Floor lamp with your hands: 30 photos of beautiful floor

It's not difficult to make a lamp with your own hands, if you put a little imagination and creativity. This task, of course, will require some time, special tools and materials, but the end result will certainly please its owner. A lamp made on its own will have personality traits and features, since no one will have it. Such a creative process allows you to create floor lamps of any necessary size and style, which is most suitable for premises. Often find a suitable option for sale is hard, and it will cost a lot, and in order to make a lamp with your own hands, you can use any improvised materials. Some complication can consist in summarizing in it wiring for lighting, but even a representative of the weaker sex can do it. So, let's take a step-by-step look at all the processes of making a lamp in the home, as well as various types of design of the lamp shade.

how to make a lamp with your own hands, photo 1how to make a lamp with your hands at home, photo 2refresh the lamp with your own hands, photo 3floor lamp with own hands made of fabric, photo 4how to make a lampshade for a floor lamp with your own hands, photo 5a frame of a floor lamp by own hands, photo 6floor lamp from the tree by own hands, photo 7floor lamp with own hands, photo 8floor lamp by own hands, photo 9

A floor lamp with your own hands: a preparatory process

Before you begin to work, you need to draw a sketch of the intended lamp, determine the desired height, the shape of the lampshade and its design, make appropriate measurements. A standard set of tools that may be needed includes: drill, pliers, knife, scissors, screwdriver, special glue, pencil and tape measure.

We say exactly "basic", as, depending on this or that model, additional accessories may be needed. As separate elements from which the floor lamp will be built with their own hands, they serve: a wooden or aluminum tube for the frame, fasteners, an electrical system that includes a cord with a plug, a switch, a lamp and a bulb, wooden boards for decorating the stand, a casing a plastic bucket, etc.), material for the design of the lamp shade and decorative elements.

A beautiful stylish lampshade can be built using a wide variety of materials, for example, colored wire, cloth, paper, unnecessary plastic bottles, wallpapers, etc. The floor lamp can be executed with its own hands (the photo in the article demonstrates it), if the lampshade is used in decorative clay, which is a rather plastic material, quickly dries up and can be perfectly decorated.

Decor is often used beads, beads, shells, rhinestones, applications of cloth or paper, while decorating is carried out taking into account the stylistic direction of the room in which the floor lamp will be located. The simplest approach when creating a new lighting item of the interior is the reconstruction of the old one.

How to update the lampshade for the floor lamp yourself

No matter how beautiful this or that object of interior was, and, in our case, a floor lamp, over time it may lose its aesthetic qualities, or cease to correspond to new repairs carried out using a different style. It is not necessary in this case to resort to buying a new model - it will be enough to re-create the lampshade for the floor lamp yourself, and for this there are many types of implementation.

Lampshade for the floor lamp by own hands, photo 10floor lamp with own hands from the materials at hand, photo 11floor lamp with own hands from improvised materials, photo 12how to make a lamp with your own hands, photo 13floor lamp with own hands photo, photo 14floor lamp with own hands from the materials at hand, photo 15

Read also: Beautiful table lamp with your own hands from materials at hand - 24 photo samples

The simplest of them is to glue the plafond with wallpaper. All that is needed for this - actually, wallpaper and special glue for them, which can be purchased at any construction store. Choose the wallpaper is, lighting them with a light bulb, to immediately understand what light the floor lamp will give when it is on. After measuring the circumference of the plafond - cut off a suitable piece of wallpaper. The plafond must be removed from the foot lamp and wiped with a degreasing compound. After this preparation, the wallpaper glue is applied, then the wallpaper is applied and fixed on the surface of the plafond. It is not necessary to press them strongly, since undesirable tubercles can be formed, which are difficult to eliminate, and the aesthetic appearance of the lampshade will be lost. When the design dries dry, it is returned to the foot. An updated floor lamp with their own hands is ready.

floor lamp with own hands from the materials at hand, photo 16how to make a lamp with your own hands, photo 17floor lamp with own hands photo, photo 18floor lamp by own hands, photo 19

An excellent way to design the lampshade, as well as its partial restoration, is the use of decoupage techniques. For such work it is recommended to take napkins with a solid pattern that has shades corresponding to the interior of the room (for example, for the kitchen you can prepare napkins with the image of fruit, for the children - cartoon heroes etc.).

