Most often, the joint life of young families begins in very small apartments. At the first stage, few people have the means to purchase a large apartment, but whatever one may say, everyone wants to live in comfort at once.
In a small one-room apartment is to adhere to an important principle - the furniture is located should be rational, and there should not be things that you do not use.
Perhaps you feel sorry for throwing things away, but if you have not used them for a year, then believe me - they do not belong in your apartment.
Despite the compactness of a one-bedroom apartment, it can be made so that it will look very spacious, stylish, cozy, light. How? It is necessary to make a deliberate reorganization, using each of the sections of the premises, thinking about the furnishings.
The design of a small Khrushchev is best thought out independently, because that's how you can achieve the desired coziness in the apartment.
Table of contents of the article:
- How to arrange furniture?
- Zoning
- Lighting
- Colour
- In conclusion, a few tips
- 115 photo of Khrushchev interior design
How to arrange furniture?
Thinking about the location of newly purchased furniture, it's worth to stuff basically fill the following places:
- Shelves above the sofas.
- Cabinets and corner furniture perfectly fit into the corner space.
- In the corridor there should be a shelf - this is a conspicuous saving of space.
If the plans to purchase new furniture, it is important to understand that the new set in the old repair (in his absence) will look ridiculous.
If you decide to upgrade the furniture, and there is no money for repairs, then it's worth trying to make at least "cosmetics", so that the interior looks harmonious with the new purchase.
It's foolish to think that only old people live in Khrushchev's, because, as with young people, only such housing can sometimes afford it, and therefore, the main option is to think and act radically, and to carry out the redevelopment in the apartment. So, despite the compactness of the premises, each family wants to live in a beautiful apartment.
If there are no partitions, it will be possible to significantly increase the area, and live in a cozy studio.
In an apartment with such a layout there will be only two doors - one entrance and one to the toilet / bathroom. Furniture is purchased according to the zones, because that's how you can get a bedroom and a living room, and even a study room. Unexpectedly, the truth?
Thinking over the design of one-room hruschevka, you can use zoning with different materials, for example, lay laminate, tile, carpet in the kitchen and in the room.
To be cozy was the design of the Khrushchev, special attention should be paid to the visual increase, as well as the use of space with the help of light. Interior is increasingly decorated in pastel light colors.
So it is accepted that the ceiling should be light. Ideally, if the ceiling is glossy. Do not use suspended ceilings, because visually they reduce the space of the room.
On numerous photos of the Khrushchev design, it can be seen that the so-called modular furniture fits perfectly into a small apartment. The advantage of such a system is that all elements can be matched in a single style.
You can use a wardrobe from the furniture, which will be placed along the entire length and height of the walls. In modern closets made to order, with ease you can provide mezzanines and open shelves.
The design of the hall in the apartment is a photo of interesting hall interior options
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Design of a one-room apartment 35 square meters. m. - 110 photos of an impeccable interior
When planning a wardrobe, it is important to understand where what thing will lie, so that everything is thought through to the smallest detail. Choosing the color of the cabinet, it is better to stay on light colors.
The design of Khrushchev's comfort and comfort will give lighting. It is best to give your preference to point lights and a very small chandelier. It is appropriate to use mirrors, which will significantly expand the space.
When creating an interior today, a popular white color, which is often used in place of the background, to significantly expand the space.
Combining with other colors white, you can significantly diversify the interior.
In order to restore the interior to the finished look and look great, you can analyze the photo design of the room in Khrushchev, get inspiration, choose the one you like, but you still need to do everything to your taste, and not mindlessly copy.
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The apartment should not be very bright. If you like some color, it is better to make a room light, in these tones, so as not to narrow the space.
In conclusion, a few tips
It is important to use all modern technologies. Earlier it was impossible to imagine an apartment without a curbstone under TV. Today this is a clear remnant of the past. Today, it is important to use hanging TVs, fixing a special stand on the wall.
Thus, the design will be much easier to perceive, a smaller one will be much more spacious, but its own apartment.
115 photo of Khrushchev interior design
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