Beautiful autumn crafts with your own hands on 40 photos of

Autumn is a beautiful time for the embodiment of creative fantasies. Walking in the warm days, you can collect a lot of things that will be an excellent raw material to make autumn crafts with your own hands. Collect forest cones, acorns, twigs, walking in the park, you can collect a whole herbarium of colorful foliage. Vegetables are ripening in the vegetable gardens, which will also be useful for creating compositions for a school or kindergarten exhibition. If everything is ready, let's consider what children's autumn crafts can be created with their own hands, using environmental materials.

Autumn crafts, photo 1Autumn crafts with own hands, photo 2

Crafts on the theme of "Winter" with their own hands

Возможно, Вы удивитесь, почему мы затронули зимние поделки своими руками. Все просто — осенней порой лучше всего собирать материал. Его можно высушить и обработать. Кроме того, не за горами Новый год — лучше быть подготовленным заранее. Crafts on the theme of "Winter" with their own hands, как показано на фото, разнообразны — это аппликации, объемные композиции, чаще всего изображающие заснеженные пейзажи. При этом используются белая бумага, картон, вата или пенопласт, имитирующие снег. Из веточек складываются домики, а живые существа формируются из каштанов и желудей.

crafts on the theme of winter with their own hands, photo 3crafts on the theme of winter with their own hands, photo 4crafts on the theme of winter with their own hands, photo 5handmade articles on the theme of winter, photo 6crafts on the theme of winter with their own hands, photo 7crafts on the theme of winter with their own hands, photo 8crafts on the theme of winter with their own hands, photo 9

Winter crafts with our own hands: we prepare in advance New Year's decorations

On vacation, when there is a lot of free time, it is worth to prepare for the New Year. Make crafts for the winter with your own hands, which will decorate the interior of the apartment and the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve. An example is the balls (photos are represented by the material). They are easy to make using acorns (hats) or pumpkin seeds, which glue the round billet. Decorating, formed winter hand-made articles with their own hands are treated with lacquer, sparkles. Effectively look painted with gold paint walnuts. They can become an independent decoration-toy, and be combined into a composition.

winter hand-made articles, photo 10winter hand-made articles, photo 11winter hand-made articles, photo 12

Crafts for the winter with their own hands of cones

Cones are the most common natural material from which jewelry is created, because even in its original form it looks beautiful. Before you make crafts for the winter with your own hands of cones, you need to process them, since they have the property of opening or closing under the influence of moisture. Just soak the joinery glue, let it dry out.

Applying bumps, make different little men, miniature, as well as large Christmas trees, funny penguins. Very effectively looks like a Christmas wreath made with cones. If desired, treat it with sequins, artificial snow, add balls, bows, other decorative ornaments.

crafts for the winter with their own hands of cones, photo 13crafts for the winter with their own hands of cones, photo 14

Read also: Crafts for the New Year 2018 - 40 photos

Children's autumn crafts with their own hands

Учебные учреждения нередко проводят выставки именно осенью, когда есть возможность раздобыть разнообразное сырье. Children's autumn crafts with their own hands нередко предполагают совместное их изготовление с родителями, когда нужно работать с шилом или ножом (например, делая собачку из желудей). Часто используются дополнительные материалы, такие как пластилин (полимерная глина), спички, картон, ткань.

Crafts on the theme of "Autumn" with their own hands (photo you will find below), depict animals whose eyes are made of plasticine or painted with paints. By the way, it's pretty simple to make them yourself. Take the used packaging from the tablets, put the beads (pupils) in the cells, seal the back side with cardboard, cut out. Get funny "moving" eyes.

Autumn work in a kindergarten with their own hands using eco-materials

There are many options for making compositions for a kindergarten exhibition. Some of them are quite simple, which allows the child to do something themselves. For example, an autumn craft in a kindergarten with his own hands "Hedgehog". The painted blank is pasted with leaves, and the needles are formed by seeds. Adults should participate, showing the child how a man is made from chestnuts, a house is built from sticks, and his roof is pasted with colorful foliage. Autumn crafts in the kindergarten with their own hands provide for simple work, when the child is acquainted with the natural raw materials, the technique of its processing.

