At first glance, pictures are just another decoration of the interior, which does not play any special role in the situation. But with the help of a well-chosen image, you can change a lot: smooth out the excessive angularity of the furniture, disguise wall defects, highlight the accent zone that captures attention, emphasize the stylistic concept, revitalize the design or, conversely, make it more rigorous and more solid. Pictures with perspective increase space, make it deeper. The color solution of the interior creates the mood of the room, and the images within the framework correct it, add light notes and semitones. Let's try to figure out how to choose the right picture for the interior and where to place it in the room.
It also takes into account the compatibility of the painting with the finishing material of the wall on which it will be located. The frame is a separate story. Depending on the material, color, texture and secondary decoration, it can turn into a luxurious addition that will even slightly overshadow the image, or become a pale shadow of the picture just outlining its boundaries.
To size
The size of the picture is linked to the dimensions of the object, which is located below. If a bed, table, sofa or other large element is placed on the wall, then the image should have a width corresponding to at least half the length of the furniture. Otherwise, the picture will look lonely and inappropriate. The rest of the wall will finally "crush" a small decor. An exception to the rule will be only modular images, since the calculation of their width does not take into account the distance between the components. Therefore, diptychs and triptychs can refer to the length of furniture in the proportion of 2: 3. The height of the picture also matters. If the room has low ceilings, then use vertical images that stretch the space.
To place a picture of average size (about 1 m in height) should be at a distance of 2 m from the intended viewpoint. If the canvas is closer, then the intuitive will want to retreat a couple of steps to appreciate the charm of the plot. Accordingly, the distance should be equal to the double height of the picture.
By color scheme
Selection of shades is performed in accordance with the color composition of the room. To begin with, you need to decide what role the designer takes to this decor. If the picture becomes an accent, then its plot should be made in bright colors, which will contrast with the situation. For example, in the blue-white design of the room an image in yellow or red tones will be highlighted. When the picture should merge with the interior, support the color concept, then its colors are selected according to the principle of analogy. For example, in brown-beige design with notes of whiteness use canvases made in walnut, sand, pale yellow tones with gold. An ideal story will be the setting sun over a transparent water ripple or autumn landscape.
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According to the plot
The plot should correspond to the functional purpose of the room. For the kitchen, tasty, "tasty" still-lifes or images of gastronomic delights are suitable: aromatic dishes with a crusty crust and smoking smoke, juicy fruits, fresh vegetables with droplets of moisture on the skin, juices in misted jugs, sweet berries in wicker baskets with checkered napkins as a backing . For a bedroom choose soft, quiet compositions that are associated with peace and relaxation: forest edges, reeds at river banks, seascapes, starry sky above a sleepy city. As an option, you can use the reproductions of paintings by famous masters: Savrasov, Shishkin, Levitan. Do not confuse calm stories with sadly dreary. In the living room the atmosphere is completely different. Here companies and family members gather, rest, as a rule, involves active games, watching TV, noisy gatherings. The atmosphere of the hall is energetic, therefore the picture for it must have a special dynamics. Suitable panorama cities, images of the water element in all its glory, adventure stories. For the hallway, neutral canvases are selected, which will help the guests to form the right opinion about the owners of the apartment. Do not get carried away by surrealism or abstraction. Among the themes, portraits, floral compositions, still lifes or natural landscapes are preferred. Since the hallway is the face of the apartment, avoid pictures that carry a negative charge, with scenes of violence, death, destruction or disasters.
By stylistic direction
Painting has many currents, most of which gave rise to design trends. To the interior classics will suit paintings made in the style of the same name, romanticism, realism, empire, academism, sentimentalism, symbolism, aestheticism. It can be reproductions of famous canvases exhibited in museums and become part of cultural heritage, or original works by unknown masters. For minimalism, high-tech, modern direction, pictures in the style of avant-garde, surrealism, chinoiseries, underground, cubism, impressionism, expressionism will suit. To modernity choose paintings from the art nouveau or anachronism, neoclassicism. For art deco and pop art suited subjects, made in the same style of painting. With Provence, images written according to the principles of Biedermeier are combined. For eclectic or fusion choose canvases in the style of art brut, luchizm. Futurism is combined with paintings that relate to fantasy and cosmism. Loft gives preference to street art, kitsch, hyperrealism.
