Using in the construction of the usual silicate brick hardly anyone can be surprised. However, recently a new decorative material is widely used - decorative bricks. A cleverly executed fragmentary masonry transforms the design of the home, creating the atmosphere of a New York loft, a village house, ancient Russian princely chambers or a medieval castle.
This kind of decorative brick is the most expensive. Clinker clay is produced. Thanks to a special firing technology, the material takes on a special strength and hardness. Roasting helps to obtain a diverse and completely unique color palette. The outer surface of clinker bricks is smooth. This kind of finish is equally suitable for internal and external cladding. Due to the fact that the clinker perfectly tolerates temperature changes, it is used to decorate the corridors, the facade part of the buildings, the fireplace zone and chimneys. The size of a unit of clinker brick facing:
- Width - 160-190 mm;
- Height - 60 mm;
- The thickness is 20 ± 5 mm.
In addition to flat tiles, they also produce corner corners.
Brick based on gypsum and cement
The principle of manufacturing the finishing material is as follows. The prepared solution is poured into molds. After the mixture has fully set, it is released from the mold and dried. In essence, the technology is the same as in the manufacture of decorative stone, but individual elements resemble bricks in size and shape. Finishing on the basis of gypsum does not differ in moisture resistance. It is used in dry rooms. Strength of products based on cement is much higher. They can be used for outdoor work and in wet areas. The brick obtained by the hand-molding method has a relief or simply rough surface.
Advantages and rules of choice
The main advantages of decorative bricks are:
- Long working life;
- Simple cladding;
- Reliability, durability;
- A great variety of shades and textures;
- Environmental Safety;
- Wear resistance;
- Good sound insulation characteristics;
- Resistance to fire;
- Chemical neutrality;
- The ability to use for various style options.
Decorative brick is a relatively new finishing material. It began to be widely used about 10 years ago. Work with him is so simple that you can do the facing with your own hands. Durability and durability lead him to TOP positions among the finishing materials. And ecological safety allows using it in any premises, including children's. The color range is the most diverse: shades of white, brown and yellow colors. In texture it is a realistic imitation of natural bricks. This is a universal building material. It can be used for facing walls made of brick, cement, foam concrete and drywall.
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Basics of the right choice
When choosing a finishing material, you need to pay attention to what kind of material is in the basis:
- Decorative artificial bricks from gypsum absorb water, so it is not recommended for use in wet rooms.
- Ceramic brick is universal, therefore suitable for any room, including for finishing fireplaces and stoves.
- Cement cladding is equally suitable for exterior and interior finishes.
Use in decoration of premises
The decoration of the walls with decorative brick finds application not only for exterior decoration of buildings, but also for internal premises, both residential and public. Simplicity of installation and external features allow the material to be used when finishing complex and non-standard surfaces. With the help of imitation brick masonry, openings, arches, decorate architectural elements or make accents. Good looking internal walls with imitation of brick, painted in a restrained natural tone: black, beige, white, gray or cream.
Living room
The walls, decorated for brickwork, look original and very beautiful. Especially harmoniously, this decoration fits into the styles: modern, grunge or industrial (loft). Such an accent wall can serve as an excellent background for the placement of a large TV, unusual panels, futuristic paintings and designer furniture.
Dining room, kitchen
Here, in addition to the aesthetic appearance, a coating property such as strength and practicality is exploited. Made of decorative bricks, the kitchen apron tolerates humidity and temperature changes, it is easy to wash. Over time, it does not lose its original appeal. Good looking brick in modern and classic styles.
Designers recommend using this material in the interior of the bedroom in a dosed, small amount (for example, to separate openings of windows and doors, to decorate the accent wall at or near the head of the head). It can be a brutal interior-loft or a charming eclectic, play on contrasts. In this case, the rough brick contrasts with elegant furniture and delicate textiles curtains and bedspreads.
Styles suitable for brickwork
First of all, brick facing masonry is associated with the "loft" style. At present, the industrial style or imitation of bohemian housing moved to ordinary apartments. Simulation of masonry made of aged brick can be used as an interior accent, for highlighting a zone behind a bed or sofa, decorating niches, etc.
Another style that completely allows the use of bare bricks is country, creating an atmosphere of a hunting hut, a cottage outside the city or an acquaintance to everyone on the advertisement of a "house in the village". Particularly interesting and functional is a brick-lined area of a stove or fireplace. The combination of the "untreated" surface with natural wood and textile elements from rags and "grandmother's" sitschik also has a peculiar charm.
Read also: Spring decor for the house with their own handsThe material has found application and in the interiors executed in styles "gothic" and "neo-Gothic". They reproduce the atmosphere of feudal castles with numerous columns and lancet arches. For their registration, imitation of brick fits the best. A chic chandelier with numerous crystal pendants or a giant four-poster bed creates a magnificent contrast with the ascetic bricks.
