The main element of the bedroom is definitely a bed. It instantly attracts the view of the incoming, it is a place of rest and an object of adornment. From its appearance depends the harmony of the room and your mood. Therefore, the appearance of your bed is of such importance. In addition to a purely practical function, the bed can become a luxurious part of the design.
The soft headrest not only serves as an ornament, but also protects sleeping people from drafts and cold. As the skin for it is used:
- skin;
- textile;
- suede;
- leatherette;
- velor, etc.
The hard headrest combines simplicity and elegance. It is appropriate in minimalism. Material for it can be:
- metal;
- plastic;
- tree;
- gypsum;
- mirror and so on.
Each of them differs in variety in shape, color and size. Also, the headrest can be attached not to the bed itself, but directly to the wall, looking like a spectacular panel. This is especially convenient for today's trendy beds without backs: the headrest is made separately, giving a complete look to your bed and the whole room.
The design of the head of the bed should be in harmony with the appearance of the entire room!
How to choose a design?
If your bedroom is decorated in a certain style, the head of the bed should match it.
A gentle and romantic Provence means light, airy tones. For such a bedroom, an open-work headrest made of metal, painted in pastel colors:
- luxurious and ornate styles, such as baroque or classicism, require appropriate details. Ideally for this case, the rich carved head of a bed made of wood, covered with varnish or glossy paint;
- light-minded and elegant glamor needs a flirtatious head-piece, richly decorated with rhinestones. Excellent will look and soft textile head restraints, pulled up with buttons (coach pull);
- The spectacular high-flow corresponds to a bed with a textile backrest decorated with chrome trim;
- with "natural" styles combined head of a bed made of bamboo, wood, stone;
- Economical minimalism is laconic in embodiment: a simple canvas made of wood with a modest margin is slightly darker than the background.
Traditional ways of decorating
Carpet on the wall. This way of decor was known to our grandmothers, but you should not consider it old fashioned. A wide selection of modern carpets made of natural and artificial materials allows you to find a great option, suitable for the general appearance of the room. A beautiful carpet can become a bright accent in the design of the room. It is much nicer to lean back against it than to a cold wall. With a carpet over the bed, the bedroom becomes cozy and looks great.
Painting over the bed. Another traditional way, not losing relevance. Spectacular, matched with taste canvas revitalizes and beautifies the room. The image can be anything - the main thing is that it is combined with the appearance of the room. A beautiful frame will complete the created image and become an additional decoration. Spectacularly fashionable paintings with illumination look spectacular.
Photo привычны всем, но смотрятся не менее выигрышно. Оригинальным изголовьем кровати может стать любимая фотография, наклеенная на пенокартон. Ее легко заказать в ближайшей мастерской фотопечати. Такой подголовник отличается оригинальностью и выглядит великолепно. Правда, срок годности их невелик: они вряд ли продержатся больше пары лет. Но за это время изображение наверняка успеет вам надоесть, и вы с удовольствием закажете себе новую красивую фотографию.
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One large photo with success replaces the whole gallery of small photos. This design solution looks elegant and cute, but requires an uncommon taste. The numerous frames hung over the bed, with an illiterate approach, create a sense of disharmony and chaos. But if you approach creativity creatively and create a harmonious composition from the frames, then the head of the bed will become creative and very effective. The choice of images is very rich: your favorite photos, drawings of your child or paintings in the frames, both in frames and without them.
Photoboards and photo panels
Photo wallpapers perfectly perform the role of the head of the bed. For greater effect, they can be enclosed in an accent frame of moldings. Their advantage is a rich assortment of images for every taste. They expand the space, allow you to move mentally to the place shown in the photo, create a special atmosphere of magic.
When choosing photo wallpapers, it is important that the image is not blocked. Before you go to the store, carefully measure the height of the bed and back, so as not to be mistaken with the choice of pictures. Fewer problems will be delivered by printing custom-made wallpaper: made according to individual standards, the panel will perfectly match the geometry of the room, and the image - fully meet your tastes and intentions.
Elegant decoration - photo panels. They look great in the role of the head of the bed. Photopanel is a high-quality photo, pasted on a solid base and protected by a transparent plexiglass plate. Photopanels are easy to care for and extremely effective, especially if they are successfully placed. A skillful lighting will turn them into something magical.
Making the head of the bed with a cloth varied and extremely effective. There are many ideals - from the luxurious canopy to the original hanging pillow. Decorative elements of fabric create a cozy atmosphere in the bedroom and look romantic and tender.
