To decorate the dwelling with paintings by mankind came up with so many years ago. To transfer visual images, thoughts, emotions to the canvas with the help of paints and brushes began literally at the beginning of the last millennium, while drawings on the walls with the help of improvised tools were performed by cavemen.
The paintings of this era did not pretend to create a radically new style of painting or graphics, but as brightly reflected the surrounding reality, the attitude of various artists to it. The vast majority of canvases are characterized by the coldness of the colors, the severity of the lines, the absence of unnecessary details. Many of them also fit neatly into the minimalist interior. It is important that what is depicted in the picture does not create a dissonance with objects located in the interior itself, it was not "superfluous" here.
Other features of the design of canvases in the loft style:
- colors predominantly light, cold, but as single contrasts, certain bright compositions are allowed;
- for a black and white interior, a portrait in red-brown tones will suit, and gray-beige abstractions will organically surround the walls of red bricks, refreshing it;
- paintings should be in harmony with other loft decor - ceiling oak beams, shining pipes, numerous wires, concrete walls, panoramic mirrors in simple frames;
- minimalism in design - the less on the canvas of lines, colors, details, the more primitive the image, the better, the detailed paintings of realist artists here are completely out of place.
The location of each element of the interior must be carefully planned - all unnecessary should be immediately removed.
Canvas variants
Paintings for the loft interior are made on almost any materials:
- on traditional linen canvas;
- roughly processed or completely smooth board;
- any fabric stretched on the frame;
- on a transparent, frosted glass;
- conventional or photographic paper;
- on the remains of wallpaper;
- on primed cardboard, fiberboard, chipboard.
Many variants of paintings are easy to make by themselves, even without being an artist. Collages of slices of glossy magazines, children's drawings, framed in a self-made frame, abstractions of threads and nails stuffed in a certain contour, colored stamps and close-up decorate the interior in the loft style.
Selecting pictures
Art canvases are chosen depending on the taste preferences of the owners of the house, apartment and set the mood for the whole room, periodically updated, being replaced by others. When choosing interior paintings by size, one should take into account the area of the dwelling - not everyone can boast of hundreds of square meters, ceilings, as in the palace. The smaller the dwelling, the more small objects of decor in it place, but very tiny pictures do not look very much to the point.
See also: 12 types of paintings for the interior of their own hands +75 photo examplesThere are no excessively strict rules, but it is preferable that the paintings create a vivid contrast with the surrounding space. Since the basic colors of the interior in the loft style are white, gray, brick-brown, they can easily accommodate a huge variety of art paintings, almost any posters. The main thing is not to overload the interior with unnecessary details, especially small ones, not too expressive.
Retro, vintage, baroque - paintings of these styles look very shocking in the standard "post-Soviet" interiors. Nevertheless, individual elements in the design of the loft of paintings will come very close to the place. Volumetric paintings of iron parts, remnants of motorcycles, pipelines, alarm clocks are often very advantageous, especially in rooms of sufficient area.
Most often these are reproductions of famous artists of the middle of the last century, such as:
- Kazimir Malevich;
- Marc Chagall;
- Pablo Picasso;
- Gustav Klimt;
- Vincent van Gogh;
- Frida Kalo;
- Salvador Dali;
- Zinaida Serebryakova;
- Paul Gauguin.
Many portraits created by modern hyperrealists or amateur artists will also come up in the topic. It can be a large-format image of a person or a part of it, belt portraits or full-length, including group. Suitable photos of household members and just some beautiful people within.
Graphic arts
From the graphics, including photo images, the following motives are suitable:
- Modern metropolis in gray-blue tones;
- black and white contours of trees, silhouettes of people, animals, birds;
- contrasting geometric shapes, chess, stripes, zigzags;
- letters, numbers, inscriptions, slogans;
- pointers, logos within the framework;
- images of cartoon heroes;
- fragments of the safety instructions with pictures;
- Soviet propaganda posters;
- pin-up photos;
- widescreen multiplication table, black and white test bench;
- works by artists Robert Banksy and Andy Warhol.
Large bright posters depicting famous rock musicians, pop stars, politicians will be very appropriate. Silk screen printing, screen printing will complement the interior in an original way.
Colorful or black and white simple abstraction is easy to draw yourself by simply selecting the colors that you like. This may be an uneven gradient transition from one bright color to another, a heap of cubes, balls, curls, diffuse faces that overlap each other. Under the concept of abstraction in the interior, one way or another, fit some pictures of famous Cubists, Fauves,
From reproductions of paintings of artists the following are suitable:
- "The Black Square" by K. Malevich;
- "Yellow-red-blue" by V. Kandinsky;
- "Fiery Evening" by P. Klee;
- "Painting" by H. Miro;
- "Harlequin with a guitar" J. Marriage;
- "Island" D. Ismailov;
- "Loving figures" by D. Ball.
Paintings, in all colors depicting the working mechanisms in detail, various textures, cosmic plots, also look good.
Modular pictures
Segmented or modular paintings are gaining popularity every day. They consist of several parts, the same or different size, shape, representing diptychs, triptychs or polyptychs. To create them, any image is "broken up" into several separate fragments. On the wall the parts are mounted at equal distance from each other or slightly chaotic, but the image should still be guessed.
Читайте также: Modular pictures в интерьере: виды и правила размещения
Very popular diptychs and triptychs, imitating rusty metal canvases.
