A bedroom is a room created for rest, night, daytime sleep. Here, a person spends at least a third of life. When the room is quite spacious, there are places for dressing, cosmetic procedures, hobby, work at the computer. How best to design a bedroom 15 sq.m. m. What colors, stylistics, materials to use.
It is desirable that in the room there was enough free space - for a normal sleep, a person needs a lot of air, so do not overload the room.
Color spectrum
Since this room is intended primarily for recreation, the color scheme is chosen to promote maximum relaxation, calm after a long day of work. For each these colors will be different - one calms the green, the other likes the pastel colors, the third is able to relax exclusively in the violet-black environment. Fifteen square meters - not so little for the bedroom, in addition to expand the space with the color here is optional. When, besides, here the high ceiling is more than three meters, and the windows face south, the room can be decorated in dark, cold colors. From this it will not become less cozy, visually closer. When the height of the ceiling is not too large, the windows face north, that is, sunlight is rare here, the color registration is carried out exclusively in warm, light colors. A lot of aggressive contrasts in any bedroom should be avoided: such include the combination of red with black or green, bright yellow with blue, any "acid" shades in various combinations.
The most suitable colors are:
- light yellow with bright green;
- pumpkin with lime;
- lilac with pink;
- apricot with amaranth;
- terracotta with ocherous;
- chocolate with creamy;
- olive with brick;
- violet with fuchsia;
- moderately blue with white;
- gray with muffled-gold;
- snow-blue with titsianovym;
- denim with platinum.
For a harmonious interior design, one main color is selected, in which approximately 60-70% of the room is executed. About 30% falls on additional color, within 10% - small color accents.
Style Selection
When choosing stylistic design, you should be guided first and foremost by your own taste, personal preferences. Here's how the bedrooms look like in different styles:
- loft - the bedroom is combined with the living room, the walls are decorated with red brick, the floor boards, the windows are large and without curtains, the bed is a simple form, there is a large massive cabinet;
- indastiral - on the walls of a damp plaster, details from a motorcycle or a computer as a decoration, furniture is homemade, as an option - cobbled together from pallets or having forged parts, on one wall - wall-paper with the image of a metropolis;
- classic - flooring with wood, stone, wooden furniture of natural colors, bed with canopy, peephole, on the walls of the picture within, on the windows of heavy curtains, elegant chandelier, floor lamps;
- Baroque - expensive finishing of all available horizontal and vertical surfaces, on the ceiling, walls, plaster moldings, on the floor, instead of carpet, animal skin, furniture voluminous, carved, imitation of a fireplace on one of the walls;
- minimalism - the floor is decorated with a laminate, the walls are plain plaster, the ceiling is stretched, furniture of simple shapes, "clean" colors in textiles, the decor is practically absent;
- east - mostly natural decoration materials, low bed, almost on the floor, low coffee table, wallpaper depicting cherry blossom, bamboo mat, instead of a rug, on the window a bonsai tree in a pot or decorative fountain;
- hi-tech - the room is decorated in silvery colors, furniture is full of metal, glass, built-in wardrobe with full-length mirrors, steel color blinds on the window, many built-in lamps.
Modern materials, finishing methods
Materials for the bedroom are preferable natural, but their choice depends on the style of the room. To decorate the floor, use boards that are usually painted, parquet, varnished, laminate of suitable colors, carpet. Natural stone and ceramic tiles are rarely used - they are very cold. The walls are decorated with wallpaper, partly with wallpaper, decorative plaster, wooden or plastic panels. In particularly expensive interiors the walls are covered with expensive fabrics, they have fragments of leather, natural fur. The ceiling is tensioned, suspended, multi-leveled from gypsum board, it is made out by a textured ceiling tile, foam stucco molding, glass or mirror panels.
Unevenness on the walls should be leveled, so that the finish on them lay flat, beautiful.
With the help of light, the room is zoned, its shape is adjusted, if necessary. Preferably, in addition to the central ceiling chandelier, each zone is separately highlighted. The light above the desktop is chosen the brightest - well, if this area is located at the window, when not, it is lit with a desk lamp on a clothespin, stand. For a computer desk with shelves, built-in lighting is made or a long daylight lamp is mounted above it on the wall. The dressing room or closet, located in the corner of the bedroom, is illuminated by means of LEDs or fixtures on flexible legs. The place for rest in the rocking chair is also illuminated by a floor lamp or a table lamp above the coffee table. Above the bed is a dimmable lighting so that it is comfortable to read and fall asleep in the bed. LED strip, mounted along the perimeter of the skirtings on the floor, will not bump into walls if you have to get up at night to drink water. Backlit LEDs of each level of suspended ceiling construction, creates the impression of a high ceiling. If, on the contrary, I want to make it lower, the central chandelier is removed altogether or lowered, highlighting individual zones, important elements of the wall decoration - pictures, figurines on the shelves, houseplants in the corners.
See also: Bedroom design in turquoise colors: 75 examples
In the children's bedroom, all the corners are well illuminated so that the child is not injured, hitting something in search of a rolled up toy, and the lamps are chosen unbreakable.
