New year's toys with their hands 2018 - original ornaments

There is a belief that making New Year toys with your own hands draws happiness to the house. New Year's toys with their hands in 2018 will be an excellent gift for relatives and friends. Let's consider what New Year's toys can be done with our own hands. How best to decorate New Year's toys made with their own hands. In our article you will find beautiful examples of decorating New Year's toys in different countries of the world.

New Year's toys by own hands 2018, photo 1original New Year's toys by own hands, photo 2Volumetric New Year's toys by own hands, photo 3

Embroidered New Year's toys by own hands

Embroidered New Year's toys by own hands могут быть плоскими и объемными. Для плоских понадобится фанера или обычный картон в качестве основы, который обтянется вышитой тканью. Для вышивки стоит использовать разноцветные нити мулине, делающие рисунок красочным и ярким. Объемные новогодние игрушки своими руками делаются из ткани и набиваются синтепоном. Начинающим стоит приобрести схемы рисунков в интернете или специальных магазинах рукоделия, а также специальную ткань с дырочками, на которой можно вышивать крестиком. В статье Вы найдете небольшие схемы, которые можно перенести на ткань либо просто следовать им, делая вышивку.

Вышивать новогодние игрушки своими руками 2018 можно не только крестиком, но и паутинкой, гладью и прочими техниками. Embroidered New Year's toys by own hands можно дополнительно декорировать бусинами, атласными лентами или бантами.

embroidered New Year's toys with their own hands, photo 4embroidered Christmas toys with their own hands, photo 5embroidered New Year's toys with their own hands, photo 6

New Year's toy from the disks by own hands

Наверняка у каждого дома найдутся старые DVD-диски, и совсем не стоит их выбрасывать. Из них может получиться очень необычная новогодняя игрушка своими руками. Возьмите разноцветную светодиодную гирлянду с маленькими лампочками и сверните ее в клубок, оставив свободным конец с сетевой вилкой. Такое ее положение можно зафиксировать скрепками или нитями. Затем диски необходимо нанизать на лампочки, чтобы получился шар, как показано на фото. Воспользуйтесь термопистолетом для оформления правильной формы. New Year's toy from the disks by own hands станет эффектным украшением в дневное, а особенно, в вечернее время, когда Вы включите гирлянду и интерьер наполнится красивыми отблесками.

New Year's toy of disks by own hands, photo 7

New-Year Knitted Toys

Original Christmas toys can be connected by their own hands with the help of spokes or hooks. They can be made in the form of balls, icicles, Santa Claus figurines, Snow Maiden, etc. Very elegantly look snowflakes and angels, connected by openwork patterns with the help of a hook. You can make knitted Christmas toys with your own hands in the form of funny animals that, at the end of the holidays, will supplement the interior of the children's room.

knitted Christmas toys with own hands, photo 8knitted Christmas toys with own hands, photo 9knitted Christmas toys with own hands, photo 10

New-Year Knitted Toys: игрушка «сова»

Funny совята always cause affection, that already to speak about the whole of their family. It is possible to tie two identical torso shapes with ears and porches on a pair of spokes, sew them together and fill them with sintepon. New Year's toy "owl" with their own hands can be connected and on four spokes knitting technique of a conventional stocking. Eyes with a beak make from a cardboard, or get ready forms in shop of needlework. The legs can be made of strong bending wire. Decorate the suvenk with a knitted cap in the form of a cap, scarf or tinsel.

New Year's toy owl own hands, photo 11

Retro Christmas toys with your hands: how to create an antique decoration

To make Christmas toys in retro style with your own hands, take a foam plastic round piece-ball or an old toy. Cut out the patterns from the lace and glue them to our base, as shown in the photo. Such a blank is painted with white acrylic paint and let it dry well. Next, apply the brush with a golden paint-lacquer and soak the whole with a dry sponge to make the layer thin, creating an effect of rubbing.

Vintage New Year toys can be made in the technique of decoupage with their own hands, picking up napkins with drawings for antiquity or even making a "grandmother's" way of cotton and paper, because that's what they were more than a hundred years ago.

Retro Christmas toys with own hands, photo 12New Year's toys in retro style with their own hands, photo 13Vintage Christmas toys with own hands, photo 14New Year's toys with their own hands in vintage style, photo 15

New Year's toys from the dough by own hands

The most simple and economical way to make beautiful jewelry is to make New Year toys from the dough with your own hands. First we make an elastic salted dough, which after drying has high strength, but, unfortunately, not very good taste properties. To do this, pour 2 cups of water in a bowl, add a glass of salt and mix well. Then we fall asleep flour and steeply mix. The dough is ready and you can start to create original New Year toys with your own hands.

They can be flat or bulky - after drying their fortress will be the same. You can immediately put in the braided figures beads, if it involves decor. Finished "semi-finished products" leave to dry in a ventilated room for a couple of days or dry in the oven at a temperature of 50 degrees (with the door ajar) for 5 hours. Hardened products are decorated.

New Year's toys made of dough with own hands, photo 16New Year's toys made of dough with own hands, photo 17

New Year's toys with their own hands made of foam balls

Шарики из пенопласта — прекрасная основа для сотворения самых разнообразных новогодних шаров. Их можно красить, оклеивать лентами, бумагой, обвязывать, в общем, применять на них различные техники. Особенное их достоинство в том, что пенопласт можно прокалывать и тем самым обеспечить надежную фиксацию. New Year's toys with their own hands made of foam balls можно изготовить с использованием пайеток, шпилек, бусин, пуговиц и прочих мелочей. На фото в нашей статье Вы можете увидеть примеры таких оформлений, когда пайетки, приколотые шпильками к шару, создают красивые украшения.