Autumn work in a kindergarten with your own hands, photo 15Autumn work in a kindergarten with your own hands, photo 16autumn hand-crafted article in a kindergarten with your own hands, photo 17Autumn work in the kindergarten with your own hands, photo 18

Crafts from chestnuts own hands

To construct handmade articles made of chestnuts by their own hands, often not one of their cores is used, but also a prickly peel. A selection of photos demonstrates how many different figures can be made using this material.

Miniature people, caterpillars, an ant with a wheelchair from a shell - these children's crafts of autumn with their own hands will bring joy not only to children, but also to their parents, and they are stored for a very long time. The smallest in the process of work is better to use clay, and parents can use the awl, fastening the details.

handmade articles made of chestnuts, photo 19handmade articles made of chestnuts, photo 20handmade articles made of chestnuts, photo 21handmade articles made of chestnuts, photo 22

Crafts from leaves by own hands

Осенью листва деревьев становится неимоверно красочными маленькими разноцветными полотнами. Не упустите этот момент — гуляя с ребенком в парке, соберите этот оригинальный природный материал. Crafts from leaves by own hands делают плоские, а также объемные. Посмотрите, например, на фото, где кленовые листья превращаются в букет цветов (пошаговая демонстрация) или чудесные аппликации с животными, которые способен оформить маленький ребенок.

crafts from leaves by own hands, photo 23crafts from leaves by own hands, photo 24crafts from leaves by own hands, photo 25Autumn crafts in the garden with their own hands, photo 26natural hand-made articles on the theme of

Children's autumn crafts with their own hands из желудей

Плоды дуба — доступный, а главное, легкообрабатываемый материал. Children's autumn crafts with their own hands из желудей станут украшениями, а еще игрушками малышам, например, маленькие совята, изготовить которых довольно легко (смотрите пошаговые фото). В работе дополнительно нужны небольшие лоскутки (лучше взять плотный фетр) и клей. Применяя шило, спички сделайте со своим чадом целое семейство гномиков, а, может, симпатичного песика.

Natural handmade items on the theme "Autumn" at the school exhibition

Autumn crafts in school with their own hands, the photos of which are in front of us, do not require material costs, but sometimes they become real masterpieces. For example, a chic dress of dolls made of leaves or a mini-courtyard with a pumpkin house, which even youngsters can do.

children's hand-made articles of autumn by own hands, photo 28детские Autumn crafts with own hands, photo 29children's autumn hand-made articles, photo 30children's autumn hand-made articles, photo 31Autumn crafts with own hands, photo 32

Autumn crafts in school with their own hands of vegetables and fruits

Often, the subject of school exhibitions involves the use of fruits and vegetables. In fact, it's beautiful, and, in addition, delicious natural material. It's a pity that such autumn crafts are not kept for long. Make an apple caterpillar, fixing the fruits between toothpicks, decorate your favorite children's cartoon "smeshariki", as shown in the photo, or eggplant penguins. Such techniques will help to decorate the festive table in a very original way.

Autumn crafts with their own hands made of natural material, photo 33crafts on the theme of Autumn crafts in school with their own hands, photo 35Autumn crafts in school with own hands photo, photo 36Autumn crafts in school by own hands, photo 37Autumn crafts in school with own hands photo, photo 38Autumn crafts in school by own hands, photo 39autumn crafts in school with your own hands photo, photo 40

Autumn crafts with their own hands made of natural material for home

Easily accessible natural raw materials will allow you to easily and quickly transform the interior. For example, crafts from maple leaves with their own hands in the form of jars-candlesticks look pretty snug. The original way to make a vase from the leaves is also presented in the photo. To make out an outdoor eco-vase, you need a strong cylinder, formed from a thick cardboard, glued with chestnuts. Subsequently, it should be opened with a varnish.

Nature provides great opportunities for the design of a wide variety of products, toys and ornaments. Autumn crafts with their own hands, of course, differ in their originality, availability, which is important, ecological purity.