To make the interior comfortable, you need to pay more attention to detail. One of these details may be the presence of wall moths. They are a symbol of ease and are associated with the summer season, when it's warm and sunny on the street, so if a person wants to provide a real cosiness in his house, the butterflies created by their own hands or purchased in the store will be an ideal option.
Attention! If you make this decor element yourself, then it is recommended to choose a lighter material, then when the wind blows the butterflies will rustle their wings, creating the effect of willingness to fly up.
For what style are they suitable?
The presented decor element is suitable for decorating almost any style, but they look especially bright when there are the following styles of decoration of the room:
- Provence;
- high tech;
- modern;
- minimalism;
- classic.
The main thing is to make sure that the butterfly color is combined with the overall color scheme of the interior design, otherwise, the decoration will be ridiculous and tasteless. But it is desirable, that butterflies differed on color even on 1-2 tone as otherwise they will simply merge with walls.
The following combination will be organic:
- Red and green on a beige wall;
- Yellow, brown and black on a gray or white wall;
- saturated blue or red on a wall of pink color.
Preparation for work
To create a picture of paper moths, you need to think carefully about the future composition, and then start preparing the stencils. If your own imagination does not suggest any ideas, then you can get acquainted with the photos of the compositions with wall moths on the Internet. Popular is the image of a whirlwind or just a scattering of moths in suitable places for this.
After deciding on the future composition, you need to select the material from which the decorative elements will be made, and create a stencil. If there are no necessary materials at home, you will have to visit any office store or a shop of applied art.
Moths are created on plain paper or vinyl film with the help of stencils. It is advisable to purchase several stencils, then when fastening to the wall, the butterflies will differ not only in size, but also in appearance, which will look more original.
What material should I use?
Cut moths can be made of almost all materials:
- paper;
- cardboard;
- vinyl film;
- the cloth.
All the presented materials are characterized by a number of advantages and disadvantages.
The presented material is suitable for people who first encountered decorating the interior with the help of moths, because of paper, the easiest way to create beautiful butterflies. Due to the low cost of the material, you do not have to worry about how much paper will be spent on cutting butterflies. You can stop the choice of colored paper, which can be purchased at any stationery store.
If a person prefers diversity, then one can not stop only on one color and cut out moths from long-read glossy magazines. As a result, the owners of the house will become the owners of the scenery, consisting of different in color butterflies.
You can attach butterflies from this material in any way. The big plus is that with full gluing of moths, they will not stand out much above the wall surface, if you only glue the central part of each individual butterfly, you can achieve that they will sway in the wind.
Read also: Knitted decor for home
Moths made of cardboard will be several times stronger and more reliable than paper. When cutting such butterflies, you will have to exert a little more effort, but you can form them as you want, since the cardboard easily takes shape and permanently preserves it.
You can bend the wings of insects or make them rounded. In order to carry out these actions, it is necessary to wet the cardboard a little and use the weight to bend it in the desired way. Completely dried, the cardboard will forever remain in the desired form.
Difficulties can arise during the fastening of cardboard decorative elements, since they will have to be secured more reliably.
Vinyl film
Vinyl film, which refers to self-adhesive materials, is simply ideal for creating decorative moths. The film is glossy and colorful, as a result of which moths are not only characterized by fairly bright colors, but also poured into the light.
Cutting butterflies from such a material is easy enough, and attaching the moth to the wall is even easier, since you only need to remove the protective layer from the film, and then stick it in the desired place. If the apartment owners want a butterfly to wiggle its wings, then the protective layer should be removed only in the center, in the form of a thin vertical strip.
the cloth
the cloth является идеальным материалом для создания бабочек в том случае, если в роли отделки стен выступают жидкие однотонные обои, драпировка или любая мягкая на ощупь the cloth. Вырезанные из указанного материала мотыльки будут только дополнять интерьер, добавляя в помещение уют.
To fix the fabric on the wall, it is recommended to use glue.
How to strengthen?
To create the moths held tightly on the wall and do not disappear the next day, it is important to pay special attention to the selection of the method of fastening, they are selected somewhat.
Используя клей для крепления бабочек на стену, владелец квартиры может быть уверен, что описываемые декоративные элементы будут крепко держаться. Glue можно использовать любой как в виде карандаша, так и ПВА. Главное, следить за тем, чтобы не использовалось сильно большое количество клея, поскольку он будет выступать за края мотыльков и испортит их внешний вид, оставив при этом следы на обоях.