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Framing pictures
Rama is selected first of all to the picture itself. Its compatibility with the interior goes into the background. Rama is the clothes of the canvas, in which it can look good or completely ridiculous. Traditionally, the frame is made of baguette. This is a classic version of the relief frame. Framing is divided into three types: flat, oblique inward / outward. It can have a different color, shape and additional decor. To the classical canvases comes the gilded frame with numerous curls or carvings. For modern paintings choose glass and metal frames. As an option, the image can be hung altogether "without anything." By the above analogy, the picture will be "bare", which is suitable only for bold interiors.
The only exceptions are diptychs, polyptychs and triptychs. The modularity of the paintings does not require framing, which in this case will be an extra element distracting attention.
How to properly hang paintings
Each interior element should be in its place, only in this case the situation will look complete. This rule applies to pictures. In the bedroom, the canvas is better to hang over the bed. If there is no TV in the room and the opposite wall is empty, then a pair of canvas is placed on it. In the hallway, the pictures are placed on either side of the mirror or along the corridor on an empty surface. In the living room, the best option is a wall that has a sofa. In the children's room, pictures are found in the corner for playing games or on the bed.
Consider also the finish of the wall, on which the picture will be hung. For example, contrasting striped wallpaper combined with a bright canvas, which breaks the overall ideality of geometry.
Modular pictures
Modular pictures, в зависимости от количества составляющих, классифицируют на диптихи, триптихи, полиптихи. Практика разбивать изображение на сегменты появилась еще в Средние века, но в интерьере подобное решение стали применять сравнительно недавно. В классическом варианте центральное полотно самое большое, а размер боковых составляет 1/2 или 1/3 от главной часть композиции. Вся живописная группа больше напоминает окошко со ставнями. Modular pictures такого формата до сих пор используются в оформлении алтарей в церквях и храмах. Главное правило для создания триптихов и диптихов — единая тематика в сегментах, то есть им не обязательно быть продолжением друг друга.
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А в интерьерах используют прием «разрезания» одного изображения на множество частей. Modular pictures станут акцентом независимо от того, какой сюжет на них изображен. В данном случае роль играет именно необычная форма подачи изображения, сегментированная структура. Располагать части картины можно последовательно горизонтально или вертикально. Сложные композиции, которые состоят из четырех и более сегментов, могут «складываться» в единое целое по более запутанным схемам. Популярными сюжетами для модульных картин стали цветки, деревья, городские панорамы.
How to compose songs
When composing a composition, it is necessary to pay attention to the size of the wall to be decorated. This is important for obtaining the correct ratio. According to the rule of "golden section" the size of a group of pictures should refer to the background in a proportion of 3: 1. Canvases can be arranged according to various schemes: linearly, in parallel, circle, diamond, triangle, rectangle, asymmetrical group. If images of the same size are used, it is better to hang them in a line at equal distances from each other. For the layout of differently-sized paintings, it is worth choosing the group principle, when a large canvas is placed in the center of the composition at eye level, and those that are smaller frame it. An unusual solution will be the linear arrangement of images from the largest to the smallest. Beautifully look asymmetric compositions that occupy two adjacent walls and an angle. If the surfaces are painted in different colors, then you can play in contrast. For example, on a yellow wall have pictures in blue frames, and on azure - in a frame of a sunny shade or with gilding.
Sometimes it's very difficult to find a suitable picture. Painting, as is known, not only "stops time", but also gives images to the soul. If the spiritual component of the picture does not find a response from a person, then the canvas has not yet found its owner. With the rules for selecting images for the interior must necessarily be considered, but the aesthetics of the canvas in the first place should match the taste of the buyer. If the painting approaches the interior perfectly, but something does not please the owner, the desired aura in the room will not form.