Choosing furniture and furnishings
Furniture is chosen as ergonomically as possible, especially if the bedroom combines several different zones. Many firms produce furniture in a certain stylistic design at once with sets, the standard set includes:
- a bed - single, one-and-a-half or double, preferably with an orthopedic mattress;
- closet - most often a wardrobe, sometimes built-in, including a corner;
- bedside tables - usually their two identical;
- toilet table or console for TV - equipped with a mirror, drawers;
- chest of drawers for storing laundry.
Often this situation is complemented by a pair of small armchairs-bags or pouffes with a coffee table. In the presence of a working area, a written or computer table is purchased, and the bed is sometimes replaced by a folding sofa. Materials of furniture are chosen environmentally friendly, odorless, suitable to the chosen style of the room.
Textiles & decor
Textile elements should be combined with each other - curtains with a coverlet or colored inserts in the closet, pillowcases on pillows with covers on chairs, wardrobe trunks with carpet coloring, wallpaper. Separate interiors suggest the fabrication of folds of ceiling fabric, wall decoration, as well as textile canopies, canopies above the bed, podzory under the bed or table. The decor should not be too much - a couple of pictures or photos within the walls, interesting design of the mirror, the "dream catcher" under the ceiling light. On the wall near the dressing table or a closet are placed fabric homemade organizers, for storing various secrets.
Bedroom design in different shapes and configurations
A bedroom with a simple quadrangular geometry is easiest to decorate. Combined rooms such as a living room-bedroom, a bedroom connected to a warmed balcony or loggia, irregular shapes with a bay window, L-shaped layout are usually adjusted with furniture, competent zoning, mirrors, lighting. Niches and podiums are used for zoning, if the design solution of the room assumes this.
The more elongated the room is, the more compact is the furniture for it. Along the entire short wall, it is better to put the closet - so the shape of the room will be closer to the square, which means it will look more harmonious. Another option: to place the bed head to a smaller wall, on both sides of it - compact bedside tables with lamps on them. If the long walls are highlighted and the short ones are not there, the room will also turn out to be more square. In the event that in this room it is planned not only to sleep, zoning is carried out - part of the room with the bed is separated by a screen, curtain, screen. The role of the "border" is easily fulfilled by the cabinet, which is placed with doors in the opposite side of the bed. In this case, its rear wall is pasted with wallpaper, to create a complete impression of a separate room or a shelf.
Read also: A bedroom with two windows on one and different walls
This form does not need to be corrected - any variants of placement of interior items are possible here. The cabinet is placed at the head of the bed or along the wall, which is farthest from the window. To maintain complete symmetry, you can put two identical compact corner lockers, between them - a bed with side tables on the sides. The table for work or make-up is placed in the footboard or closer to the wall, it is possible to use a corner computer table with shelves, drawers. In another variant, a large chest of drawers is placed in front of the bed, in the center of which there is a TV set, on one edge a working table, on the other - a kind of a dressing table. Here, if possible, symmetry is also observed, if it was not conceived otherwise.
Combined with balcony
The insulated balcony can significantly expand the bedroom area - about three to six square meters. m. The most often there "take out" the study room, a sports corner, and lovers of sleeping at the window - a sleeper. Where there used to be a window, the table top is mounted, preferably of a rounded shape, so that when you exit the balcony you do not have to cling to the corner every time. On the balcony, and make room for a day's rest, decorating the area with a compact sofa, a pair of armchairs with a coffee table - it is convenient to read in daylight, enjoy the sunset for a cup of evening coffee or a glass of wine. But it's not advisable to place a dressing room there - the wardrobe cover will quickly fade under the sun's rays, and if there are no curtains on the windows, people from the street will see how the tenants change their clothes.
If the balcony is planned to sleep, you should make it soundproofed, tight curtains.
Bedroom-living room
The sleeping area in such a room is fenced off with a screen, curtain, shelving, pasted on other wallpaper or arranged on the podium. Above the bed, sometimes hang a canopy. Zoning room can be using a sofa with a high back, behind which are shelves. Sometimes instead of a separate sofa and bed, a large modular design is purchased, on which guests are housed in the daytime, and at night the owners sleep. The closet-bed is also a very convenient thing - in the afternoon it leans back against the wall, making room for the table, falls into a horizontal position in the evening, and the table and chairs move to a corner. The TV is installed on a narrow console opposite the bed.
Bedroom with study or workplace
Mini-cabinet in the bedroom is convenient, if the work for which it is done requires silence, calmness, concentration. The workplace, if possible, is made at the window, in the bay window, then the sill becomes the top. It is desirable to place the computer table at the maximum distance from the bed. This zone is fenced off by a book or clothes cabinet, a screen, a portable screen, built into any corner structure, carried out on a glass balcony or arranged on the podium. A bright workplace lighting is necessary. Bed-loft saves a lot of space, and the office is located under it.
On fifteen square meters of the bedroom space, not only a comfortable bed, but also other things necessary for work and leisure will be placed successfully. There are interiors where there is even a bath or a shower in the bedroom. Beautifully decorate the interior easily with their own hands, but to implement complex design ideas will need the help of specialists.