The design of a bedroom in a wooden house is a laborious, fantasy process, on which depends the comfort, beauty, and the functioning of the room. The tree is considered to be an ecological material, therefore it enjoys great popularity among the current developers and those wishing to have a country house, the main chic dwelling or a bedroom for a tree in a normal apartment. For construction use a beam (glued, profiled, not profiled), round log.
If the walls of the room in a wooden house are sheathed in wood or have the appearance of a solid beam, it is more expedient to select a bed also from wood. The color of the sleeper should be in harmony with the color of the walls or be in the same color scheme.
The design of the bedroom can mean both a wooden bed and a bed seat, covered with a soft cloth. To visually increase the size of the bedroom it is better to choose light colors, avoid black, dark brown. Decorate the bed and add brightness to the decorative pillows. For this it is not necessary that they are of the same geometric shape, color. On a white bed, lilac, pink, blue, peach tones will be original. Just do not choose saturated colors, the palette should be in pastel colors, then the room will inspire warmth, as well as comfort.
See also: Blue color in the interior of the bedroomIn the bedroom, which is located on the attic floor, it is appropriate to place a bed of dark tones, if the attic is well lit by windows. On the bed of dark brown, black, gray tones, the pillows will look great lighter than the main palette.
Since wooden walls and ceilings are more associated with a calm, mature style, it is better to refuse decorating the bed with rhinestones, metallic shiny rivets and fabrics with a bright glare. Option with a glamorous decor may be appropriate in case one of the walls is covered with wallpaper with a glossy base or glittering spraying.
Chest or cupboard
More often in the bedroom, to improve functionality, they place furniture for clothes and bed linen with towels. You can dispense with a cupboard or chest when a separate chateaux room is provided in the building. But if the house is compact, then it is worthwhile to think carefully about the design and color of the additional furniture.
In the house of wood harmoniously will fit cabinets on the entire wall to the height of the ceiling. Before you make out the bedroom you need to decide what color will be the furniture, starting with the bed. The ideal option would be if the bed and the closet or chest of drawers are executed in the same style with the same material. For compactness, it is better to order a cabinet that is solid, but not deep with a door-compartment. The outer wall is decorated with glass with or without sputtering.
Stylish looks room, where one wall is covered with wallpaper with flowers or monograms, and on the mirror of the cabinet will be the same engraving. In the case where it is not possible to put a full-fledged closet-compartment, it can be replaced with a compact chest of drawers. Most often, a chest of drawers is installed in the attic bedroom, where the ceilings have a bevelled corner and there is no way to put a full cabinet. The chest of drawers increases the functionality of the room and it can always be decorated with small details that will accentuate the interior of the bedroom.
Интерьер спальни в деревянном доме может предусматривать небольшие тумбочки возле кровати. Их ставят по желанию, и, если этому способствует размеры комнаты. Nightstands должны быть маленькими и вместительными. Целесообразно установить несколько тумбочек, если кровать двуспальная. На этих небольших элементах можно оставлять телефон перед сном или любимую книгу, ноутбук или очки.
Nightstands должны гармонировать с основной мебелью комнаты, не выделятся по цвету или стилю. Ручки на мебели будут гармонировать с деревянными стенами, когда они будут немного блеклыми.
It is necessary to think over the functionality of the thumbs, they must open from the sleeper. Therefore one should be with the loops left, and the other with the loops on the right.
Curtains не обязательный атрибут дизайна спальни, но, если комната находится на первом этаже. Curtains выполняют не только функцию светофильтра, но и обеспечивают защиту комнаты при включении света в темное время суток.
Wood perfectly combines with natural fabrics from flax, cotton or jacquard weaving. The bedroom should protect the dream of the owner or guest, because curtains are better to choose with the effect of smoke-out. This way of processing curtains does not allow early sun rays to make their way into the room.
The color of the curtains should match the basic color scheme and style of the bedroom. Tenderness to the interior will give curtains of light chiffon fabric under the curtains. Expensive and attractive look white curtains without engraving or curtains with a gradient effect that go from white at the top, to the main color of the design decision to the bottom.
In the attic floors you can use blinds. It is appropriate to use blinds made of wood or bamboo. If the windows of the attic room are at an angle, then it is better to use mounted horizontal blinds. In the daytime, they can be collected upward and provide good natural room lighting or simply turn the blades to reduce the brightness of the light and repel bright sunlight and bunnies.
Small decorating elements
The design of a bedroom in a house made of timber can not be cozy without small details that will reflect the character, the individuality of its owner or owners. For the bedroom you can use small candlesticks, which are placed on the side tables or chests of drawers, on the walls you can fix the pictures.
Read also: Design of a bedroom in a classical style - photo ideas of an interiorAs for art works of art, landscapes, country houses with picturesque nature approach the tree. More refined and liberated people can stop their eyes on the pictures that impart intimacy and romance.
A photo of relatives, friends, psychologists are not advised to place in the bedrooms. These attributes place in the hall or guest room. Photos are appropriate if they are captured beautiful places in nature with wild animals. The attic room can be decorated with paintings on fabrics with landscapes or ancient motifs.
The lamp with a fabric ceiling made of natural materials will look original. The luminaire can be, as on short, and on a long leg and settle down on a floor near a window.
Floor coating
In the country houses from the bar, the comfort of the room is tried to emphasize with the help of carpets and other floor coverings. Indeed, in the morning it is much more pleasant to get out of bed on a soft surface, rather than on a cool tree. In the children's room, the carpet is an essential element!
The original look will be a small carpet, which will be located under the sleeping place, cover extend beyond a few meters. Wooden walls and ceiling will be in harmony with a solid carpet of white, cream or other color pastel shade. The carpet does not have to be rectangular, the oval or round emphasizes the feature of the room.
Stylish, exquisite will look the skin of the beast or imitation of natural fur. It is worth remembering that natural fur can cause allergic reactions, therefore, for safety and loyalty to animals, it is better to choose artificial material.
To realize their desires easily, the main thing is that each element of design harmoniously fit into the interior and complement the style of the wooden house.