Glue считается простым способом крепления представленных элементов декора, к стене.
Для крепления созданных собственноручно бабочек можно использовать булавки разных размеров и формы. При этом чтобы добавить картине из скреплённых булавками бабочек, булавки следует подбирать с какой-то красивой головкой или украшенные разными жемчужинами. Pins подойдут в тех случаях, если стены отделаны пластиковыми панелями, обычным или пробковым деревом, а также гипсокартоном.
If wallpaper was used as a wall decoration, then you can perform a slightly different action. Using pliers or pliers, it is necessary to bend the end of the pin by 1-2 centimeters at an angle of 90 degrees. Having performed these actions, the bent end of the pin is turned under the wallpaper, thus the moth is fixed.
Attention! To connect a pin and a butterfly, you should use the glue "Moment".
Take a small piece of foam and with the help of glue, on the one hand connects with the butterfly, and on the other - with the wall. This type of fastening is rather unreliable, because the foam plastic is not strong enough material and if it breaks, then the remaining part of it will be very difficult to separate from the wall.
With the help of fine threads or a line of moths, the moths are suspended from the cornice to the ceiling or chandelier. This method of attachment makes it possible to create a three-dimensional picture.
Decoration of the walls with luminous butterflies
To create this type of design, the butterfly should be attached to a white wall, and next to it should be a table lamp.
For this type of decoration, the following components will be required:
- stencils;
- phosphor paint (preferably several colors at once);
- pencil;
- a few sponges;
- palette and brush;
- glue (it is recommended in the form of a spray).
After preparing all the described things, you need to perform the following actions:
- Initially, you need to make several stencils, which are glued to the wall.
- Sponges are cut into several parts, each of which is attached to the handle of the brush.
- If it was decided to use a paint of several colors, then each color is separately prepared on the palette, and then alternately applied to the stencils already attached to the wall.
- Once the paint has completely dried, you need to remove the stencils, turn off the light, and then enjoy the unusual kind of glowing butterflies.
Attention! To analyze whether the paint is correctly applied, it is recommended to perform the described actions with muted light.
Master class step by step
Those people who decided to make butterflies for wall decoration themselves, it is worthwhile to familiarize themselves with several master classes for their creation.
Read also: Decor wedding glasses: 11 ways to decorateMoths made of colored paper
To create butterflies from colored paper you will need the following materials:
- плотная цветная paper;
- Printer;
- sheets of white paper (templates will be created from them);
- cardboard (density is chosen such that it can be bent);
- простой pencil;
- scissors;
- glue.
Having prepared the presented components it is possible to proceed to creation:
- You need to print several templates, and then cut them out of paper. If you use different sizes of pictures, the final result will be more interesting.
- The cut out templates are applied to the cardboard, they are outlined with a simple pencil, and then they are cut out. If there is such an opportunity, then templates can be printed out immediately on the cardboard.
- Templates are circled on the back of the colored paper, and then cut out. It is recommended to create more copies. Each of the specimens bends in half, it is necessary to provide the moths with the effect of fluttering wings.
- At the fold of each butterfly, a small amount of glue is applied, and then the workpieces are attached to the wall. The central part of the moth should be pressed lightly against the wall, this is required in order for the moths to keep up.
Attention! To make butterflies more realistic, they should be placed on the wall, thus, as if their flight is carried out in one direction.
Quite an original solution will be to decorate the wall using moths made in origami technique.
To produce such a moth, the following components will be required:
- paper (sheet from a book or newspaper);
- paint - used to darken the edges of the wings;
- thin wire;
- pliers;
- simple pencil, ruler and scissors.
Having prepared all these things, you can proceed to create butterflies:
- A square of 4 * 4 is cut from a book or newspaper sheet (it is allowed to use a 5 * 5 square).
- Paper дважды сгибается пополам.
- After that, the square is folded diagonally in two directions.
- Paper складывается складками внутрь, в результате, должен образоваться треугольник.
- Two tips of the top layer of the triangle are bent to the top.
- The triangle is turned to the side, while the lower corner needs to be bent upwards so that it extends beyond the moth.
- The triangle formed is bent to the other side and is glued to the base.
- The edges of the wings are darkened.
- A bird with a curved wings-mustache is created from the wire.
- Butterfly unfolds a small triangle up, its wings bend and they are given a realistic shape.
