In our lives, more and more industrial equipment bursts in, so the owner of this small studio dreamed of such reincarnation of his home. However, after a bit of reflection, reading the relevant information, he realized that the bare brick walls cause a headache, he hates the flaky furniture, but loves coziness and a soft home atmosphere.
Therefore, he decided to make serious adjustments to the original idea and went to the commission shops and IKEA. After that, the project was born, as if descended from the photographs of the last catalog. As he did it, we will reveal a secret for our readers.

- First you need to decide on the color. Remember, this direction is quite possible variability of shades and bright accents. Not necessarily a gray-white-black scale. Completely fit sand, golden, bronze. Often cobalt and bright blue are introduced.
- Lack of wallpaper. Walls and ceiling can be simply painted over with water-based white paint, giving it a light tint. As in the example given by us. And to highlight the area of the bedroom or kitchen, the walls are made darker.
- The combination of functional new modern furniture (in this case from IKEA) and antique products. The loft is very fond of ethnic objects and antiques: bureaus of the beginning of the last century, antique chairs and curbstones in the bedroom and living room, iron cabinet and chest in the kitchen.
- Very important details: posters, modern art, photographs, accessories, sofa cushions, interesting lamps. Large pictures do not hang, but they lean against the walls.