The holiday is approaching and it is necessary to make a decision about how to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year so that a fairy tale and magic fill the space, time and human consciousness. With the task to cope any person who is hungry for a holiday, if he will be guided by unspoken rules, tested in practice by more than one generation.
Tree decorating algorithms
The felled tree begins to live a completely different life as a result of manipulations in decoration. To do this, use any suitable way of placing accessories:
- Chaotic placement of sparkling balls, combined with a circular order of applying garlands.
- Location in a spiral, like garlands, and toys (in accordance with the size and view). Thus, several spirals of different color and character are formed on the fir-tree.
- Longitudinal direction for garlands and toys, matched according to the colors. A special effect is given by a tinsel tied to bows between the verticals of toys.
- Adherents of the classical style, it is recommended the ring arrangement of toys and garlands. Moreover, with the approach to the bottom of the tree, the size of the jewelry increases.
The effect obtained through the choice of style
Coming to decorating the Christmas tree for the New Year, we pursue the goal: to please ourselves and their loved ones. In this regard, you can only limit your own imagination. All methods are good here:
- purchase of designer toys;
- use of accessories of previous years;
- skilful management of surrounding objects and surroundings;
- manufacturing of the product by one's own hands.
The most important thing is to choose the style that perfectly fits into the surrounding interior and will appeal to people planning to celebrate the New Year at this Christmas tree.
Christmas tree in classic style
Celebrating in the classical style gives rise to the feeling that a beautiful moment is stopped, as if by some inexplicable magic. Jewelry in this style will help people of any age to plunge into the atmosphere of the past years. As a sample, you can use fragments from old movies or postcards.
The main attributes of decorating a classic Christmas tree are:
- toys in silvery and golden hues;
- the presence of red ribbons and other bright accents;
- balls and sticks of caramel type;
- toys, curved in the shape of a hook;
- Angels, ballerinas and other items made of paper or paperboard;
- garlands of different kinds;
- use of a pointed vertex.
Preferring a high spruce, it is better to put it in the center of the room. Green little beauty, it will look good on the table or the chest of drawers. Harmoniously fit in the New Year's design in the classic style of old toys that remember the grandmother's childhood. Rain and ornaments from paper can be weighed not only on the tree, but also in the openings between the furniture, on the walls.
Decorations for the New Year in the style of modernity
Each note in the melody of the interior must be in tune with the general style. The need to decorate a Christmas tree in a room decorated for high-tech, minimalism or any other solution of the present time, requires the choice of a strictly beautiful conifer beauty. In terms of toys should keep a course on objects of a neutral kind, that's how balls, similar in color, but different in size. Ornaments made of paper in this case are completely out of place, since they will be knocked out of the general line - and spoil the impression of naivety of the species. Do not get too carried away and New Year's tinsel.
To be recognized as modern, a contemporaryist in the interior, it would be nice to get acquainted with the fashionable ideas from the designers of our time. In this capacity, technological constructions, in the form very similar to a tree, can be presented:
- New Year's beauty, skillfully carved from paper or cardboard;
- a product from combined materials;
- imitation of spruce from plastic;
- composition of recycled materials (plastic bottles, cans of aluminum, etc.).
It is worth to focus only on your own mood and the surrounding interior. The most important thing is to emphasize the individuality and favorably present the chosen style.
Nuances of decorating an artificial Christmas tree
Decorate an artificial Christmas tree is much easier than an analog taken from the natural environment. The trick lies in the fact that the conveyors of the manufacturer come off products with branches of only the correct form. When you start decorating, you do not have to use any special toys, because any will suit. The main limitations can only be related to the color of the product. For example: the desire to achieve a contrast with toys on white spruce, requires the exclusion of objects, painted with light and silvery paint. An excellent solution is to decorate with colorful toys. A special effect is observed when observing the sequence, as in the colors of the rainbow. But the lights of the garlands can be rejoiced only in the dark, as in the illuminated room they are almost invisible.
