Bathroom - this is the place where many want to retire after a busy day. The bathroom in the Scandinavian style combines light colors. How to choose the right interior? What are the features of this style? The answers to these and not only questions can be found below.

Scandinavian style is interesting for its simple and restrained. Using light tones in the design allows you to visually increase the space.

Correctly drafted design of a bathroom in Scandinavian style. The bath is on an artificial height of stone. As a hanger is used a tree branch, covered with a special varnish.

In the interior of the bathroom in the Scandinavian style, the polished floor is especially attractive.
In this article, read:
- 1 Summary
- 2 Features of style
- 3 Features Scandinavian style. Video
- 4 Bathroom design options in Scandinavian style
brief information
Bath in the Scandinavian style allows you to visually increase even the smallest room, while creating maximum illumination with a minimum of costs. Some people can not solve the dilemma of the correct arrangement of elements. All the positive aspects are reflected in this version. This style combines whiteness, brightness and individual ergonomics.
The most striking features of this style are the white ceiling, walls and even the floor with plumbing. All this is organically combined with the hi-tech style, which got its spread relatively recently. He has right angles, geometric shapes and plumbing, which is made of steel.
The bathroom in Scandinavian style carries a languid monochrome, so many try to dilute this monotony with some bright elements. It's enough just to hang some variegated towels or arrange bright tubes with detergents. The shower cubicle can be combined with the bathroom, and at the same time it is separated by a special partition made of glass blocks.
The interior of such a bath can be quite eclectic.

The modern Scandinavian style is not only practical, but also elegant. White furniture attracts the eye with its glossy gloss.

A creative solution for decorating a bathroom in a Scandinavian style is the decoration of walls with white brick.
A classic bath on straight legs can look organic with a modern washing machine. You can also emphasize the color of the room, hanging colored towels or with some drawing. In addition, you can additionally install a special basket for bath accessories in the room.
The bathroom in the Scandinavian style differs from the others in that all the items have some kind of functional character. If there is not enough free space, special bathroom shelves and hanging closets can come to the rescue.
The color of the walls is usually not beyond the presented style - it is either white-white or light-brown. A darker color tile is most often used to draw attention to a shower or washbasin. It is best to choose diffusing lighting, as it provides a soft and soothing glow.

Design project of a bathroom in Scandinavian style for soul lovers.

A small bath in Scandinavian style in an apartment in Perm.

To make the interior become holistic, the designer paid special attention to the selection of furniture.
Features of style
As for the interior, it is difficult to find any decorative elements. You can put miniature pots with indoor plants that will shade white colors. On a white background the accessories made of stainless steel perfectly look. Silver on white looks very impressive.
Part of the wall, which is located above the washbasin, can be additionally decorated. You can use a small mosaic tile that will shade the white walls. From the side of the tile you can install a mirror panel that will visually increase the overall dimensions of the room.
In the finish of the floor can use wood materials or ornaments. They give an additional feeling of warmth and comfort. The classic ceiling of this style consists of board panels, which can easily be replaced with modern materials. With them, harmonious will look the spotlights, which can be built into the board panels.

Functional version of the design of the design of a small bathroom. The washing machine is hidden under the shelf, which saves valuable space.

Interior of the bathroom in Scandinavian style in blue.
The white background can be combined with the blue color, which is considered one of the most popular in the presented style. The machine for washing should not take away the "precious" place, and therefore it can be placed under the countertop.
The shower cabin can organically "weave" into the overall interior. It visually expands the room at the expense of mirror surfaces. Elements of the interior can be styled under the old days. The sink can be installed on a wooden stand. Mirror can be hung over the washbasin. It also visually increases the already small room.
The colors of this style are restrained, and so this interior is so popular. He was able to combine not only the old, but also organically use elements of modern style. The beauty and huge functionality of this interior attract many customers. Unrivaled comfort and modest luxury are combined.

Bath in Scandinavian style in a country house in southern Sweden.

The Scandinavian style is notable for the natural decoration of the walls and the selection of the correct functional furniture.