Many remember the Soviet washable paper wallpaper for the corridor with a print of the brick wall and green sprouts. Many decades have passed since then, but the decorative brick on the wall not only has not lost its relevance, but has also moved smoothly into the interiors of living rooms and kitchens, becoming the style-forming element of many modern styles.
Flexible плитка под кирпич используется для внутренней отделки достаточно часто. Причиной тому являются её хорошие декоративные качества и легкость монтажа. Изготавливается этот современный материал из цемента, песка, акрилового полимера и цветных пигментов. В продаже можно найти огромное разнообразие цветовых решений плитки под кирпич: все оттенки кирпичного, белого, песочного, серого и даже черные.
This material gently bends at any angle, it is possible to decorate with its help external and internal corners, window and door openings, columns and other curved surfaces. For this, the decoration element is simply heated by a construction hair dryer up to 50 degrees and glued to the curved surface under pressure. Slightly warmed tiles will hide any uneven ground. You can cut it with a simple knife.
Thanks to the combination of different colors of tiles from one collection, you can achieve a unique wall design. Deviations in shades will further emphasize the naturalness of the masonry. Due to good performance characteristics (frost resistance, resistance to natural factors), the tile can also be used in exterior finishing - for example, to peel the loggia.
The following advantages of a flexible modern material can be noted:
- provides additional heat and sound insulation;
- thanks to its light weight, it is easy to work with;
- practically non-waste material;
- warm to the touch;
- has a certain resistance to mechanical stress;
- you can lay out a cheap cement mix or cement glue.
Gypsum плитка под кирпич абсолютно экологична и позволяет поверхности дышать, поэтому она пользуется популярностью в отделке не меньше гибкой. По внешнему виду и по технологии изготовления она мало чем отличается от цементной. Изготавливается облицовочный материал из гипса с добавлением пластификаторов. Она легкая по весу, что определяет простоту работы с ней и определенную широту применения: например, её можно монтировать на гипсокартон. Gypsum плитка окрашенная в массе не теряет цвет при длительной эксплуатации, обладает звукоизоляционными характеристиками, высокой декоративностью и недорогой ценой.
However, some of its technical characteristics significantly reduce the range of its application:
- Gypsum плитка впитывает из окружающей среды влагу, набухает и в результате раскрашивается. Поэтому нецелесообразно её использование в помещениях с повышенной влажностью: ванных комнатах и на кухне. Либо на плитку придется наносить специальный лак, что существенно повысит сумму вложений в ремонт.
- It is a brittle material that can easily crack from mechanical stress. Friability also somewhat complicates the installation process.
- Gypsum плитка является отличным пылесборником. Рельефная поверхность легко накапливает пыль.
Unfortunately, the small heat resistance and brittleness of the tiles make it impossible to use it in kitchens near slabs, for facing fireplaces, and also for finishing places near heating elements.
Cement плитка обладает отличными эксплуатационными характеристиками и может применяться для декоративной облицовки в помещениях, эксплуатирующихся при любых температурах. Например, для отделки стен в домах сезонного использования. Огромным преимуществом цементной плитки является её недорогая цена и разнообразие расцветок и фактур.
The basis of cement tiles are mineral crumbs and the best brands of Portland cement, containing astringent silicates, sand and water. Injection molding or pressing technology makes it possible to imitate the surface with any precision. Slightly less than the clinker in mechanical strength, polymer-cement tiles have less weight, chemical resistance, a wide variety of color and textural designs. The coloring pigment is introduced into the solution immediately upon kneading, which ensures color fastness and resistance to burning.
Clinker плитка изготавливается из тех же сланцевых глин, что и традиционный кирпич – различия заключаются в технологии изготовления. Для изготовления клинкерной глины применяется высокотемпературный обжиг до полного спекания компонентов смеси. Получаемая клинкерная плитка обладает минимальной пористостью, отличной прочностью, великолепными теплоизоляционными, морозостойкими, влагостойкими и декоративными характеристиками. Поэтому клинкер наиболее часто применяется для облицовки фасадов.