Some nuances are also found in decorating multi-colored artificial firs. These items are so good that they can do without toys. In these cases, the decor should be used only in decorating the surrounding space. If necessary, branches of artificial origin is not difficult to repaint yourself.
Unique design - the perfect solution for people with imagination
Registration of the New Year's miracle is not connected by any means. People with unlimited imagination and creative ideas, I can take on a unique design:
- from flowers or fruits;
- use of candles (subject to obligatory observance of fire protection measures);
- choice in favor of knitted objects;
- the implementation of thematic ideas through old gadgets or accessories, etc.
If each of the inhabitants of the house has their own ideas for New Year's ornaments, then no one will interfere with the use of several trees, located in different rooms. In this case, you can choose, as a living beauty, and artificial variations of any color. It is perfectly acceptable for any of the cutting-edge versions of the creative look.
Choosing a color solution
One of the most important roles in decorating a tree for the New Year, is the choice of color predominance:
- The royal combination in terms of colors and shades is the dominance of red and gold jewelry. In order not to spoil the picture, it is very important to hold on and not to dilute the red-and-golden range with other colors.
- Freshness of the decision will be pleased with the choice in favor of white and red tones. But here you should remember the boring form of garlands of exceptionally white color. In such colors, only balls look elegant.
- The nobility of the composition will surprise the combination of brown and gold shades. It is not superfluous to add a certain amount of detail, painted in red tones.
- The magic of yellow-brown-green colors, only strengthens in combination with red and pink ornaments.
- Harmony of white, green and silver color, will not be spoiled by some details in dark colors.
- Imitation of the winter mood, inspired by the appearance of shimmering snow and ice, can be the use of toys of blue, purple and silver. Blue blur lighting will help to increase the effect. Inclusions of yellow or red are not welcome.
- In the presence of simple and pure lighting, the metallic colors (gold, silver, bronze, etc.) look great.
Top design methods
Decoration of the tree can be considered complete only after the top of the festive tree is decorated. In this capacity, a variety of figures can be used:
- large stars;
- figures of Jesus or Santa Claus;
- a magnificent bow of bright color;
- toy, corresponding to the sign of the zodiac;
- decoration in the form of a lush rain or garland;
- snowflake of the appropriate size;
- the tip of the traditional pointed form.
In addition, for universal harmony, it would be nice to comply with the color scheme of design, shape and stylistics of other ornaments.
The effect of choosing a theme or a particular type of jewelry
The question of how to decorate a tree for the New Year, is removed by itself, if the choice of the topic is determined in advance. Conifer beauty will be perceived as one organism, if placed on its branches:
- snowflakes of different sizes and types;
- decorate spruce with angels and other biblical characters;
- use the nutcracker;
- to recreate among the needles the plot of a fairy tale;
- fantasize about the theme of winter and New Year's holidays.
The basis for decorating the tree can serve as a ball, collected not in one year. In addition, to toys of past years, you can always add new options or acquire especially valuable, designer decorations. Experimenting with this or that color, you can prefer matte, shiny objects or use their combination. One must be especially careful with the choice of size, since diversity in this regard can negatively affect the final result. And in decorating the New Year's holiday with the help of garlands, special grace will be provided by products with small lamps, allowing you to focus your attention on the Christmas tree.
Fairytale Christmas decorations with their own hands
If you do not have enough money or you really need to unite the family with a common occupation, it's worth trying and making New Year decorations yourself. In this capacity it is quite suitable:
- snowflakes from paper, plastic, fabric or cardboard, skillfully decorated with beads, shiny varnish, embroidery, bright coloring;
- natural cones, trimmed with sparkles, beads, artificial snow and paint;
- snowmen made of felted wool, foam rubber, cotton wool;
- deer, penguins, asterisks, etc. figurines, carved from plastic bottles;
- the transformation of old toys through bright threads, decoupage, broken glass, beads or sequins.
A good addition to decorating the tree can be various goodies like gingerbread, cookies, fruits, sweets and other sweets wrapped in a beautiful gift paper. The most important thing in decorating a New Year's beauty and the surrounding space is to unite close people, to make them enjoy life and a holiday.