By the way, about asceticism. Facing decorative brick perfectly in harmony with the elements of minimalism. Particularly beautiful is a combination of brick red, egg, brown or terracotta tint with furniture of neutral colors.
How to choose a brick for interior decoration
The most important criterion of choice is the aesthetic qualities of the material, its conformity to the chosen style. To create an exclusive, truly unique atmosphere is possible only with the help of a brick, ideally suited to the design of the room. It is necessary to inquire about the consumer properties of the material, its technical characteristics. Do not be afraid to experiment with the design. The properties of decorative finishes are such that the non-standard decoration is guaranteed to you.
Making bricks with your own hands
Use in the interior of natural brick is not necessary. If you want to polish the room with material with unusual and rough texture, you can use its imitation. Let's consider various variants of manufacturing.
From gypsum
Gypsum is a plastic material that perfectly imitates the texture of natural bricks. If you try, the facing will be indistinguishable from the natural. For self-manufacturing it will need such materials:
- The gypsum mixture is dry;
- Form for bricks;
- Glue for tiles;
- Water;
- Spatula toothed;
- Humidified foam rubber sponge.
Dry gypsum mixture, glue and water are mixed to obtain a mass that looks like sour cream. The prepared composition is poured into molds. The gypsum freezes very quickly, therefore it is not necessary to do too much solution.
To distribute the solution evenly, the mold is shaken gently.
You can add acrylic paint to the solution or paint the "masonry" after it is pasted onto the wall. At will, the space between the "bricks" is stained with dark paint.
From cement
For the manufacture of decorative cement bricks you have to prepare yourself:
- Portland cement of white color;
- Sand;
- Cardboard;
- Balls of foam plastic (they can be bought in a furniture store);
- Reinforcing mesh;
- Sealant on cement.
The tin shape for bricks can be made from cardboard. The bottom and its walls are laid with reinforcing mesh. To prepare the solution, mix sand, foam and water in a ratio of 1: 1: 2. Next, portland cement is poured into a solution with the consistency of sour cream. The working composition is held for 20 minutes. The viscous mass is put into the molds by hand, leveled and left to set for a day. After hardening, they are covered with a solution (for 3 parts of water, 1 part Portland cement and sand) for smoothness. For dyeing use diluted with water acrylic dye. Initially, the lining is colored in a darker tone, then covered with a transparent layer of light paint.
From clay and granite chips
Clay is the main raw material for making ceramics. To obtain a sound brick imitation, the clay is mixed with granite chips. Molded elements of the cladding are burned in special furnaces at high temperatures. At home, this is very difficult to achieve. This is exactly the case when you should not try to do something yourself, but buy products from respectable manufacturing companies.
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To make walls "under a brick" it is possible and in other ways. Some firms make furnish from МДФ and поливинилхлорида. The peculiarity of these materials is that they are mounted not with separate elements, but with large panels. Installation is carried out on the crate of wood or metal. This finish will cost much cheaper than the cladding in the classical version.
Decorative bricks laying
This process can not be called too complicated. Special equipment for work is not required. To revet the walls, only the following tools and tools will be needed:
- Roulette construction, ruler, level;
- Pencil - for marking;
- Hand saw;
- Brush;
- Rope;
- Brush;
- Putty knife;
- Skin for cleaning pieces of brick.
Depending on the location of the cladding, angular or planar elements are used. The use of "corners" creates the impression of solid, sound, natural masonry. The number of square meters of material to be purchased is calculated based on the planned area of the cladding.
Preliminary stage
Glue the decorative brick on a firm, well-cleaned base from the old coating. The wall and brick on the back side is pre-treated with a deeply penetrating primer. Before facing the wall, the bricks are removed from the package and laid out on a flat surface in order to carefully select the elements according to the shade, texture and thickness. The next step is to mark the surface horizontally. This is necessary for the correct fit to fit the joining elements. This will save materials and reduce the number of sawn elements. Begin facing from corner "bricks" provided, if they are, alternating short sides with long ones. When mounting without a crocheting, the vertical seams are displaced by at least 50 mm.
Mounting procedure
Using a spatula, the glue solution is applied to the surface of the wall, trying to fill all the irregularities with the composition. Apply glue and on the entire lower surface of the lining element with a layer thickness of 1-3 mm. The brick is pressed against the surface of the wall, leading them a little from side to side. This is necessary in order to ensure better adhesion to the wall. The solution should be plastic, but not liquid. If the stone slides strongly, it will be impossible to achieve a firm fit to the surface.
The selection of individual elements by color is an individual creative process, and there is no clear standard here. It is desirable to use "bricks" from different packages. If necessary, the stone is filed with a hacksaw with small teeth. Thin fit is obtained well with sandpaper coarse-grained paper.
The brick looks beautiful and unusual in the interior. However, a heavy "global" masonry will hardly look beautiful. Therefore, the use of decoration with decorative bricks in the decoration of rooms should be dosed, "without fanaticism" to decorate the room, for arranging color and texture accents.