A house is a place where any person spends most of his time. Staying should be comfortable, cozy, bring joy and a sense of calm. The main thing is to make the house so that a person rested, gained strength, continue to live and work enthusiastically. This can be achieved with the help of properly selected design of the room.
- Choice of design for different rooms
- Living Room Design
- Bedroom design
- Kitchen and bathroom design
- Choice of wall color
- Choice of colors for doors and skirting boards
- Choosing curtains
- Lighting
- Choosing the material for flooring
- Natural wood
- Laminate
- Linoleum
- Ceramic tile
Choice of design for different rooms
Design in translation from English means not only to design, but also the plan, drawing, drawing. Therefore, it is better to design a room for a house not to hold in your head, but to transfer it to paper. Fortunately, the possibilities of the Internet are so great that interior design can be done independently without attracting professional designers for big money.
Living Room Design
For a long time the living room has ceased to be exclusively a room for the reception of guests. A room in which no one ever lives, but at the same time fulfilling the function of a room for the general pastime of the whole family - is called a living room.
The living room should be light, cozy, bring warmth, comfort. The room should be equally nice to be an adult, and children. Therefore, it is necessary to achieve a sense of space, light and purity.
When developing the design of the living room on the basis of a white color, you can achieve space expansion, a visual increase in the area. To do this, the walls must also leave a light shade. If you overdo it with white color, you can make a room cozy and comfortable, turn it into a cold, detached room.
To avoid the transition, in the design of the living room should be present elements of decoration (can be decorated) of bright or dark colors. It can be doors, skirting boards, trim frames, picture frames, sofas, chairs.
Bedroom design
The bedroom, unlike the living room, does not require a visual increase. The room can be small, but it must be a cozy room.
To make the bedroom seem warmer, a light floor must be supplemented with walls of dark pastel tones. Excellent sand, plum, caramel, chocolate color. The dark floor is not the best choice for bedroom space.
In addition, you need to think about the color of furniture and accessories for the bedroom.
If the walls are rather dark, then the curtains, sconces and bedspreads are better to choose light, color-colored floors. If the floor and walls remain light, then the textile must necessarily be dark. This will not allow the bedroom to turn into a room without forms and colors. A harmonious combination of light colors in the decoration, dark - in the furniture will add to the bedroom a feeling of style, warmth, harmony. A large number of combinations of white tones will add cold.
Kitchen and bathroom design
The kitchen and the bathroom are rooms where the word "cleanliness" is associatively in the first place. It is recommended to use the same material for the floor of both rooms. So we will unite them.
Read also: How to choose a plinth for the interiorKitchen and bathroom - a place of increased use. The number of visits to these places is much greater than the number of use of a bedroom or living room.
With frequent use of the room, the level of contamination increases. Therefore, the design is recommended to use on the basis of dark-colored doors, dark, non-mark, color of the floor, platbands, plinths. The use of dark color is explained by the low level of marginality, which leads to the need to wipe the products less often, respectively, to less wear.
In fact, everything is far from the case. Premises, such as kitchen and bathroom - are cleaned regardless of the visibility of the pollution. Premises of high humidity, which require special care. This room is at risk of mold. Therefore, regular airing with rubbing is a necessary procedure.
Pollution from fat, which appears from cooking, requires frequent cleaning. Accordingly, the use of light colors for finishing the kitchen and the bathroom is quite a fearless, quite acceptable phenomenon.
When choosing a light-colored floor for kitchen design, you can use the zoning principle of the room. For example, near the kitchen set, in the places of passage - the shade of the floor can be lighter, the place where the table will be installed - can be distinguished by a dark floor.
The advantage of the light floor of these rooms is their versatility. Against the background of a white, coffee, light gray floor, any color of the walls will look beautiful. Light floor is combined with any color of the kitchen set, it will be more juicy furniture bright color.
The floor of light color can not only expand the room visually, but also add a sense of purity. The dark floor is much inferior in characteristics to the floor of white color. The color of the floor should hide the traces of water droplets, divorces.
Choice of wall color
Slightly higher were already presented variants of compatibility of colors of a floor and walls. Let's consider the question in more detail. When combining a white floor with the color of the walls, remember the following:
- Light floor and walls give a sense of spaciousness. But, too much light - and the room has lost any outlines. It did not turn into a spacious room, but became a formless, huge, even a cold room. When a combination of light and light, the shade of one of the elements should be different. For example, the floor is milky in color, the walls are white. Or walls of peach color - the floor is light brown, two shades darker than the walls.
- The light floor, dark side walls and a light back wall (viewed from the door) - will bring the feeling of the tunnel. If the room is too square, then it is permissible to create a tunnel effect. If the room is rectangular (most rooms in urban apartments have a rectangular shape) - any furniture will be "lost" in the room.
- The light floor and the dark back wall will steal the depth. The room will seem smaller, warmer, even on sensations. It is inadmissible to use for a room with a total square of less than 18 m2.
Excess of white color - we will repeat - instead of sensations of cleanliness and calmness, will bring feeling of a cold, detachment. It is necessary to "lighten" the light floor with additional elements, details of another color scale. Harmonious will look a combination of dark floor with light walls.
Light shades of the floor perfectly in harmony with dark and bright colors. Depending on the type of premises, wishes, lifestyle of the owners, the walls can be painted in any color. The rules for color distribution in the room remain unchanged.
When choosing a color for walls in a design with a light floor, it is worth sticking to the uniformity. Brightness and succulence in design should be made by decor or furniture. For a room with a light floor, you can choose from a variety of furniture options - classical, modern, high-tech.
