper rash.

Well-groomed lush bushes of hydrangeas.

Contrasting buds of hydrangeas will be an excellent decor of any infield area.

Large-leaf hydrangea is soft pink.

Hortensia bush with large round white snow-white buds at the entrance to the house.
When night frosts occur (usually at the end of October), the preparation for the hydrangea winter is as follows. Having bored the bushes (up to about 30 cm in height), they are covered with an agrospane or a perforated polyethylene film on top with two layers. In early November, the branches of the plant are bent to the ground and covered with lapnik or dry leaves. A box or box is placed on top.
Reproduction of hydrangea large-leaf perform similarly to other plant species: layers, seeds, cuttings and the method of prikopa seedling.

Sprawling bush hydrangea large-leaved.

Hortensia with voluminous blue buds.
What's wrong with hydrangeas?
There are the following hydrangea diseases. Chlorosis can suffer hydrangea large leaf in the area with alkaline soil. In this case, the foliage acquires a light yellow hue, but the veins retain a green color. Therefore, watering is done by soft water with the addition of iron salts. Take measures to increase the acidity of the soil. With a strong yellowness of the foliage, the plant is watered with a solution of potassium nitrate, and after a lapse of 2-3 days a solution of ferrous sulfate is added.
Shrubs can be amazed in arid and sultry weather by a spider mite. The fact that it is, will indicate the cobweb on the back of the sheet. At the same time, he loses appeal, withers and flies away. In the fight against a spider mite, it is helped by spraying with Actellik.
Downy powdery mildew affects the leaves and stems of the bush, as evidenced by oily and yellowing stains on the leaves over time. Then these spots darken and expand. The development of the disease is promoted by warm and rainy weather. Overcoming the disease will help treatment with fungicides, copper-containing agents.
In winter, shoots can be eaten by rodents. Before you cover the plant for the winter, it is advisable to decompose the drug against mice. This will scare them away.

Violet large-leaf hydrangea will become the "favorite" of any summer resident.

A path of hydrangeas with lilac flowers over the stone fence.

Hortensia with multi-colored buds is an interesting option for decorating a garden plot.

Correctly groomed inflorescence hydrangeas.

Beautiful flowers for a stylish garden.
How is hydrangeas transplanted?
Many gardeners have noticed that when the hydrangea is being transplanted, a partial change of color on the inflorescences is observed. For example, the pink coloring of flowers is replaced by a previously bluish color unusual for them. And the reason is that the hydrangea was transplanted from a slightly alkaline soil or neutral to acidic soil. In this regard, strongly alkaline soils are recommended to acidify due to bark, needles or sawdust of coniferous species, leaf litter.
When transplanting, the plant always experiences stress. However, it is possible to reduce its manifestations. To do this, in autumn, the branches of the bush are fastened together and pulled out a groove (up to 25 cm deep) near the plant, without touching the roots at the same time. An open circular trench is filled with compost. For the next warm season in the compost will appear again overgrown rootlets. In autumn the bush is digged along the outer border of the compost, extracting the plant very carefully. In another place, a prepared bush will settle down easier.
What kind of hydrangea large-leaved to choose?
Over the years of breeding, dozens of varieties were bred. However, the Hortensia variety "Endless Summer" became popular with gardeners. The plant has received such a lyrical name due to its ability to bloom repeatedly (Figure 1). This hydrangea all season will impress the owner of the garden and garden plot with lush inflorescences and a pleasant aroma.

Hydrangea is a large-leaved variety "Endless Summer".
However, every year new remanant winter hardy varieties appear. A striking example of this is the novelty, based on the brand "Infinite Summer", Bloom Star (Fig. 2).

Hydrangea large-leaved Bloom Star with blue flowers.
Inflorescences in this plant are large, globose, with a blue or pink hue and in diameter reach 18 cm. The color of the flowers is affected by the acidity of the soil: in alkaline the shade becomes pinkish, in acidified the shade becomes blue-violet. Decorability is marked not only by flowers, but also shoots with a burgundy shade.

Hydrangea Bloom Star.
Inflorescences of Hovaria Hanabi Rose are large and flat, their size is 18-25 cm. Flowers are light pink, terry. When the soil is acidified, the color is blue.

Large-leaved hydrangea Hovaria Hanabi Rose.
You & Me Love — розовая новинка 2015 года, с нежными махровыми лепестками, внутренние из них имеют кремово-желтый оттенок. Окраска тоже видоизменяется от степени кислотности почвы (рис. 3).

Сорт гортензии You & Me Love.

Гортензия крупнолистная You & Me Love.
Blushing Bride Endless Summer is a variety characterized by a change in the color of the petals. The buds of this hydrangea variety turn into semi-double flowers of a white hue, but over time they acquire a light pink "blush."

Semi-double flowers of Hydrangea Blushing Bride Endless Summer.
The new Avantgarde variety is not so widespread in our latitudes. This variety differs from others in that dense inflorescences-balls have large dimensions (30 cm in diameter). Winter-resistant plants with similar huge "caps" and in such a color variety (5 shades: white, green, lilac, blue, pink) are still unknown.

Inflorescence of Hydrangea Avantgarde.
In terms of cultivation, hydrangea large leaf is considered a simple plant.
And take up his cultivation for anyone to the forces.