New Year toys with own hands made of foam balls, photo 18New Year toys with own hands made of foam balls, photo 19New Year toys with own hands made of foam balls, photo 20

New Year's toys from recycled by own hands

Used in everyday life, gizmos do not always deserve a place in the trash can, in some cases they can find their second life as decorations. For example, a New Year's toy from the waste can be made with the help of plastic bottles, when cutting them in half, there are excellent bases for the design of bells.

New Year's toy from a waste by own hands, photo 21New Year's toy from a waste by own hands, photo 22

The photo shows large Christmas toys, snowmen, with their own hands, festively decorating the street. They are also made by craftsmen from plastic bottles. An excellent basis for making ornaments can be used electric bulbs - they can be painted or zadekorirovat using the technique of decoupage. From plastic forks make cute Christmas trees and other ornaments.

Read also: New Year's toys by own hands - 45 photos of beautiful and original ornaments

New Year's toys from recycled by own hands, photo 23New Year's toys from recycled by own hands, photo 24New Year's toys from recyclables by own hands, photo 25

New Year's toys from shells with their own hands

Often, collecting beautiful seashells while relaxing at sea, we can not always find them a worthy use. But with their use, you can get an unusual New Year's toy with your own hands. For example, you can make a muzzle of a cute dog, especially since it is a symbol of the coming year. Take one large shell-base, glue to it two small identical from the sides - you will get ears. Another miniature shell will serve to decorate the face. Glue the ribbon to the loop and decorate the product. Eyes and nose can be drawn or glued paper cut from the paper.

New Year's toys made of shells with their own hands, photo 26New Year's toys made of shells with their own hands, photo 27New Year's toys made of shells with their own hands, photo 28

New Year's toys from chestnuts own hands

Consider what Christmas toys you can make with your own hands from chestnuts. And here it will help that they can be dyed and pierced. Make a cone out of a thick cardboard. Chestnuts paint with green acrylic paint and dry. Then, using a thermo-gun, we glue chestnuts to the cone and as a result we get a cute herringbone, which can decorate the interior of any room or cabinet. Other New Year's toys from chestnuts can be created by their own hands - garlands, snakes, fabulous ants and amusing caterpillars, if you thread them on strands and decorate them.

New Year's toys from chestnuts by own hands, photo 29

New Year's toys painting by own hands

Hand painting - the process is quite painstaking and requires certain skills. But in this way it is possible to arrange real exclusive New Year's toys with their own hands, you will not find analogues. For such work it is necessary to get quality brushes of different thickness, as well as acrylic paints. As for the palette - it is worth buying white acrylic paint and several basic dyes, for example, red, blue and yellow. By mixing with their help you can get and other various shades. Picking the colors to the general interior and thinking through the semantic content of the drawing, you can decorate stylish New Year toys with your own hands, which will not go unnoticed on a lush tree.

New Year's toys by own hands 2018, photo 30New Year toys with own hands pictures, photo 31

New Year's toys of the countries of the world with their own hands

Decoration of the interior on the eve of the New Year and Christmas holidays is relevant in most parts of our planet. There are also some peculiarities inherent in this or that country.

In European countries, decorations have many similarities, although there are special preferences. For example, original Christmas toys with their own hands made of straw, decorated with Christmas trees and interiors in Sweden.

exclusive New Year's toys by own hands, photo 32

The straw Christmas goat is the central character not only in Sweden, but also in Finland and Norway. It is not difficult to make such toys, but they are safe and environmentally friendly.

exclusive New Year's toys by own hands, photo 33

Americans prefer to see the top of the New Year tree, dressed up by an angel, driving away evil spirits. In the article you will get acquainted with how to make such New Year toys-angels with your own hands. Pictures will demonstrate their phased production.

exclusive New Year's toys by own hands, photo 34unusual Christmas toy with their own hands, photo 35creative Christmas toys with their own hands, photo 36exclusive New Year's toys by own hands, photo 37

In Germany, gingerbread men and nutcrackers are preferred, and in England they prefer to make in the interior decorations from mistletoe, which were used by the ancient Celts in order to expel the evil spirits. From mistletoe, you can make an original Christmas wreath or pendant.

stylish New Year's toys by own hands, photo 38how to decorate New Year's toys with your own hands, photo 39New Year's toys by hand, photo 40what new-year toys can be made by own hands, photo 41New Year's gift souvenir toy, photo 42

Spaniards prefer creative Christmas toys with their own hands in the form of a variety of fruits, which can be made from felt or other material.

China is famous for its flashlights, which have become quite popular decoration in European countries. You can make it from colored paper. With the help of scissors, we cut out identical strips of the same or different colors along the length and width. We take the thread with the needle and thread the first ends of the strips first, and then the others in the reverse order. We squeeze a little the design and make a bundle on the thread so that it does not straighten. The Chinese flashlight is ready.

large New Year toys with their own hands, photo 43

New Year's toys by own hands 2018 in Japan: the age-old tradition

The most common New Year's toy in Japan is the Temari. This is a ball that carries a certain symbolism. Such grand New Year toys made by their own hands grandmothers and, putting in the middle of the paper with the wishes of health and happiness, gave them on holidays to their grandchildren. It should be noted that every color of the ball has its own meaning: green attracts luck, red ones - love, gold - wealth, blue - calmness.

a miracle with their own hands New Year's toys, photo 44how to make an easy Christmas toy with your own hands, photo 45

New Year's toys with their own hands 2018 in the Japanese style can be a multi-colored fan that can be made of paper, figurines, dragons sewn from fabric, etc.

In conclusion, I would like to note that, in addition to manufacturing, there are many ways to decorate New Year toys with your own hands. You can safely use the advice of our material in order to breathe new life into the orderly bored with years of jewelry.