The well-known saying "those who live in a glass house should not throw stones" acquires a literal meaning today. Even in ancient times, in one of his treatises, Plato wrote about the dream of building a house in the form of a ball, but none of the building materials of that time gave such an opportunity. About this already in the Renaissance dreamed of Leonardo da Vinci and Alberti. But it was not until the end of the 19th century that the architects managed to get close to this dream.
Functionalism prompted a very rational solution in terms of "fixing material" - not a solution, but a metal frame, into which glass wings were later mounted. Thus, by melting and bending the frame, it became possible to create buildings of any shape. But only in the second half of the 20th century with the development of high-tech glass as a building material was meaningfully aesthetically - and appeared new architectural style of slit-tech.
First, it gives a completely different perception of space. On the one hand, it becomes a mirror, and on the other hand it becomes transparent. As a result, from the interior point of view, the building seems to lose its borders, absorbing everything that can cover the person's eye, and from the interior's point of view, the space moves apart, duplicates itself, and you, like Alice in the behind-the-mirror, get lost between the real and illusory . Secondly, an interesting light solution, when a beam can pierce several rooms and floors at once, or tinted windows can create an atmosphere of a Gothic castle inside.
Naturally, today the merger is widely used only in regions with hot climates, but today they are actively working on the creation of a strong frost-resistant material, which will also be transparent.
So that everyone can soon be in a fairy tale.
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