Canopy. A romantic and luxurious element that evokes associations with the royal way of life, but it is more than relevant. Its shape can be varied, the main thing is to pick beautiful draperies in tone.
Soft panels. High textile head restraints of traditional forms - a harmonious element of the interior. A large panel, covered with a bright cloth, can become a catchy accent in the design. Soft velor, on the contrary, creates an atmosphere of luxury in the bedroom. Possible and unusual options, for example, denim fabric or cozy textile panels with imitation of large knitting with knitting needles.
Curtains. A simple and original way to decorate the wall above the bed is to hang curtains on it or just a nice cut of fabric on the width of the bed. This decoration is easy to change depending on the time of year or just the mood.
Natural materials
Stones. Lay out natural or artificial stones bed head looks unusually spectacular. As an alternative to natural stones, a large artificial pebble is used. You can stone the head of the bed or lay out the entire wall. A smart, unusual, spectacular decor is provided.
Metal. Noble looks the metal head of the bed, decorated with elegant artistic forging. It can become the main element of the decor. In order not to create a dark atmosphere in the bedroom, it is better to paint such a headrest with paint of light colors.
Bamboo. This natural material, familiar to residents of eastern countries, is gaining popularity in our country. It is very simple to process, and the elegant headrest can be made from it independently. It is very nice to install a bamboo canopy at the head of the bed or make a canopy of bamboo. Extravagant looks back from solid bamboo trunks, different in height.
Choose a suitable set of textiles, matching the colors of bedspreads and pillows.
Wood – универсальный декоративный материал, отличающийся экологичностью и великолепным внешним видом. Универсальные изголовья кровати из древесины сочетаются с любым интерьером – главное, правильно подобрать оформление.
Ideas for the design of the head of the bed with the help of wood there is a great variety:
- elegant and light carved wooden elements;
- smart polished wooden panels;
- Effective bed headboards from the array, preserving the texture of the tree;
- carved headrests in the ethno style, decorated with complex national ornaments;
- Wooden lattice - elegant element and base for fastening shelves, etc.
Unusually and elegantly, as the head of the bed look boards, decorated for antiquity. They are fixed separately or create a beautiful wooden panel. Even untreated boards can become an eccentric element of decor, creating the effect of artistic negligence.
Wall Decoration
With a harmonious design, the wall can also serve as the head of the bed (albeit very large).
Contrast wall. The easiest way is to make an accent wall above the bed as a head restraint. An interesting design solution is to connect the wall and ceiling with one color. For the selection is also suitable wallpaper contrasting tones, as well as wallpaper trimming, preserved from the repair. This method is especially good for beds without head restraints.
Ornament. An unusual and sophisticated solution. Ornament can be covered head of the bed or the whole wall behind it. You can choose a carved ornament from intersecting figures, framed bright geometric elements, wallpaper with repeating animal figures, chevrons. Greek ornament brings a sense of classics. He will add rigor and sophistication to modern interiors.
Ceramic tile. Oochikvalnya, decorated with decorative ceramic tiles, looks exotic and allows you to achieve stunning visual effects. Of the tiles are unusual panels. The assortment of shades and varieties is the richest.
Other ways to decorate the wall
Wall stickers. A wonderful and inexpensive way to decorate the wall above the head of the bed. Exquisite, bright, diverse in type and color scale stickers allow you to refresh the interior of the bedroom without repair and high costs.
Graffiti. If the wall above the bed seems to you too boring, use airbrushing. The accented wall decorated with graffiti is a bold decision in the design. It depicts anything - from geometric patterns to hooligan inscriptions. A magnificent version of the wall for a teen's room, also suitable for creative personalities and rebels, not afraid of bold experiments.
Stencil. An easy way, accessible even to a person far from painting. It is important that the stencil paint is a contrast to the color of the wall, and the applied images are proportionate. To ensure that everything was neat, the stencil must be firmly fixed on the wall before applying the paint. It is easy to transfer any drawing or geometric lines here, including textiles. For example, to fix on a wall a piece of an old tulle and to paint - the openwork image is ready!
Picturesque elements - an exclusive and extravagant way to refine the head of the bed and make it really unusual. There are also many interesting options.
You can use as a headrest this picturesque canvas in a beautiful frame. Or draw a picture directly on the wall. The image must necessarily be combined with furniture and lighting.