Read also: Selection of parquet for the interior
Choice of colors for doors and skirting boards
Doors and skirting boards are indispensable elements of the general style of the room. The first thing to note is that the doors must necessarily approach the floor in style. For example, the floor is laid wooden, and a plastic door is installed. Such a combination is unacceptable. Incorrect selection of material and color can destroy any harmony.
The main rule of designers - floor, door and skirting should be the same color. The presence in the room of the dark color of the floor - no choice, the door and plinth are automatically selected for it.
The light floor gives vent to fantasy. To the floor of a light color doors and dark shades, and as light as the floor itself, are perfect. Dark doors can add to the interior of the light room the clarity of shapes, a dark plinth will highlight the geometric outlines.
Dark doors against the light floor can add a visible space. For rooms with an area of 2 * 3 m2, dark doors will turn into an absurd bulky construction.
If there are two doors next to each other in the room, then they must be the same color, while the light doors can get lost against the background of the light floor and walls. If these doors hide the bathroom and the restroom - then this is exactly what the effect is for.
When choosing the color of the skirting board, you can rely solely on personal preferences. The plinth can be white, black and color. The main thing is that in the overall design, the plinth does not "cut" the eye. The color and the shape of the plinth perfectly match the door frames. Designers recommend using the same material for the clypeus and plinth.
Choosing curtains
When choosing curtains for a room with a light floor, you need to maintain a sense of harmony, purity, space. The choice of the color of the fabric should be in harmony with the overall design of the room. Fabric material - airy, transparent, light. Excellent fit chiffon, satin or organza. The type of attachment does not matter.
For the interior with a light floor covering, lighting plays a big role. The white tint of the floor adds to the room light, but only with sufficient natural light.
When using one chandelier, the floor will appear white - directly under the lamp, and dark - in the corners of the room.
To avoid a visible transition, the interior is recommended to be supplemented with lighting in the corners. You can consider the options for highlighting directly from pieces of furniture - sconces, floor lamps, hanging lamps.
In the interior with a light and dark floor, the halogen lighting around the perimeter of the room looks great.
Choosing the material for flooring
There are not many options for choosing a floor covering:
- natural wood (parquet);
- laminate;
- linoleum;
- ceramic tile.
Perhaps, to coverings for sex, some readers of the article would have classified carpet, but this is not so. Carpet or carpet - an external decorative protective coating, the basis will still be the materials listed.
The floor covering rarely changes, so it must be strong initially. Do not use flooring materials that do not match the type of room.
The color of the floor must match the design, a light floor covering - match the colors to the walls, the dark floor - to the doors, skirting boards.
Natural wood
For the production of materials for floors of light colors, oak, maple, ash, birch, hornbeam are used.
See also: Gray floor on 75 photo examples in the interiorAny of these materials has a big plus - naturalness and environmental friendliness. But the disadvantages are also present:
- Искусственное осветление. Natural wood при переработке в паркет осветляют на фабриках большими партиями. При выходе цвет получается однотонный, особенно если фирма изготовитель заботиться о своем имидже. Но как поведет себя натуральное дерево под воздействием света, влаги и других внешних факторов, можно лишь предполагать. В некоторых местах при попадании прямых солнечных лучей возможно появление пятен, изменение цвета.
- Stylistic belonging. The floor from a natural tree is applied for interiors of minimalism, sometimes - a modernist style. In the modern high-tech style, the naturalness of the tree will become an absurd blunder in the design.
Laminate – универсальное покрытие для пола в любом помещении. Современный рынок позволяет выбрать ламинат самых разнообразных оттенков, даже белого цвета.
With the right choice of characteristics, the laminate can be used in the kitchen, in the living room, corridor, even in the bathroom. For places where moisture accumulates, care must be taken that the laminate has moisture-proof qualities.
Единственным минусом ламината как покрытия для пола светлых тонов является способ его укладки. Если ламинат положен поперек линии света, соединения будут слишком заметны. Для темного оттенка ламината проблема тоже важна. Laminate необходимо укладывать вдоль линии попадания света.
The most common type of flooring - linoleum, gained its popularity in the last century. This material is practical for use in any room, it is well cleaned, conveniently laid down when laying.
In building stores, you can choose linoleum of different colors, including light shades, imitating wood or laminate.
A light floor covering in the form of linoleum is difficult to distinguish from a quality laminate.
Linoleum продается отрезным куском стандартной ширины – от 1,5 м до 4 м. Если помещение шире, приходится покрытие склеивать. Делается это по специальной технологии, желательно профессионалами – укладчиками, но шов в месте соединения в любом случае заметен. Со временем он может расклеиваться, в щель попадает вода от уборки, и становится виден общий непривлекательный вид пола.
Another drawback of linoleum can be considered its belonging to the domestic, semi-commercial, commercial class. The higher the class, the greater the wear resistance of the material (the ability to support the weight of the furniture, the resistance at heel pressure, etc.). The higher the durability, the higher the price.
Ceramic tile
Самый стойкий материал для пола – ceramic tile. Разнообразность цветов, форм, размеров этого материала просто поражает количеством.
Tiles are of different quality, respectively, of different cost.
When choosing tiles of light colors, you should pay attention to the pattern or pattern, if it is present on the surface. It should be combined with a common interior pattern. For example, when laying tiles in the kitchen, the same pattern of ceramic chips on the floor and table top will look good.
Do not forget that the ceramic tiles on the floor - a cold and slippery material. Before choosing this material, it is worthwhile to think over additional insulation (warm floor or carpet - it does not matter).
When choosing colors for walls and floors, you need to maintain a stylistic harmony. The use of light floor is acceptable in different styles of design, the difference exists only in materials for sex. For Art Nouveau with bright colors, classics with pastels, rococo with antiquity - a light floor fits perfectly.