Read also: Design of walls in the kitchen +85 photo ideas
In the apartment, clinker tiles are an excellent solution not only for the rooms, but also for decorating the kitchen and bathroom, as its moisture resistance and resistance to temperature changes determine its durability when operating under difficult conditions.
Panels for brickwork
Widely used for interior decoration and wall panels for brick made of PVC, MDF, fiberglass. This material is easy to use, and its protective coating can withstand moderate impacts and friction. Wide resort to it bars and restaurants for the creation of authentic interiors. It is also convenient for home use. Advantages of the panels include:
- Duration of operation - up to 15 years without loss of performance.
- Possibility to hide surface irregularities or communication systems with minimal temporary investments.
- Light weight and a small thickness of the material allow it to be applied even for the finishing of gypsum plasterboard partitions.
- Easy handling of material (cut with a conventional knife) and easy installation.
- Resistance to high humidity, fungus, mold.
- A variety of designs, a large number of color shades, a variety of textures, no need for finish staining.
There are also a small drawback in the wall panels - they can crack if they have a significant mechanical effect.
According to the basic material, the panels are distinguished by:
- PVC panels are safe lightweight decorative panels that are glued to the surface.
- MDF panels are made of wood shavings. Such panels have high operational parameters: resistance to wear, thermal insulation properties and durability.
- Panels made of fiberglass concrete - a modern material, which is a mixture of quartz sand, white cement and reinforcing fiberglass. This is a modern flexible, lightweight, eco-friendly, high-resistant, fire-resistant, moisture-proof, soundproof material that does not lend itself to corrosion and chemical influences. Glass fiber reinforced concrete is highly resistant to impact, bending, stretching and compression.
Advantages and disadvantages
When choosing a tile to create an interior decorative masonry, you must carefully read the technical characteristics of the finishing material. For example, for the device of a kitchen apron it is necessary to choose a moisture-resistant material with a surface convenient for maintenance. The use of gypsum tiles for these purposes will create certain difficulties. The same applies to the use of tiles in the bathroom.
The time factor of the editing when choosing the material also plays a big role. Easier and faster to make a brick decor of soft tiles or with the use of wall panels. It will take more time to work with rigid tiles. Due to some complexity of editing, it is better to invite a professional in some cases.
An important role is played by the price factor - gypsum or cement tile will become more cost-effective solution, but clinker is quite expensive material.
In general, decorative tiles for brick make it possible to create a durable beautiful interior in modern and classical styles, it will look original and noble and will last as long as possible.
Tiles with your own hands
Some craftsmen prefer to make tiles for decoration with their own hands, creating their own unique textures. This process is not particularly complicated and does not require the use of high-tech equipment.
Of expanded polystyrene
Bricks of foam plastic - an easy option to transform the interior of your home. For the production of bricks is taken fine-grained foam, which is cut to the size of traditional bricks - 25 by 12 cm. In case if the walls are perfectly aligned, you can glue the bricks directly on them. If there is no desire to engage in leveling the walls, you can make a panel-base from the GKL or plywood.
Bricks are glued to PVA on a primed wall or foundation with a gap simulating a natural masonry of 10-15 mm. Cracks and potholes for imitation of naturalness are applied with a usual soldering iron or knife (spatula, any sharp object). The base is glued to the wall. After this, you can start painting the bricks with acrylic paints. You need to paint in several layers, starting with darker shades and ending with lighter ones. Painting is better done from cans.
Tiles using stencil
Imitation for a brick can be done using a stencil made of plastic or rubber. To simplify the work, you can purchase a ready-made stencil from the well-known manufacturer of dry plaster and adhesive mixtures Ceresit. The manufacturer offers a whole line of stencils imitating brickwork in London, Boston brickwork, etc. The surface of the stencil repeats the texture of the brick wall.