Image maps
A modern or ancient geographical map of the world will decorate the central part of the wall. The card is printed from an old book or the Internet using a laser printer, attached to a wall on a double-sided adhesive tape, or inserted into a frame. It is interesting to look at the map, where the texture of the continents and islands is made of brick. Modular, abstract maps of the world, of individual countries, continents, "Middle Earth" or "Seven Kingdoms" lands, bright, slightly shabby "antique" will perfectly fit into the industrial interior.
A star chart is also a good solution. It is performed on a single canvas, from individual modules, in the form of two separate hemispheres - the southern and northern skies.
Wooden Paintings
Paintings on wood are made by the method of decoupage, string-art, burning, drawing with pencils and paints, UV printing. Such images do not require frames, and the quality of wood does not necessarily have to choose good. The canvas, whipped down from the boards of old euro pallets, will look even more organic than a well-grounded fragment of the array.
Объемные резные панно, раскрашенные вручную, с изображением индустриальных, космических сюжетов, также выглядят уместно. Modular pictures с резными орнаментами создадут гармоничный ансамбль с деревянной мебелью. Их также можно слегка искусственно состарить.
The image on the wooden surface of the world map, for a complete match to the interior, is made "under the old days" - pale, with missing fragments, on cracked, eaten-up bugs.
Pictures for the kitchen
In the kitchen one bright canvas, a whole series of pictures form the dining area. They are placed above the dining table on the wall, suspended shelves. If there is such a complicated element in the kitchen as a vent box, which will be in the order of things for loft style, one or two pictures adorn it. It can be images of vegetables, fruits, bouquets, various fences, pasted on a cloth or a board.
Empty frames, contrasting with walls, can also be an independent element of decor. As an option - insert clean sheets of paper in them or stretch the shiny contrasting fabric.
For the living room interior
In the interior of the living room the most appropriate are the large canvases. A colorful diptych will become a bright frame for a flat screen TV, and a series of small paintings will decorate a mantelpiece. Around the sofa you can hang colorful photos, pictures in the shape of an oval, a rectangle, an abstract figure.
All images are located at the eye level of a person standing or sitting - the middle of the work is then located at an altitude of about one and a half meters. If they are hung in a row, then align the upper or lower edge. Large canvases are illuminated with individual lamps, LED strip.
Huge floor paintings will perfectly decorate the interior, but they should be placed so that it is convenient to look from a distance equal to at least one diagonal of the canvas - for this, the room should not be too cramped to stand not in the "prick" to the wall. When floor structures are not fixed, their safe placement should also be taken into account. If possible, everything that should not be excessively mobile is strengthened with the help of specialists.
See also: Photo frames in the interior - 50 photos of ideasDesign in the loft style often provides a fireplace. Most often, it happens to be "fake", but some amateurs are equipped with fully capable. Fireplace shelf in most interiors is quite roomy - here you can find black-and-white photographs of the family within the framework, as well as photos of the last years from the best resorts in the world.
If there are mirrors in the room, you should avoid repeatedly reflecting the pictures in them - this results in a tremendous reduction in space.
Selecting pictures в спальню
In the bedroom it is not advisable to place many pictures, especially those executed in aggressive tones - red-green, yellow-violet, black-orange, giving preference to pastel shades, monochrome compositions, sepia.
A large cloth is placed above the head of the bed. If this is the bed of the newlyweds, the theme of the painting should concern love - colorful hearts, verbal confessions in different languages, graphic images of a pair of swans, parrots-inseparers.
In the bedroom there is often a dressing room - a small room, a niche behind the partition. This screen also usually has its own, combined with a common background pattern, but the pictures on the outside of it are also chosen contrasting.
It is desirable to have pictures in places inaccessible to the sun, otherwise they have a chance to burn out too quickly.
For children
Children's room in the loft style, in terms of selecting paintings, gives a huge scope for creativity. Picture decor here can be made not only beautiful, but also functional. A realistic, detailed map of the world, posters with letters and syllables, for learning toddlers, multiplication table or road signs will be relevant here. The brightest children's drawings, panels of cones and chamomiles are inserted in a frame, placed on a shelf, and collages of pieces of glossy magazines - on the back of a bunk bed. Interior can be supplemented with silhouettes of heroes of your favorite cartoons or large black and white photos of children themselves.
Variants of the location of pictures
To place pictures, posters, photo collages can be anywhere, it is important that they do not clutter the interior, preventing normal movement. The most convenient places for this purpose are:
- shelves - fit any: wall, in cabinets, shelves, over the fireplace. They will accommodate not too large images within the framework. It is possible to place a whole conceptual series;
- walls - in any rooms, corridors, above stairs;
- ceiling - here is placed a large-format image of the starry sky or any discreet abstraction;
- protrusions, niches - canvases within the framework of simply put there or mount on a wall;
- floor - huge images in heavy frames are placed on the floor, in a position leaning against the wall.
It is not recommended to place them where there is a chance to hit and drop, for example, in the hallway, the nursery.
Any house, a city apartment, decorated with at least a few paintings, looks very cozy, which is especially important in the spacious premises of the lofty terriers. Abstract, picturesque, graphic canvases, if properly chosen, create a unique charm, giving the design a complete look.
It is also important to observe the conceived color scheme. Selecting the coloring for the rooms, with windows facing north or north-west, you should choose warm, bright colors. When it comes to windows to the south, south-east, cold, light or moderate-dark colors are acceptable, not violating the overall harmony of the interior.