This way of decor is combined with many styles. The main thing is to find a suitable sketch, having approached this issue carefully. For example, the decoration of the classic bedroom will be a copy of the famous paintings of the Renaissance.
The image can be anything and depends on your taste and overall design of the room. An excellent solution - landscapes: nature, views of cities, fabulous motifs. A huge space for fantasy opens the wall painting in the children's room. Do not use harsh colors: the bedroom is a resting place, it should create a feeling of coziness and peace.
The painting on the wall will remain for a long time, therefore it is necessary to choose a harmonious image, combined with the interior and pleasing to you.
Beauty and Benefits
Mirror. With its help decorate the headboard and create unusual visual effects. Mirror in a beautiful frame - an original headrest that expands the space of the room. Exquisitely looks like a mirror or a composition of mirror elements. Even an old, shabby mirror can become an original head restraint - unless, of course, you are superstitious.
Installation. Here, boldly include fantasy. Impressive installation of LED-flashlights and garlands. With their help, you can even create a false window, expanding the perspective of the room. Or hang over the bed voluminous letters, folding into your favorite quote. Or put blooming branches in the head, creating a romantic mood in the bedroom. Choose, fantasize, create!
Read also: Selected decor ideas from tree branches with their own hands
Rack. In the role of the headboard can act as a real rack. It is not only beautiful, but also practical: there is always where to put the necessary little things or souvenirs. In the drawers there is room for many useful things. The main thing is to calculate everything in such a way that the construction does not prevent people from resting, and things from the shelves could not fall asleep on the head.
Brutal lack of decor
Sometimes the spectacular design of the wall is to not add decor elements, but to remove the existing ones. That is, tear off the wallpaper, knock down the plaster from the wall above the bed, exposing the foundation - brickwork. This spectacular background looks unusual and creative. If you find the natural coloring of the brick too gloomy, then paint it with white water-based paint.
The original solution is a concrete wall. This brutal design is especially appropriate in the men's bedroom.
Another effective solution is the rhythm. To make it very simple: a section of the wall above the bed is decorated with a contrasting layout from the overhead volumetric strips. These bars are called molding and are made of a variety of materials, for wall decoration, gypsum and polyurethane are best suited. The wall acquires a classical rhythm and turns into a full-fledged design element.
Finally, you can decorate the bedroom in a fashionable minimalism now. He means a minimum of ornaments and looks noble and beautiful.
With your own hands
Today there is no need to be content with standard furniture. If you are not comfortable with a shop bed, you can always improve it and decorate yourself nicely. Be sure that no one is exactly like this!
A few ideas of the original head restraints:
- Untreated branches. Magnificent design for the bedroom. They will become a creative frame for a soft headboard or decorate a wooden panel.
- Lattice of wooden planks. It is easy to make by yourself, using both smooth polished planks with elegant texture, and outrageous rough boards for a bold design.
- Soft textile headboard. It is also easy to manufacture by yourself. You need a sheet of fiberboard of the correct size, on which you paste a foam rubber lined with a cloth. The choice of fabric for upholstery is very wide and opens before you serious design possibilities.
Unexpected Objects
Anything that is lying around in your barn or on the balcony, can become an insanely stylish design element. For example, as a headboard on the wall fasten old doors or shutters. Even if comfortable shelves are not hidden behind them, such an ornament looks original and refreshing.
An excellent headboard can be a beautiful screen that you bought in the store. Just open it against the wall and put your bed close to it.
Do you have a lot of unnecessary books? Paint the wall above the bed. Books in this case should be in the open form and differ in thickness. If you do not have the right amount of volumes - ask your friends, they probably will share the unnecessary books.
The creative headboard can be made from old wooden boat oars. Diverse in size, shades and texture, they will create a unique ensemble and a cozy atmosphere.
All in your hands!
Ways to design the head of the bed - a lot. Insanely spectacular as a headboard is a large aquarium with tropical fish or slate. And much more! Use all imagination, do not be afraid to experiment, and you will create a unique design.
Remember how important it is to create in the bedroom an atmosphere of coziness, beauty and peace. Do not blindly copy the fashion trends. Choose an idea that suits your tastes and possibilities, will decorate the bedroom, and will not interfere with its owners.
A variety of shapes and solutions allows any person to choose the perfect head of the bed for his bedroom. This important detail will become a bright accent in the design and will help the whole room to play with new colors. And then the interior of your bedroom will have a finished look and will delight you every day.