Work should be carried out on a freshly laid, not yet grasped plaster. The stencil is slightly moistened with water and pressed against the wall. After you remove the stencil, you will immediately see the imprint of the brick wall. Stencil on one level line is moved along the wall. Align and correct imitation masonry need hands, not tools. This creates an imitation of natural texture.
After the solution has dried with a scraper a little more clearly the boundaries of the bricks. Then, brush the garbage from the masonry and proceed to painting.
From gypsum and silicone molds
For the production of tiles for brick from gypsum, you can certainly use purchased silicone or polyurethane molds, but the prices for them can leave anyone in confusion. However, if the question is about the design of a small square brick insert, you can buy one form, usually 8 bricks, and consistently produce the required number of bricks. If you plan to design an entire apartment in loft style, for example, or, at least, decorate a pair of walls in a brick style, it will be easier to cast several forms with your own hands and quickly make with them the right number of bricks.
For the manufacture of silicone molds, a large shield made of chipboard with sides from the aluminum corner to the size of the future shape and decorative bricks will be required. Bricks need to be glued on the shield with a shift or exactly depending on what kind of masonry you want to get as a result, observing the smoothness of the interlining joints in size from 3 mm to 5 mm. Bricks need to be glued tightly, over the entire surface, so that the polyurethane does not get stuck under them. After that, the entire surface is treated with a release lubricant.
Polyurethane is mixed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. The best hardness polyurethane for these purposes is 40 Shore. The first layer of polyurethane is smeared with a brush, and after a couple of minutes polyurethane can be poured on the surface. Dry polyurethane should be a day, after which you can get it and put it for another 5 days, so that it rests. After that you can start working with it.
The simplest gypsum mixture for making bricks:
- 6 pieces of gypsum;
- 1 part of slaked lime;
- water at the rate of 1 to 0.7;
- color.
Ideal for you to have a shaker. With it, air bubbles will be removed from the solution. If the vibrating table is not present, plaster in each form must be pierced by any pin with the same purposes. After 20 minutes, the gypsum is already seized and can be pulled out gently from the mold. To dry the bricks must still day.
Relief of brickwork with plaster and paint tape
This, perhaps, is the simplest method of creating a simulation of brickwork and does not require special investment. For plastering the walls, you can use already prepared dry mixes, mixing in a proportion of 1 to 1 plaster and glue cement mixture. To increase the plasticity of the solution, add 5 kg of 1 tbsp to it. Fairy cleanser.
To build a masonry on the wall, a painting tape with a width of 14 mm is best. To simplify the work, the surface of the wall can be preliminarily drawn with a pencil. The distance between the lines is calculated by the size of the bricks and the dimensions of the interlining seams. On the drawn lines the adhesive tape is glued in such a way that the edges of the horizontal stripes go outside the wall to be decorated, and the vertical strips must always be pasted over the horizontal ones. That the traces of a pencil were not visible on a laying, it is better to glue the adhesive tape over the lines and slightly to the side. The scotch needs to be tightly smoothed to the wall and check that it is firmly glued together.
Now on the wall on top of the scotch, apply the prepared mortar with a spatula layer of 5-6 mm thick. If you apply a thicker layer, you will then have to spend time on additional grouting. If the mixture is pre-cut, no staining is required. According to the applied solution, you can walk with your hand in a wet rubber glove to create a surface texture.
After the solution has grasped, but has not yet solidified definitively, it is possible to remove a grid of scotch. Adhesive tape, moving from top to bottom, it is removed together with the plaster applied to it. After the plaster dries a little more, you can use a spatula to straighten out the contours of the bricks. Small dings and scratches will only add naturalness and naturalness to the clutch.
If further staining is planned, the dried wall will need to be primed. If the tile is already painted in mass, it will be enough to cover it with varnish for decorative coatings. Style solutions
Read also: Decorative wall decoration: types of facing +75 photoDecorative masonry, imitating brick, not only does not create a heavy load on the walls, but also allows you to decorate the interior, both in classical (English style, retro), in country (country, provence), and in modern (Scandinavian, loft, industrial) styles. Let's look at some examples.