The lampshade, originally, is primed with white matte paint. This is necessary to ensure better adhesion to the napkin. After drying (approximately, about 1 hour), we begin, in fact, the process of gluing itself.

It is worth noting that, in the case of multi-layer napkins - it is necessary to carefully separate only the layers with a pattern. On the prepared surface of the lamp shade, glue (PVA or wallpaper) is glued step by step and the napkins are glued. It is necessary to act as carefully as possible, since it is rather difficult to fix an incorrectly fixed napkin without damaging it. When the plafond is fully processed and a picture is created, it is left to dry, and then, once again, treated with glue and left to dry for a day.

At the final stage, you can cover the lampshade for the floor lamp, decorated with your own hands, with acrylic lacquer to give the finish strength and moisture resistance. Such a plafond lamp can be decorated with beads, gluing them with an adhesive gun.

floor lamp by own hands, photo 20

The technician of registration of a lampshade, actually it is a lot of. Some craftsmen weave it with satin ribbons in checkerboard pattern and decorate with bows, use appliques and embroideries. One of the unusual and original solutions is how to update the floor lamp with your own hands, and, in particular, a bored white lampshade - pasted it with the used film (the bubble should have a cylindrical shape). Refracting through the frames, the light will cast intricate patterns into the interior.

how to update a lampshade for a floor lamp with your own hands, photo 21how to update a lampshade for a floor lamp with your own hands, photo 22

Floor lamp floor with own hands

The independent manufacture of this floor lamp, provides three main stages: the construction of the foot with a base and electrical wiring, the design of a frame with a shade and, in fact, the assembly of the entire structure together.

Having undertaken to design a floor lamp floor with own hands, the first thing you need is a stand. It can be made from gypsum, the amount of dry mixture of which is about 3 - 5 kg, depending on the size of the lampshade. As a leg, you need an aluminum pipe. Some savvy craftsmen use in its quality a fragment of the old tubular metal cornice.

For the frame, you will have to purchase a grid, the width of which will be equal to the height of the desired lampshade. The grid is bent in a circle until the desired diameter is obtained, the excess part is cut off, and the edges are fixed by bending the wire. For the strength of the structure, you can run an aluminum tape along the entire circumference of the circle. Thus, the basis for the shade was obtained.

Now it's up to the imagination. The frame of a floor lamp can be processed by hand from a metal mesh in a variety of ways. For example, tie it with fluffy threads, using the technique of macrame, and to impose colors on top.

In the middle of the last century, the things made by the way of knitting macrame were very popular, and, as they say, everything new is a well-forgotten old. If the floor lamp is made for a room in a modern high-tech style, the best solution is to braid its frame with black wire, leaving the gaps, and then paint it with black paint from the can.

floor lamp with own hands photo, photo 23floor lamp with own hands from the materials at hand, photo 24floor lamp with your own hands from the materials at hand, photo 25how to make a lamp with your own hands, photo 26

Floor lamp with your own hands made of cloth

You can also make a floor lamp with your own hands made of fabric. In this case, the frame will be a thick wire structure. Any material can be used as a fabric, but it is better to be opaque (so that the frame is not visible), such as cotton, taffeta, dark silk, etc. The most suitable colors are blue, yellow, orange, green or red - they will give warm light. If you choose a fabric with a floral print and decorate the lampshade with exquisite ruffles and bows - you can get a beautiful floor lamp for a room in the style of country or Provence.

floor lamp with own hands photo, photo 27

Wooden floor lamp

If the interior of the room is decorated in Scandinavian or eco-style, popular nowadays, you can make a lamp from a tree with your own hands, or rather, from tree branches, which can be found in any park or forest. Massive, divergent in the form of a trinega branch, will serve as a good basis for a floor lamp, and the upper part - a place for a lampshade, fastened on a rope. Or, on the contrary, the trunk can be mounted in a pedestal made of gypsum, and several lanterns can be fixed on divergent branches. The trunk can be decorated with colorful threads and laces. It should be noted that the wood is a flammable material, therefore, for safety reasons, such floor lamps are equipped with LED or energy-saving lamps.

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In conclusion, I would like to say that anyone can make a lamp with his own hands from improvised materials. Using the tips posted in this article, you can completely decorate your house with a new stylish lamp, without investing at the same time, special financial costs. Below, see the photos of beautiful versions of the lamp with your own hands.