- Wire dipped in the glue and attached in the form of antennae.
The made butterfly can be attached to the wall in any of the ways.
Of vinyl records
Manufacture of butterflies from vinyl records is not difficult, if you follow the plan. It is necessary to prepare a number of components:
- unnecessary vinyl records;
- black and white chalk (can be replaced with colored pencils - it will take two any colors);
- patterns of moths;
- scissors.
Having prepared the auxiliary elements, you can go directly to the manufacture of butterflies:
- The middle of the template is marked on the vinyl plate. The white contour is outlined on the vinyl plate, and the black one on the label located in the center of the plate.
- It is necessary to take a baking tray, lay a foil on it, and then place a vinyl plate on the foil. The oven heats up to 400 degrees, and the pan is placed in its upper part. The plate should be removed immediately, as it starts to deform - after about 45 seconds.
- Using a sharp scissors you need to cut a butterfly. If during this action, the plate starts to harden again, it needs to be put back into the oven for softening. Vinyl quickly undergoes cooling, so you need to cut out the moth not only neatly, but also at a fast pace. It is possible that the plate will warm up several times.
- After it turns out to cut out the butterfly, you need to carefully bend its wings.
After completing these steps, the butterfly can be attached to the wall.
From clay
Popularity is the production of moths made of polymer clay.
You will need the following components:
- a baking dish in the form of a moth;
- polymer clay (2.5 grams of butterfly takes 60 grams of material);
- white thread - it will be suspended by a moth.
Picking up all the components, you need to follow such a plan to create a butterfly:
- With the help of a baking mold made of polymer clay, the workpieces are cut out, with 4 holes in the center of the workpiece using a needle. The wings of moths bend at different angles, and they are placed in a glass baking dish. Clay is baked in the oven for 15 minutes, the temperature is selected as indicated on the clay package.
- If after baking moths need to increase the holes in the center, you can take a sharp knife and gently increase the holes. You can also use sandpaper and gently polish the products around the edges. If there is a desire, then ready-made figures can be revealed.
- The thread crosses through the holes crosswise and knots at the back. Through the created knot you need to pierce the clerical button and attach the butterfly to the wall.
Such butterflies, looking rather unusual, and give the interior some elegance.
From the pages of the book
From the pages of the old book you can make not just individual moths, but a whole wreath of them.
To do this, prepare the following elements:
- The old book (in its absence you can use unnecessary magazines or newspapers);
- thin branches (willow branch is suitable);
- three hangers made of wire;
- hot adhesive;
- decorative elements in the form of beads, beads, shells and pearls;
- several twines;
- scissors;
- simple pencil.
Having prepared these elements, you can go directly to creating a wreath:
- You can use the ready-made stencil and simply circle it on the book page or you can draw moths yourself. In the second case, it is necessary to fold the page of the book in half, draw a half of the butterfly on it, and then cut it.
- It is necessary to collect the branches of willow and soak them in water, this will make the branches softer and protect from breakage during bending.
- At the same time, you need to bend a ring in a ring of wire and wrap it with twigs, which should be pressed tightly one to one. The wreath is left to dry. After the wreath is dried, the twigs are fixed with hot glue.
- To create butterflies and antennae must take several beads and two pieces of twine. With the help of hot glue, the beads are fastened together with one another, while the glue has not yet cooled down, it is necessary to insert two pieces of twine into the hole. After that, the body is glued to the blank of paper. It is necessary to check that the wings are slightly bent - this will ensure the effect of flutter.
- It is necessary to place beautifully the moths on the wreath and fasten them with hot glue.
The wreath can be placed not only on the wall, but also on the chest of drawers.
If the presented way of creating moths from the pages of the book seems too complicated, then you can use another method. This requires the following elements:
- Old book;
- adhesive;
- scissors;
- frames for photos of different sizes;
- paint is white.
Having prepared these elements, you can start creating moths:
- The frames are painted in white (if desired, the color of the paint can be changed).
- From the old book cut out different in size butterflies.
- The butterflies are glued together, the middle moth is glued to the center of the largest moth, and a small one is glued to the center of the middle moth.
- Butterflies are placed in the photo frames, and then on the wall.
Independently create a decoration for the room, consisting of butterflies, it will not be difficult, the main thing is to count your strength and begin to make simple decorating elements, for example, butterflies from colored paper. And for those people who are keen on origami, be sure to decorate your apartment with moths made in this technique.