Брутальная фактура кирпича стала буквально визитной карточкой современного стиля Loft. В таком интерьере она будет смотреться к месту в любой комнате — в гостиной, в спальне, на кухне и прихожей. Как правило, в лофте кирпичной кладкой оформляется одна стена — акцентная. Цвет кладки может соответствовать вкусовым предпочтениям хозяев — светлая, белая, светло-серая кладка будет способствовать визуальному расширению пространства, в то время как насыщенные цвета — кирпичный, коричневый и даже черный допустимы только в просторных квартирах.
Loft отлично сочетается с современной мебелью и с яркими цветами. Его основные компаньоны — металл, дерево и стекло. Для создания стильного интерьера можно 3 оставшиеся стены покрасить в белый цвет. Как представитель минималистичного движения, лофт не приемлет мелкого захламляющего декора. Окна в этом стиле можно ничем не занавешивать, а на первых этажах будут хорошо смотреться жалюзи. Деревянные полы добавят помещению уюта.
In the kitchen a zest in the loft style will add a kitchen apron made in brickwork technique. However, you can also make the working wall a brick to the ceiling.
In the style of country brick as a single background wall will look perfect in the kitchen. Rooms are often decorated with brick inserts - along arches, doorways. the main feature of the country style is its lightness, ease and simplicity. And it is very important not to break this harmony with a heavy brick.
However, if the room has a place for a fireplace, then a brick wall near it will add a zest to the interior. Small brick inserts will perfectly match the unpretentious small-color print on wallpaper and textiles. The main companion of country style is wood. Wooden floors and rough furniture will give real rustic style to the interior.
Gothic — достаточно редкий, преимущественно молодежный стиль, оформленный в мрачноватых тонах. Естественно, что кирпичная кладка для этого стиля будет черного цвета. Gothic стиль изящный, умудряющийся соединить романтизм с нарочитой суровостью. Поэтому соседствовать с грубоватой кирпичной кладкой может и изящная хрустальная люстра в гостиной, и белоснежная кровать в спальне с балдахином. Текстиль в готике должен быть тяжелым, живопись настоящей, а мебель деревянной. Допустимо использовать в элементах оформления ковку.
Minimalism — один из самых трендовых стилей современности. Минимум деталей, декора — больше сдержанности, строгости и лаконичности. Основной цвет в минимализме — белый, впрочем, допускаются цветовые акценты. Однако лучше впишется в стиль именно белая кирпичная стена. В дуэте с ней будут хорошо смотреться белые обои с черным ненавязчивым принтом и деревянный пол. Впрочем, дружит минимализм и с графитовым серым, в который также можно оформить кирпичную кладку. Грубоватой вязки ковер, лаконичная геометрически выверенная мебель, жалюзи на окнах — обычно этого бывает достаточно. Действуйте по принципу лучше меньше, да лучше.
Types of masonry
Decorative masonry is achieved by various ways of laying and bandaging the brick, using bricks of different shapes and colors. The simplest and most common way to create a decorative wall is straight laying: due to the thickness of the seam and its color, smooth, colored, off-textured surface. Due to these elements, you can create a unique look. What are the most known types of masonry:
- single row;
- multi-row;
- one-row by one third;
- American hedge;
- English dressing;
- Old Russian masonry;
- Simple with the sixth row of pegs;
- Flemish spiral and Flemish cross, diagonal;
- tree;
- braid;
- diagonal single-row dressing.
Bavarian masonry is usually called a technique when bricks of different colors are stacked. Classical Bavarian masonry is made from 4 shades of brick of one or different texture.
Brickwork is a trendy trend in the interior, which is literally friendly with all trends. She looks good in industrial and rural styles, in shocking Gothic and modest minimalism, in aristocratic classics and in the new-fashioned faded cheby-chic. Make the house brickwork is easy and does not require large investments. But the efforts expended will pay off a hundredfold and attention to your zest of guests at home.