In our country, the mentality is that if there is money, it is necessary to use the goods of the company IKEA (even if it is at a distance of 500 kilometers), buy gold toilets and build a cottage at least three floors. Does it really promote happiness and prosperity?
Naturally, for a broad soul, a place is needed where to clear up. But I am not a fan of such walks and decided to share my point of view about the number of square meters of living space. I am deeply convinced that a house or apartment should have such qualities as modesty. Here are a few reasons to think so:
1. Modern household appliances is rapidly losing its relevance
If you have 5 TVs, then in a year or two you will have to spend a lot to replace them all.
2. The need for cleaning has always been and it remains to this day
If you are closely engaged in business or live in such a large city as Moscow, then there is usually no time for this. Of course, you can hire a housekeeper. However, the owners of palaces and castles, it will cost a pretty penny. It's up to you to decide: either you relax in your room, read your favorite book and communicate with friends, or clean all free evenings.
3. Any room sometimes needs repair
It's one thing to change the floor area of 40 squares, and quite another - in 750 or more.
The list of arguments can be continued indefinitely. But it is already clear that a lot of dimensions require a lot of work and money. Although if you have a magical wallet, in which the cash does not end, then this is no longer a problem.
Personally, I somehow like the studio. The rest I advise you to use this formula: for one - 40 square meters. m., for two - 60, and on three - 80. Pay attention, wealthy people in Paris that's exactly how they live:

And in New York too:

In general, do not waste yourself on what adds problems. Be happy with what you have, everything else is complexes!