Church of St. Josemaría Escrivá / Architect - Javier Sordo Madaleno Bringas
In the spirit of the Easter holidays, we compiled a list of 10 temples representing modern religious architecture. From the traditional, venerable meeting places of the flock to the very unexpected, ultra-modern chapels - these impressive temples are created to inspire. You get a dose of this inspiration by looking at the pictures of these sacred buildings.
Roof over the walls of the old church in Bagnos, Ecuador / Architectural company BROWNMENESES
Wooden park chapel in Nanjing / Architectural company AZL Architects
Church in the Hohenzollernplatz square, Berlin / Architect - Fritz Hoger
The church-ribbon in Hiroshima, Japan / Architectural company NAP Architects
Church of Consolation in Córdoba, Spain / Architects Ignacio Vicens and Jose Antonio Ramos
Church of the charitable organization Padre Rubinos, La Coruña, Spain / Architect firm Elsa Urquijo
Church of St. Albert the Great in Edinburgh, Scotland / Architectural company Simpson and Brown
Church of the hundred walls, Philippines / Architectural company CAZA
Seed Church in Guangdong, China / Architectural company O Studio Architects
Photogallery Total | 10 pictures