Team of designers of the project Solus4 is the winner of the last international design competition for a marine research center on the island Bali, Indonesia. The organization of the contest is connected with the issue of the need to study the tsunami, predicting and eliminating the consequences of the destruction caused by the natural elements in the Indian Ocean. 2500 square meters of impressive structure, the station will be located 150 meters from the shore of Kuta Beach. A special feature of the research laboratory project is the bedrooms for scientists, a swimming pool with sea water, a library, a garden and an auditorium that is located above and below the sea surface.
The design team admits that the design was inspired dynamics wave behavior, when translating the wave force into a linear model, forms are obtained that are integrated into the shape of the building. Taking care of the nature of the world ocean, the developed project is absolutely energy-efficient. Solus4 boasts large, glass stained glass with built-in with photoelectres.
The source of the net of energy tidal current generators. The system for collecting rainwater, as well as a module for converting seawater into fresh water, completely fill the need for drinking water.
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